So, is there a Carrara 9 coming at all?

Just curious. No one has said anything so I'm assuming it's a wrap.
Title edited since it is a question, not a statement.
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
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Just curious. No one has said anything so I'm assuming it's a wrap.
Title edited since it is a question, not a statement.
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I bet no one officially on Daz's staff replies. The rest of us guess, but don't know.
- My guess is that there will not be a Carrara 9. Of course, I also guessed that there would not be a Carrara 8.
- My guess is that Carrara will not be sold to another software company. Of course, I guessed that Carrara would not be sold before it was sold to Daz.
- My guess is that Carrara will not be upgraded to use Genesis 3 figures, or HD morphs, or geografts. Of course, I guessed that Carrara would not get soft body physics or genesis 1&2 compatibility.
I have more guesses, but I think the point is established.
In any case, you can call the assertion that there will be no Carrara 9 a wrap if you want to, but I would call it just another of my guesses.
Good point. But it's been so long since anything has been mentioned or anything has be sent as a update to the current one. One of the only reasons I've remained a PC member is because of Carrara, so I'm just wondering what's up with it.
Yeah, you've asked a reasonable question. My bet that no one on Daz's payroll will provide an official answer is also just one of my guesses. For what it is worth, there was a post in another forum area in which there was some Daz officials' comments of attempts to get Genesis 3 in Carrara, which meant someone was working with the code in some way. Nothing official since, to my knowledge.
Rob Whisenant made at least one post on Carrara development in one of the threads on DS 4.9, specifically about compatibility with the new features in recent versions of DS and the Daz figures, so work is going on. Whether it will be an 8.x, 9.0, or a Microsoft-style skip to 10 was not stated. I am going to edit the title of this thread since it is presenting an apparently false assumption as fact.
As Diomede mentioned,. we were informed that he developers were adding G3 support,.
that's actually a lot trickier than it sounds,. since genesis 3 uses a different type of weight's and bone structure,. which has to be added without effecting any existing stuff.
I'm still occasionally jumping into Carrara 6 or 7 to quickly model something or create shaders while other versions of carrara are busy,. so even if thee was no further development to C8.5,. it's not going to stop working and being a really powerful 3D suite,.
also,. I'm quite happy to pay for an update every few years,. rather than a monthly, annual or seat license
Here is some related discussion. It dates to November 2015. Make of it what you will. (for more context, see the link to the thread at bottom)
"Jon isn't in a position to make "promises" on behalf of the Software Dev team. Jon [and "Rawb"—also known as "other Rob"] are Web Dev guys. The technical side of Daz Connect (i.e. figuring out how it will work, and then making it work) is a joint effort between the Web Dev and Software Dev teams, at the behest of executive management. The policy side of Daz Connect (i.e. deciding whether it exists at all, and when/what it is applied to) is up to Marketing and executive management.
Is Genesis 3 support being worked on for Carrara? Yes, it is. Will I give you a date on when a build that has Genesis 3 support is going to be publicly available? Sorry, I will not—not yet anyway.
I will say that support for dual quaternion skinning (a prerequisite for Genesis 3 support, and quite useful in its own right) has been implemented and has been with the Private Build testers for several weeks now. Feedback on the feature(s) thus far has been positive. I will also say that earlier this month the Private Build testers were asked what they thought about releasing a build with the dual quaternion skinning support. The responses we got basically boiled down to it not being enough to make much of a difference in the current climate. We [reluctantly] agree, and so decided to hold the feature until Genesis 3 support could be implemented.
And on that note, recently the Private Build testers were given a build that provides their first look at Genesis 3 support. Initial reactions have been positive, however there are a few things that we knew were not working correctly before we gave them the build. We are looking for [and getting] feedback from that team to help us suss out where the other problems are.
As for the question of Daz Connect support in Carrara... It is still a bit too early to commit. I know that is probably not what you want to read/hear, but that is all I can really say about it right now. There are still some things to be ironed out, and dealing with those things in two very complex applications at the same time—particularly with a team that runs on the lean side anyway—would be very unwise. Daz Studio is the proving grounds for Daz Connect integration.
I wish that DAZ would give us a straight answer on the fate of Carrara and cut the passive aggressive crap. They're acting like the girlfriend who becomes cold and aloof hoping that the boyfriend is the one that makes the overture to break off the relationship.
If you edit it, take the "huh" out at the end, because now it just sounds weird. LOL, but it was really more of a question than a statement, as my post suggested.
I'm gonna hang on because I love Carrara and use it with my short film productions. Just would love to use a newer version at some point. :)
Absolutely! And the PC membership still gets us some really cool gear at nearly free prices! ;)
Personally, I'm optimistic. Our user base is growing, I think, and that in and of itself has to say something.
Really? As you know, I'm a staunch Carrara user and always will be. But I see no evidence of the user base growing. On the contrary, I see virtually no new Carrara products and even the Poser format products (almost always seamlessly loaded in Carrara) disappearing, at least here at DAZ. But I wish you were right ....
Really? I've been absent (beyond my control) from the forum for some time until just recently. I've answered more than a few new-user questions in those little periods I'd find to visit, and there have been more since. New names... I love seeing new Carrara users show up!
Great! I hope I'm wrong.
You'll see...
I believe that there will be a version of Carrara which will support Genesis 3 figures. Although it is taking an awfully long time, and Daz are missing out on lots of sales of product in the meantime.
I would not anticipate any other enhancements other than Genesis 3 support, I wish there would be but I am not hopeful, and given the current rate of development, the sun may have gone nova before anything happens.
Having said that, Carrara remains a hugely powerful 3D suite that can do most things pretty well, and the addition of things like Octane and VWD have, for me at least, extended the useful life of my favourite 3d package. Until something comes along that offers something better, and I can't think of any that meets my needs right now, then Carrara will be central to my 3D work for years to come.
Phil -
Your demo of Virtual World Dynamics is pretty impressive:
wise words, but the carrara render engine isn't so bad after all's the Carrara render engine that still makes Carrara my favorite of all! Well... and a bunch of other things.
If I should list what I need and wish in carrara 9, the first 2 I can think of are morph export within fbx format (especially to houdini or 3ds max) and a good facial animation tool (unless DS is going to do the job in our place). All the rest can be easily deferred
My wish for Carrara 9 has been revised. I now wish Carrara 9 to be given it's own development team. As it stands, it seems/feels like DAZ is trying to make Carrara a "plugin for rendering all the stuff you can buy from us"...well, they were anyway. That is now firmly into the ball park of DAZ Studio. So...where does that leave Carrara? Development hell. :(
Carrara has MASSIVE potential...but DAZ seems to be content with just letting it rot in the corner. C'mon DAZ! Either put a full team effort into making it the best you can...or sell the f'ing thing to someone else who will!
Paul L. Ming
feature request
would like bigger library thumbnails
undock/float library pane and storyboard to panes for 3 monitor setup
would like an offset slider for softbody collisions to collide a smidge before hitting the vert
some kind of pre-draping before the first frame
uv mapping to be a lil easier to understand lol >.<
You know you can vary the collision distance, right?
It's not a professional attitude for a company not answering a direct question. Hey Daz?
It's actually fairly typical of professional companies not to answer questions about forthcoming releases.
Fair, but as its been too long people just want to now if there will ever be a new version. I'm not trying to be rude, just need a heads up.
I think that most of us who have been on the forum for a while know that the Carrara 9 question will never be satisfactorily answered.
So I'll ask an OT question that may actually have an answer: Why is barbmsu's post count not incrementing? It seems to be staying at zero. I saw another user with a zero post count earlier, but didn't think too mush of it until I saw this one also.
Something for Richard to check out perhaps?
EDIT: The other user name was "None", had around 135 posts but his post count is zero. However, he has not posted since 2013.
Post count might start to increment now - if not, I have no idea how to fix it.
If an older member has not posted since the software was changed, then that is why he has no post count. Post counts carried over for active members, but apparently no for inactive ones, for some strange reason.
Then that would explain user "None" having a count of zero.
We'll have to wait and see if Richard fixed the other.
Just thought it was curious.