Things you may not know about Genesis and DAZ Studio 4

DAZ_bfurnerDAZ_bfurner Posts: 62
edited December 1969 in New Users

The public release of DAZ Studio 4 Advanced and Pro with Genesis is here. There are a number of things you may want to know about this latest advance in DAZ 3D technology. In the thread below, we will highlight a few of the many outstanding features of Genesis and DAZ Studio 4 as included in DAZ Studio 4 Advanced and Pro.

Genesis Features
For example,

Did you know that Genesis is the ultimate customizable figure?
Genesis allows you to start from a base figure and create the widest variety of custom shapes imaginable.
You can blend any or all of the Genesis shapes in an endless variety of proportions to create just the look and shape you desire.
You can customize and change the shape of the body, face, ears, nose, hands, feet... not by tediously modeling them, but just by dragging morph sliders to your heart's content.

See a video here: Introducing DAZ 3D's Genesis Figure

Did you know that Genesis has optimized skin textures?
Genesis allows you to use a wide variety of skin textures to adjust for different shapes. For example, if you change the head shape to a dog's head on a regular figure, the textures would stretch and smear. With Genesis, the content creators who created the dog shape can add a custom skin texture with alternate UV's as a "smart-preset" which will fix all the stretching and smearing automatically.

See a video here: DAZ Studio 4 Optimized Skin Textures

Did you know that Genesis has more realistic joints than any previous DAZ 3D figure?
Anyone who has used a 3D model has seen elbows, knees, and shoulders that look flat, wrinkled, or oddly bulged when you try to pose the figure.
The Genesis figure uses something called the "Tri-Ax" weight map system that allows the mesh to bend and shape correctly even when you use extreme poses. While extreme shapes is nothing new, the ability for a single joint setup to work with extreme shapes and handle changes in body proportions without being manually adjusted is entirely new.

See a video here: Genesis Figure - Better Rigging

Did you know that Genesis employs Sub-Division Surfaces?
This means that your figure looks great no matter how close the camera in the view port is to your figure. The closer the camera gets, the smoother the skin gets allowing you to make perfectly smooth renders. Not only that, but the Genesis sub-division surface technology allows you to add more figures into your scene without bogging down your machine when the figures are further from the camera and require less detail.

Did you know that Genesis has automatic clothing fits?
For the first time ever, Genesis allows you to use your 3D clothing on all the shapes you buy or create. Other figures required that you buy new clothing or fits for every new shape that comes along. Now, you can buy an outfit made for Genesis as a faerie dress and that dress will automatically fit other Genesis shapes that come out or that you create by blending the shapes you have.

Did you know that Genesis enables morph sharing?
Genesis lets you share morphs among all your favorite figure shapes. Morphs allow you to change the base shape in one way or another. If you have a set of facial expression morphs, you can use those same expressions on all the different Genesis figures that you buy buy or create.

DAZ Studio 4 Features

Did you know that DAZ Studio 4 has "Smart Content?"
All the new content being developed for Genesis and beyond shows up in the Smart Content tab and is based on what you have selected in the view port. So if you have the shirt on the figure selected, you can see all the textures/materials available. You don't have to look all over the run-times any more.

See a video here: DAZ Studio 4 Smart Content

Did you know that DAZ Studio 4 has "Search Filters?"
Many of the new tabs have "Search Filters which means for example, that you can enter "arm" in the shape tab filter to see all the arm morphs available. You just have to select the figure in the view port and in the Editor select All. You can also search for content this way. By typing in the filter field the name of a product or even a partial name, the tool will search and present what it finds.

See a video here: DAZ Studio 4 - Filter Tool or Search help

Did you know that DAZ Studio 4 shows me all of the morphs that are "Currently Used?"
DAZ Studio 4 shows you at a glance all the morphs applied to your figure. If you want to dial back some specific morphs, you don't have to go looking through the long list of dials to find the one that matters. You simply check the "Currently Used" list in both the Shaping and Parameters Tab. This saves you a lot of time and frustration fine tuning your figures.

See a video here: DAZ Studio 4 - Currently Used List

Did you know that DAZ Studio has Smoothing and Collision Detection?
DAZ Studio 4 has tools to help fit hard-to-fit clothing items to a figure. If a clothing item doesn't fit perfectly to a Genesis shape or even a previous generation figure, you can use Smoothing and/or Collision Detection to better fit the item to the figure. You don't have to worry about re-modeling or simply not being able to use the item. Just another tool that makes DAZ Studio 4 so versatile and to help you be more productive.



  • AlfawulfAlfawulf Posts: 174

    "If a clothing item doesn't fit perfectly to a Genesis shape or even a previous generation figure, you can use Smoothing and/or Collision Detection to better fit the item to the figure. You don't have to worry about re-modeling or simply not being able to use the item. Just another tool that makes DAZ Studio 4 so versatile and to help you be more productive."

    how this??


  • Edit>Figure>Geometry>Apply Smothing Modifier

  • hello again i recently saw a video tutorial in the daz store on sale but didnt know if anyone would already know the answer or not. g3 males don't have a walk cycle or seem to work with the animation conversation to simuliate there walking copied by g2 to g3 males just female g3 and g2. it would be nice to see g3 male's be able to walk in daz studio 4.9 ? if it is a posssiblitie a proper walk cycle might work .

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634
    edited May 2016

    Regarding G3 male walk cycle... I couldn't find one here at Daz. I will bet that someone has done one before. Below are links for DAZ Studio walk cycles. The first has a lot of links to help and tutorials. The second link following is talk about a few things to know which may not be covered elsewhere.

    The better way would be to create the walk cycles yourself of course. :)
    Below is a very good link to a video which mentions a few basic things to know about walk cycles. Even though it's shown in 2d it's also applies to 3d as well.

    Post edited by wgdjohn on
  • I have a compatability question. I already looked on the compatability chart at but it is not there. i found an outfit for Genesis that I want to use the kids 4. Will the auto fit feature allow me to apply it to the character?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    I have a compatability question. I already looked on the compatability chart at but it is not there. i found an outfit for Genesis that I want to use the kids 4. Will the auto fit feature allow me to apply it to the character?

    No, autofit only works for converting clothing TO a weight-mapped figure.

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    Can a non-weight mappped figure be changed to weight mapped?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    wgdjohn said:

    Can a non-weight mappped figure be changed to weight mapped?

    Yes, although you'd probably need to adjust the weight-maps, so you'd be re-rigging either way.

  • Where do I find this Genesis character in DS4?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,885

    Where do I find this Genesis character in DS4?

    Did you install Genesis Starter Essentials?

  • What do I need to buy if I have Genesis, Gen 1 and Gen 2 already to achieve Gen 3?? Just the morphs?  Do all the generation 7 base characters use Gen3 now?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    The Generation 5 characters are all based off Genesis 1, Generation 6 off of Genesis 2, and Generation 7 off of Genesis 3.  The Genesis 3 base figures are free and are in your Product Library here: (or can be downloaded through Daz Install Manager).

  • I have fallen in love with Gianni 6 but I am having trouble getting him to load.  I downloaded the latest version of DS 4.9 and I installed Gianni 6 and he will not load and I can't even find him in the content library.  I have been using DS for a number of years and I can't believe I can't even find Gianni 6.



  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    How did you install him?  Is this the general release DS4.9 or the Public Beta?

  • I was using the public beta but I recently downloaded the most recent version of DS 4.9.  It is still not loading.  Can't even find it.  Seems so strange.  It should not be this hard to load a simple ds character, Gianni 6.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    What is the exact path to where he's installed?  Are you having trouble locating other G2M characters, or the G2M base?

  • Yes.  I am.  It was working where I could load Michael 6 but now, he's not loading either.  Scareeeee.  When I installed DS 3, it installed 3 and 4 and so it's like ...

    C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio3\Content

    C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\Content

    Please help.  Michael 6 and Gianni 6 is not materializing in daz studio and now I am getting the same error message.  Here's what the error message is saying:  Files not found: data/daz 3d/genesis 2/male/genesis2male.dsf.

    The software is not working the way it used to ... it would normally load (DS4) with a stick figure in the scene and it is not doing that now either.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Unless you're still using XP, installing content under the Program Files hierarchy will cause this sort of problem -- Windows protects those folders by moving files into a Virtual Store, so DS can't find them.

  • epeachesepeaches Posts: 22
    edited October 2016

    I don't know of any other way to do it.  I finally got M6 and G6 to appear but they don't look like the muscular men that they are, they look like teenagers or kids and they don't have their muscular morpths and I know M6 was not looking like that.  I hope you can see the picture I am attaching.  What a dissappointment.


    [Image removed for nudity]

    Post edited by fixmypcmike on
  • The default content directories are in your Public Documents (for DIM) and your user documents folders - if yours are set to the application folder that's because you overrode the defaults at some point.

  • NubieNubie Posts: 59

    Hi. Can someone please explain the "Deprecated" options at the bottom of the Content Library save function? How do its options differ from the regular ones?  Thank you.

  • The deprecated formats are scripts - they have the beenfit that they can be hacked in more ways than the DSON files, but snce they have a lot of the actual logic in the preset (compared to the pure data DSON files) they are at greater risk of being rendered ineffective or of retaining legacy bugs that can be fixed in the internal data handling code used to load a DSON file.

  • Dsa is very useful. I use it to save shape and pose settings together
  • SF-Design said:
    Dsa is very useful. I use it to save shape and pose settings together

    A Properties preset should be able to do that - you have to use the check-boxes in the tabs to enable the types of data you want to include.

  • pwiecekpwiecek Posts: 1,582

    Did you know that Genesis is the ultimate customizable figure?

    If this is the case, why is there a Genesis 2 and a Genesis 3?

  • pwiecek said:

    Did you know that Genesis is the ultimate customizable figure?

    If this is the case, why is there a Genesis 2 and a Genesis 3?

    It went from Ne Plus Ultra to Plus Ultra - not unprecedented.

  • yga44_529d2bf79dyga44_529d2bf79d Posts: 4
    edited December 2016

    How to find "Head" in the Scene Tab?

    Post edited by yga44_529d2bf79d on
  • yga44_529d2bf79dyga44_529d2bf79d Posts: 4
    edited December 2016

    Why is "Head" located in "Hip" branch of the Scene Tab Tree?

    I used "Filter" and found "Head" in "Hip" branch of the Scene Tab Tree!

    Post edited by yga44_529d2bf79d on
  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,114

    Why is "Head" located in "Hip" branch of the Scene Tab Tree?

    I used "Filter" and found "Head" in "Hip" branch of the Scene Tab Tree!

    The hip is the base of everything.  All the lower body parts, pelvis, thighs, etc, branch off the hip downwards, while all the upper body, abdomen, chest, neck, head, branch off upwards.

  • A tree structure or tree diagram is a way of representing the hierarchical nature of a structure in a graphical form.
    "Head" is not "child" of "Hip"!

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