Luxrender - make movie?

Hi there
Can anyone explain to me how I can render a seqence of images with Luxrender. I can render one image from Carrara, but if I try to render a movie, it does not work...
Br, Dl
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Hi there
Can anyone explain to me how I can render a seqence of images with Luxrender. I can render one image from Carrara, but if I try to render a movie, it does not work...
Br, Dl
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Try using the newer beta of LUXCORE
See this thread
and see this article at Carraracafe.
Thank you.
I still don't get it though.
If I turn to 'movie' in the file format settings in Carrara, all I get when rendering is a movie with yellow squares.
If I render 'Current Frame', Luxrender launches and starts rendering....
What to do?
Br, Dl
I don't use Luxrender just luxcore if you look at the carrara cafe document it gives you settings for luxcore. Luxcore beta is free as per the first link.
Are you using lux shaders or normal Carrara shaders?
Are you using the lux lights?
I know a few others here have used iluxcore more than I.
It's not about shaders og light - it renders fine when it's just a single image. It just doesn't work when trying to render a movie. It's as if Luxrender never starts...
I don't quite understand what Luxcore is?
Luxcore is the next step forward from luxrender. It is currently in beta testing so Spheric Labs has it time out every couple of months while it is being worked on.
Go to the first thread and go to this post
Download the files and place them where indicated. In my case C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\Carrara8.5\Extensions.
That will install it then follow the instructions on carrara Cafe and in the above linked thread.
Thank you! It makes sense now.
Unfortunately, I am on osx and it seems there is only a version for Windows at this time...
Br, Dl
Slightly more complicated to do animation in the old Luxus, than the new LuxusCore, but if you are on a Mac, then Luxus is the only option.
Luxus only saves one file per frame of the animation, then you need to manually open the files in the Queue page of Luxrender, which renders an image of each file in the same folder.
1. First you MUST set ONE of these settings, otherwise the first frame will render forever: Render Room/Rendering/Film Options:
-Halttime: 60 (means 60 seconds of rendering per frame)
-Halt SPP: 100 (means 100 samples per pixel, maybe overkill for an animation)
2. Setup Carrara for animation rendering (Movie, frame rate... assume you know this)
3. Check "Choose path" in the Rendering page in Carrara/Render room/Render/Rendering, to make sure that you know where the *.lxs files get saved
4. Press Render. Done. Super quick since only files are saved, no rendering
5. Load Luxrender and go to the Queue page and press "+" to load all the *.lxs files.
6. Watch Luxrender do its thing, all images should be saved in the same folder
7. Enjoy!
/EDIT: Added info at CarraraCafe here, since we missed to add it to the unofficial manual:
Ahhhh! That makes sense! Thanks a lot!
added to the unofficial manual, download here: