How do I make an .rsr not an .rsr?

So, I've got a bunch of stuff from waaaay back when, and it's been missing the MATs for longer than I care to think about. Well, I just realised that it's because there's stuff in that stack that's got the MATs saved as rsr files. How do I make those into something actually useful? I'd just hand-load the textures and save new dsa files, but I'm missing things like displacement min/max and specular colour, so I'd rather fish out the old data, if possible, before I try that.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,168
    edited December 1969

    .rsr is a tumbnail file, repalced by PNGs now, not the settings file.

  • edited December 1969

    Well, crap. I guess I'm still missing the MATs, then. Back to digging through stuff. Thanks!

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,168
    edited December 1969

    Exactly what files do you have? Is this a freebie or a store product?

  • MargyThunderstormMargyThunderstorm Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    To change the rsr files into png files, you can use this program:

  • edited May 2012

    Exactly what files do you have? Is this a freebie or a store product?

    I wish I knew... My content database decided to eat itself, and I'm still trying to put everything back. Unfortunately, this means that due to poor labelling on the part of some creators, I really don't know what products I'm looking at or where they came from. I mean, obviously, most stuff is pretty easy to figure out, but there's some things that are so old, I can't figure out who made them, what they might be part of, or where to look for what else goes with them. *shrugs* When I spotted the RSRs in my Runtime, I got excited, thinking that I'd found the MATs for something, but apparently I've found the misplaced thumbnails for the still misplaced MATs... for ... something.

    To change the rsr files into png files, you can use this program:

    Thanks! That'll at least help me figure out which thumbnails those are, and maybe where they're actually supposed to go. I know I didn't unpack some stuff properly, way back when, which is also part of this problem.

    Post edited by thinmick_3ecd3939f1 on
  • WitchStormWitchStorm Posts: 186
    edited December 1969

    To change the rsr files into png files, you can use this program:

    Thanks for the link. I so needed this.

  • MargyThunderstormMargyThunderstorm Posts: 56
    edited December 1969

    You're welcome. :)

  • HaruchaiHaruchai Posts: 1,973
    edited December 1969

    For anyone using ShaderWorks Library Manager 2 in Poser there is an option to have any rsr automatically converted to png. It will even automatically delete the rsr after the conversion. Saves me a lot of time manually converting that I used to do witth above app.

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