Old Comp. Died Need advise to re-install Carrara 8

As the title says....I've beed dead for 2-1/2 weeks now waiting for a new computer.
Well, now It is here and I am slooowly learning Windows 10 (old comp was xp 32bit)
My only questions (for now) are: can I just download the 64 bit version of Carrara for windows and install to c/ program files and use my old 32 bit version serial # ?
also, do I need DAZ studio & the install mangler?
I would prefer to just install Carrara, & possibly some of the characters that were included in my previous purchase.
Kinda learning to walk again here with Win 10, so any help would be appreciated.
Long since I've installed a 32Bit-Carrara, but if you have Carrara Pro I guess it should work with the s/n (just looked at my account serial numbers: only one for every Pro since 6).
Windows 10 is no problem for Carrara, but if you have a SSD and a normal hard disk I would consider to install Carrara on the normal hard disk, because of the lots of stuff going into the subfolder of the Carrara-install (same for all the My-stuff, presets, shaders etc. which can become quite large depending on your workflow).
I don't think you need Studio and DIM in Carrara 8. I have both of them installed, but as I don't use the Content Management Database in Carrara 8 I guess it's safe to not install them. (Don't know about C 8.5 and Genesis1 and 2; I use C
Win 10 is in regard to Carrara for me the same like in XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8 and 8.1 - oh I'm not sure I ever had a higher Carrara version than the beginner's edition on XP, but the real thing on all other Windows iterations.
This Comp. does have a SSD and a normal HDD. The operating system is pre-installed on the SSD.
With that...It gives me a bit of confusion on how Carrara can be installed in the program files since they are on the SSD.....I'm guessing it doesn't really matter where it is installed, as long as I have a Carrara folder in the HDD, and easy access from my start menu ?
Is that version of Carrara 8 a standard or Pro version?
Carrara 8 and above had a 64 bit version, but it was Pro only. The Standard version was 32 bit, but if you bought Pro, and only had a 32 bit machine, you could enter the Pro serial number in the Standard 32 bit version and it would un-lock the Pro features.
I would think that if you have access to a 64 bit Pro version to download, then the serial number you entered into the 32 bit version must have been the Pro serial number. You could check in your DAZ 3D account to see what serial numbers you have listed as available. If they differ, then use the one for the 64 bit version.
Besides the 64 bit version of Carrara being a Pro only feature, if the 32 bit version was also Pro, you would have had access to the Ocean primitive, and in the render room you would have had the Multi-Pass render passes available, as well (I think) as the Vector Motion Blur, more tools in the VM, and a bunch more import and export options. If you had any of those in your 32 bit version of Carrara, then you had entered the Pro serial number.
Yes the prior version was Pro 32 bit....just didn't know if the old serial # would work on the 64 bit pro version.
Check your Serial Numbers page; I have two numbers for Pro and Standard. You probably have it listed as just 8, but that number should work for all versions up to 8.5 (new numbers are only released for major point upgrades).
HI McGuiver :)
good to see you
As mentioned,. check your Account page,. serial numbers shold all be listed there.
As the SSD isn't so big usually (if you have a 1TB-SSD then size doesn't matter) I installed Carrara on a different partition on the HDD, because my Carrara-directory with all the sub-dirs of presets, scenes, textures etc. is 15GB and My Library is 4GB. Would take away a big chunk of my 128GB SSD. I've never tried to put the presets anywhere else than the application-directory, so I can not say if and how this works.
Usually it's better to install programs in the Program Files-Directory, because you need admin-privileges to change something in this part, but for me the Carrara-stuff was too big. So I have a big partition with drive-letter J, where all my runtimes, projects and Carrara reside. And even on the HDD Carrara takes under 15 secs to start.
Direct answer to you question: no, it doesn't really matter.