Carrara in the DAZ Galleries

bytescapesbytescapes Posts: 1,854
edited April 2016 in Carrara Discussion

With the current uncertainty about the future of Carrara (we know that new Carrara features are still being worked on, but no one outside DAZ has any idea if or when this effort will result in a new version), I thought it would be good if there were some way that the loyal Carrara community could demonstrate just how much enthusiasm there still is for this fine software. And it occurred to me that it might be possible to search the DAZ Galleries for images made with Carrara.

Lo and behold ... it works. And I think the results are pretty impressive: lots of amazing work there, and an impressive range of styles and themes.

So if you upload your images to the DAZ Gallery, don't forget to include Carrara in the list of products used, so that everyone can see what you can do with it.

Post edited by bytescapes on


  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945

    I did'nt know the existence of this gallery, very funny because I often can give a name of artist on the images before open them.

    All really cool works, if I was an artist, I should post there.

    Thanks for the tip !

  • There's is some really neat work in there!

    I couldn't tell what was DS or Carrara or whatever but still, very cool.

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