Interface Tools?

I have some knowledge about Carrara. I am considering purchasing this software in the next few months. Could anyone please tell me, about the interface of tools? I would like to know if it has simliar tools such as a mountain terrian to sculpt mountains like in Bryce and Vue?
yep it's pretty good, maybe Bryce is better? dont know
but I can tell you it renders much faster than Bryce.... zzz
here;s something to watch
and something to read
and soemthing to look at
If you would like to try it before buying it there is a 30 trial available.
Look at this thread for mor info on Carrara
You can download a 30 day Trial version of Carrara from ..
it functions as the "Full" Pro version , no limits or restrictions,. for 30 days
The terrain editorr can have multiple layers of terrain filters and generators applied to it,. which can be converted to an image,. which you could use as the base level,, to add more generators and filters to,.
Height maps from Bryce and other applications can also be imported into the terrain editor ,. and you can still add more, or change the terrain by adding more filters or generators