Luxrender not working

I can't get luxus for Carrara to work. I press the render button and I get the error message in the pic. I can't find a file called luxrender.exe anywhere on my machine or anywhere to type in a path that the error message says I may have typed incorrectly. Any help would be appreciated.

1920 x 1080 - 386K
Did you install Luxrender?
If I recall, both versions of Luxus (Studio and Carrara) do not include it in the download.
Oh ok I get it, the thing I thought I got isn't actually included in the product I bought. It might be nice if someone actually explained this somewhere, like on the store page...
Well, no, it's not quite crystal clear, at least on the store page that the actual render engine needs to be downloaded, separately. But it is kind of implied that is so, by including the link to
Since Luxrender, itself, is a free Open Source renderer, what you bought is the exporter to be able to use it with Carrara.
The unofficial Luxus manual and some other good stuff here:
Any questions, ask away.
You mean like this?
Luxus enables you to create photo realistic 3D rendering using LuxRender. Luxus tightly integrates LuxRender materials and textures as shaders in Carrara. LuxRender is an unbiased 3D rendering engine based on what 3D lighting does in real life. Images generated are defined by a simulation of the laws of physics. LuxRender is available for free from
Taken direclty from the Luxus product page in the Daz store. (with emphasis added). Seems pretty clear.
Of course they don't. They're two different products developed by two different sets of developers.
Try asking a question about Luxus on the official LuxRender forum and see how far you get. Unless you run into another Carrara user over there (which is unlikely as they are few and far between) the response you'll get will be like this one, which I copied directly from their forum:
"Luxus project is not related to LuxRender development team, there is nothing we can help you with. If you have any issues with Luxus, please direct them to Luxus developers."
The unofficial manual is more helpful, direct link: