Viewport gone black

Hi, my viewport has suddenly gone black, and even loading a scene doesn't change it. Clearly I have hit something that changed it but I have no idea what. Used to be you could change to black or white, but I can't find that anywhere any longer ... anyone know please? Thanks!
Are you sure you haven't closed the Viewport pane? You should see it's tab above the black area if not.
Hi Richard,
No, it's open. I can load scenes and see them vaguely through the black. It's only on the Actors, Wardrobe & Props tab, though - on the other tabs it goes to the usual blue background again. In the black Screencapture attached; it shows the outlines of the ground plane but only at the edges, unless I click on it and then the whole groundplane shows briefly (in white). Befuddling!
It looks as if you have the preview lights turned off. Are you rendering Iray? It looks as though you have switched the headlamps to off and not switched the preview lights on.
What happens if you press ctrl(Win)/cmd(Mac)-L?
Window > Preview Lights (Ctl-L)
Flip that and see if anything changes.
Also, a screenshot of the Scene tab to show what exactly is loaded.
Yeah, tried the preview lights earlier, and just did again - no difference. And now it went all gold-flaked and hung, lol! Hold on ... okay, restarted, loaded a different scene, screenshot with Scene tab ... now going to reboot entire computer to be sure the RAM isn't a problem...
Okay, rebooted, same thing ... this time I loaded a very simple figure, the Toon Dragon, which shows much better - see below...
I have somehow clicked on something that has shot me in the foot, clearly. This was the Beta version, btw ... so I just tried loading the straight version - and that's normal. So it's just in the Beta. Perhaps something is clashing; it is, after all, a Beta. lol!
Can you post a screenshot of the Edit > Preferences >Scene?
Try reloading your layout -Window>Workspace>Select layout.
The blacked out viewport screen showed it was in nVidia preview mode, that may have been the problem if you don't have a graphics card that can handle that.
Here you go .... thanks!
Yes, I did change that, tried several others - didn't help; but thanks ...
Thanks Richard, I have changed it to the Full Service Beta and that's fixed it! Yaaaay! :D We are not worthy ....
Part of the problem is that the settings in Preferences > Scene will load any changes to backdrops, etc from any scene loaded. Resetting the layout reset the default...
If you flip those to "Ignore on opening..." it should keep it from happening.
Ah! Okay, have done that - thanks mjc! :)
Full Service(Beta) has several options disabled, so it's not the ideal choice for regular use - it's more a training-wheels mode for new users.
Yep, I have switched to Hollywood Boulevard ... is that the widest usage one? Thanks Richard!
Any of the others have the full feature set available, they differ in which panes are open by default and how they are split up into activities.
Okay, this one seems fine and seems to show everything I need. I'm too old for all this learning stuff; at the same time I'm learning about responsive web site design and it's all doing my head in, lol! Thanks for your help!
I see you've resolved this, but if it happens again, you don't need to reset your entire layout.
From your screen with the Toon Dragon, looks like it's the viewport background color. Go to Window > Style > Customize Style, and on the window that pops up, go to the Viewports section (#6) and change the Viewport Background Color.
Oh is THAT where they've put it! Thanks Vaskania, will check it out in the morning. :)
Remember that the Viewport colour no longer affects renders - to get a renderable backdrop colour or image you need to use the environment pane (or set the HDRI dome to draw in Render Settings if using Iray).
That worked for me!
If this ever happens just reset the viewport, windows-> workspace-> select layout-> select default (top left inside popup window) then hit accept (bottom right)...
Worked for me too. I thought I'd lost all my files but I went to File>Open and they started coming back. thank you!
THANKS, Richard -- I needed that tip! I've been doing fine on my custom PC. But when I installed DAZ onto my Mac as a rendering machine, I encountered that problem of the whole scene being black. cmd(Mac)-L did the trick!
use this windows - style-customize estile and viewports use defautt to restaure black viewport.