The G-Bot102 (Commercial)

A stand alone little robot ... feel free to post comments

1000 x 1300 - 409K

1000 x 1300 - 294K

1000 x 1300 - 265K

1000 x 1300 - 366K

1000 x 1300 - 362K
Post edited by 3djoji on
Super cute, George!. Ca me rapelle un peu Wally. A la fois toon et "weathered science fiction"
Super cute George! Reminds me of Wally. Both toon and weathered sci-fi. Robots with a big heart. Really well done!
Wow, looks really cute! Awesome work.
I think he looks cute, too! He'll make a nice addition to the bots in my library!
I hate waiting.
Instant sale, credit card standing by...
-- Walt Sterdan
Very cute!
Foreseen to be released the 23th of May :-)
just bought it :)
Grabbed mine as soon as I saw it, it goes great with the dog.
Thanks for such wonderful products; anything else coming up in the near future?
-- Walt Sterdan