How do I keep 'My Downloadable Products' at 50 per page?
During this ongoing sale I've been shopping my ass off, cleaning my wishlist of goodies like Medusa, Nott and quite a few houses and hairs. This leads naturally to a lot of downloads, and thus I tried to set the list window to 50 downloads. And it worked for one login, but when I log in next time, it's back to 10 again. Very frustrating!
Isn't it any way to keep it remembering what settings you made earlier?
I haven't found a way to save setting like this...I feel your pain. :)
Two things I'd love to add to the new store/account/forums...
More user control...more options in account preferences. Especially the option to save the number of items displayed per page/
And the ability, this is for the forums, to set 'Notify me via email' OFF by default....
Yes, why did they remove the ability to select 'view pc ony' / 'view mac only'? It's so annoying having the download section clutterd with things I don't need.
They didn't remove the option for PC/Mac, it was never implemented on the new site as far as I know.
All downloads in the very near future will be in the form of ZIP files, so it wont be needed at all. I would like to see the '50' per page remembered too, and also an indication of the size of the file that I am about to download.