DS 4.5 Advanced Render Settings Question
Does DS4.5 have the same Render Settings as 4.0, particularly the Advanced Settings?
I made a list of the best Advanced Settings someone provided a link to several months ago, but am wondering if they apply to 4.5 or are still the best. All I know is, they work for me, but if I upgrade to 4.5 and there are new improved settings, I'd like to know that too.
Also, I never have found out what RIB and the sub-settings are underneath that in 4.0. Never got an explanation. Should that be left unchecked?
Yes, DS4 and DS4.5 use the same settings, you fine on that part. RIB is a way to save a scene to be rendered in the FULL 3DeLight render engine, as far as I know. I've never needed it.
Jad is correct RIB is what you chose when wanting to render with the 3Delight External render engine
JadeRail and Szark,
I am using the 3Delight engine, but are you saying I still don't need RIB? I've never used it.
DS has 3Delight built in as the render engine. You can also get the Stand alone version of 3Delight. The RIB setting is for if you want to render the scene you save as RIB in the Standalone version. You only need it if you use that to render with. If you render with the DS built in version you will not need to use RIB as a setting for your renders.
I hope that helps.
OK, thanks. Yes that helps :)