Ultimate Zombie HD for Genesis 2 [Commercial]

Hello everyone! I am a newly published artist proud to announce my first product here at Daz3d. Meet my zombie pal ready to shamble his way into your heart. Since I just installed an nvidia card I can't stop rendering. My first gpu rendered scene...and it's totally radical dude!
Check him out in my brand new store... http://www.daz3d.com/ultimate-zombie-hd-for-genesis-2-male

1000 x 1300 - 1M

1000 x 1300 - 2M
God it's so gross looking, amazing!
Thanks Sorel...I learned a lot making this guy.
I bought this. It looks amazing. Looking forward to other work you put out. I will definitely buy it.
That will be a most useful addition to the monster squad.
Awww gross I mean cool
Thanks for the kind words. It makes the endless hours of problem solving all worthwhile :)
Thanks tykey, I am hard at work on something new. I decided to try something simple...but of course it has spiraled out of control. Nothing in my life is simple. :)
Simple? what's simple?
Looks great. Will ther be any monstrosities in G3M in our future?
Here is Ultimate zombie with Gabriel texture to show the face morph without the zombie texture.
is that G3M?
No, it is Ultimate Zombie HD for Genesis 2 male, but with Gabriel skin texture.
There sure will. :)