I think Carrara particles would kick that to the kerb amyway.
Maybe, but I'm a bit lazy. I bought it and I'll try it out. If it doesn't work, I can always return it.
I am not sure but reading the commercial post it uses planes too with iray shaders, not sure how much geometry there is, particles in replicators would do a far superior job with prob less resources if using Carrara's native render that hates transmapping.
I did manage to get some "geometry" from Iray Rain into Carrara, but the shaders didn't come through. I'm going to load it in Studio and see how the shaders are built and try recreating them in Carrara.
I did manage to get some "geometry" from Iray Rain into Carrara, but the shaders didn't come through. I'm going to load it in Studio and see how the shaders are built and try recreating them in Carrara.
No... That'll be a nightmare. Just drop the "Clear" shader from the Glass Shaders browser on them.
I have the Free RNA rain but haven't tried it yet.
Too bad Nerd3d isn't at Daz3d anymore. His Rain Tool is freaking cool! It basically has it's own particles-like system that works pretty cool - and works in Carrara - and is very simple to use and set up.
Then it comes with animated splashes for the ground, individual rain drops and individual splashes for placing accents where needed... I really miss Nerd3d! :(
he does webinars and training stuff w/ smith-micro - and I think he's on the product development (advisory?) team.
He has his own store, but almost everything he had at Daz is available at Hivewire now.
he's got some fun stuff - although I didn't know some of it worked in Carrara! Does wave-on-the-beach work in carrara? I could see that in concert with some the the carrara oceans having to great potential.
(in fact - Dart, do you have a list of the nerd-3d prducts that you know to work in Carrara? - and do you use the Poser of DS versions? With Carrara, both might work, but there may be a preference as to which, etc.)
(in fact - Dart, do you have a list of the nerd-3d prducts that you know to work in Carrara? - and do you use the Poser of DS versions? With Carrara, both might work, but there may be a preference as to which, etc.)
Danger Pass
Stone Bridge
Soggy Bottom Swamp
Thunder River
Waterfall Tool
Tropical Cove
Boot Hill
Of course his Walk Designer porducts work amazingly well
I still don't quite get how he gets the waterfall tool to work the way it does. It's a conveyor belt system that works via morph dials - but without any special plugin like Sparrowhawke's Belt tool. It works great and Thunder River's river water has animation morphs. Now that I think of it, the ReadMe had his web address on it where I had to go to download the Pose files which added a one second clip of animation to the falls and one for the river - maybe more than one for each... it's a really cool setup with a lot of friendly support. Nerd's cool people!
Soggy Bottoms Swamp hasn't been played with much yet. That was the last thing I bought from him while he was still here - and it's definitely a Nerd3d product - packed with fun stuff and a bazillion options. It comes with some surrounding cyclorama backgrounds too, to give the same look as the promos. If anyone ever needs help using sky boxes, drop me a line - I've become quite good at it! :)
Both Tropical Cove and Thunder River require the separate purchase of the Waterfall tool to have the waterfalls in them. I bought all three of those things at the ame time at Daz.
I have a cool animation of Rosie kicking the crap out of three or four orcs on the stone bridge as a whole herd of them are coming in from the distant Boot Hill. The bad news is that by the time Dart gets there, they've already worn her down and taken her. Dart doesn't like that.
Great list - I have a bunch of those and had no idea they'd work in Carrara!
I was looking at the footsteps tool before it disappeared here at Daz - and never pursued it at HIvewire. Maybe when I have a project that warrants it. Thanks for that info!
I have the waves tool and played with it in poser after I got it. in some views, it's pretty amazing, in others, the uncanny valley thing happens, but I have places it would really fit the bill (dreamland's seaside set).
It generally looks like mr. nerd uses pretty standard morph, deform, texture maps, and bone tools in the original poser file context, so that's probably why his stuff still works after all this time. I wondered about the conveyer belt magic too. Simple idea but in the right hands, looks like it would serve the purpose pretty well.
FWIW - it looks like almost all of Nerd-3D's stuff is onsale 'over there' until Dec 5. Looks like about 1/3rd off.
How are his walk designers? Any opinions? I could see working up a few 'walks' and migrating them to genesis/aniblocks if his controllers are well-thought-out.
cannot open curtains using Poser version ( and of course the materials will need redoing I just swapped another) D|S version gets an import error ( I think it uses instances)
Touch Of Egypt by Dreamlight doesn't even show up in my content library, but was really quite easy to get set up in Carrara. I just loaded into studio, save that as a scene, then open that scene in a Carrara and you'll have adjust some shaders, specifically horizontal tiling.
I saw you guys talkin about the nerd3d stuff too. I have the footsteps tool and waves on the beach but I never figured out how to use them even in studio, but that was a while back when I was starting out, maybe I'll se what I can do with them now...
I saw you guys talkin about the nerd3d stuff too. I have the footsteps tool and waves on the beach but I never figured out how to use them even in studio, but that was a while back when I was starting out, maybe I'll se what I can do with them now...
Check out the ReadMe which I think has a link to his site. If not just Google Nerd3d - look up the product. He's got some cool tips and tricks there - often extra content to go with the packs as well.
If you have Unshaven Beard for Genesis it takes a reeeeeeaaaaaal long time to load and you may even think that Carrara has hung up..
It will eventually load... so when it does just drag and drop it into your object folder for future use.. you will find it loads rather quickly that way.
Check out the ReadMe which I think has a link to his site. If not just Google Nerd3d - look up the product. He's got some cool tips and tricks there - often extra content to go with the packs as well.
Nerd3d stuff is unique and wonderful! ;)
So last night I tried the Nerd 3d rain tool and waves on the beach. The Rain tool works without any problems. Just follow the tutorial on the nerd3d website and you'll have animated rain in a few minutes. I didn't try the splat or drip tools, but I figure they work just as well as the rain tool.
I didn't have any luck with waves on the beach though. The tutorial talks about how the studio and poser versions are incompatible because the way the programs handle magnets (deformers) are very different. The poser version assigns the magnets to the water disc automatically, just name a plane water and add the wave tool to it. the studio version the magnets must be assigned manually, click deform tab, add nodes... This is what I couldn't figure out how to do, seems like maybe it needs a Carrara version that shows up in the modifiers list. Or maybe there's a way that I just didn't find.
However waves on the beach comes with a water disc that is loaded with ripple morphs that can be animated, just like the thunder river set for the waterfall tool, and that works just fine.
There wasn't a tutorial on the nerd 3d website for the footsteps tool, but I'm guessing that since it uses magnets also, it"ll probably have the same problem.
The smoke and flames tool or rather the textures that come with it are very useful. The fire animations are just a folder full of the frames, one for color and one for trans. I just loaded the frames into virtual dub, create an avi, then map that avi onto a plane or splat an you have very realistic animated fire.
The fog Deluxe III tool loads up and seems to work, but will need some tweaking to get the desired effect, which I didn't really dive into yet.
And I was using the poser versions of these tools, if I remember correctly I tried the studio versions a while back and they don't even load into Carrara.
Thanks for that update/workflow - esp the variation on the firetool. Once vdub-d, this sounds much simpler to use...
question: do you have a way to vdub the images and alphas together in a single avi (like a series of pngs w/ alpha, or firetool images/alphas)? I've experimented a little bit with that, but didn't get enough success to pursue, and met the deadline with greenscreen post instead. I'd rather bundle such data together. Reallusion/Iclone has a new image/alpha format, but it sounds proprietary and new-enough to be a lock-in for now. My luck with the lagarith RGBA AVI was pretty much nill, tho' the lagarith avi works well otherwise.
where could i find unreal stuff?
Cannot link but Google Unreal Game engine and or Epic games
Maybe, but I'm a bit lazy. I bought it and I'll try it out. If it doesn't work, I can always return it.
I am not sure but reading the commercial post it uses planes too with iray shaders, not sure how much geometry there is, particles in replicators would do a far superior job with prob less resources if using Carrara's native render that hates transmapping.
RDNA Atmospherics - Rain Vol 2 - works in Carrara .. good for trying stuff out with different shaders and such
and it's free
Turns out I own that product. I'll give it a try.
I did manage to get some "geometry" from Iray Rain into Carrara, but the shaders didn't come through. I'm going to load it in Studio and see how the shaders are built and try recreating them in Carrara.
No... That'll be a nightmare. Just drop the "Clear" shader from the Glass Shaders browser on them.
I have the Free RNA rain but haven't tried it yet.
Too bad Nerd3d isn't at Daz3d anymore. His Rain Tool is freaking cool! It basically has it's own particles-like system that works pretty cool - and works in Carrara - and is very simple to use and set up.
Then it comes with animated splashes for the ground, individual rain drops and individual splashes for placing accents where needed... I really miss Nerd3d! :(
His Waterfall tool is super cool too!
Nerd3D products can be got from his Hivewire3D store
That's cool. I didn't know he was there. I think he's at Rendo too, or is it Smith Micro?
he does webinars and training stuff w/ smith-micro - and I think he's on the product development (advisory?) team.
He has his own store, but almost everything he had at Daz is available at Hivewire now.
he's got some fun stuff - although I didn't know some of it worked in Carrara! Does wave-on-the-beach work in carrara? I could see that in concert with some the the carrara oceans having to great potential.
(in fact - Dart, do you have a list of the nerd-3d prducts that you know to work in Carrara? - and do you use the Poser of DS versions? With Carrara, both might work, but there may be a preference as to which, etc.)
Danger Pass
Stone Bridge
Soggy Bottom Swamp
Thunder River
Tropical Cove
Boot Hill
Of course his Walk Designer porducts work amazingly well
Note: I only have Poser versions where applicable
I still want to get (and am confident that they'll work):
Footsteps tool
Splash Tool (I know that we have particles... but sometimes it's just nice to have Nerd3d's clever morph tactics!)
The Glen
I still don't quite get how he gets the waterfall tool to work the way it does. It's a conveyor belt system that works via morph dials - but without any special plugin like Sparrowhawke's Belt tool. It works great and Thunder River's river water has animation morphs. Now that I think of it, the ReadMe had his web address on it where I had to go to download the Pose files which added a one second clip of animation to the falls and one for the river - maybe more than one for each... it's a really cool setup with a lot of friendly support. Nerd's cool people!
Soggy Bottoms Swamp hasn't been played with much yet. That was the last thing I bought from him while he was still here - and it's definitely a Nerd3d product - packed with fun stuff and a bazillion options. It comes with some surrounding cyclorama backgrounds too, to give the same look as the promos. If anyone ever needs help using sky boxes, drop me a line - I've become quite good at it! :)
Both Tropical Cove and Thunder River require the separate purchase of the Waterfall tool to have the waterfalls in them. I bought all three of those things at the ame time at Daz.
I have a cool animation of Rosie kicking the crap out of three or four orcs on the stone bridge as a whole herd of them are coming in from the distant Boot Hill. The bad news is that by the time Dart gets there, they've already worn her down and taken her. Dart doesn't like that.
Great list - I have a bunch of those and had no idea they'd work in Carrara!
I was looking at the footsteps tool before it disappeared here at Daz - and never pursued it at HIvewire. Maybe when I have a project that warrants it. Thanks for that info!
I have the waves tool and played with it in poser after I got it. in some views, it's pretty amazing, in others, the uncanny valley thing happens, but I have places it would really fit the bill (dreamland's seaside set).
It generally looks like mr. nerd uses pretty standard morph, deform, texture maps, and bone tools in the original poser file context, so that's probably why his stuff still works after all this time. I wondered about the conveyer belt magic too. Simple idea but in the right hands, looks like it would serve the purpose pretty well.
so... What happens to Rosie?
I will have to take another look too as have rain tool, waterfall tool and Thunder river, I just asumed D|S only too and or Poser
Well... Dart saves her... of course! ;)
Okay... here's the thing. Dart goes in to save her and gets in trouble. Bad trouble. She escapes and saved us both. It's embarassing
lol - now that thar's some good writing going on!
FWIW - it looks like almost all of Nerd-3D's stuff is onsale 'over there' until Dec 5. Looks like about 1/3rd off.
How are his walk designers? Any opinions? I could see working up a few 'walks' and migrating them to genesis/aniblocks if his controllers are well-thought-out.
hopin the scifi blast bunker imports no fuss. duf format >.<
Aslan Theatre
click to play video
cannot open curtains using Poser version ( and of course the materials will need redoing I just swapped another) D|S version gets an import error ( I think it uses instances)
enter it into the challenge Wendy..
I would so vote for this...
You are my hero, Wendy. I love this.
Maybe use hair for a tassle for the stage curtains.
(Just use a frame with the stage in the frame)
Touch Of Egypt by Dreamlight doesn't even show up in my content library, but was really quite easy to get set up in Carrara. I just loaded into studio, save that as a scene, then open that scene in a Carrara and you'll have adjust some shaders, specifically horizontal tiling.
I saw you guys talkin about the nerd3d stuff too. I have the footsteps tool and waves on the beach but I never figured out how to use them even in studio, but that was a while back when I was starting out, maybe I'll se what I can do with them now...
Thanks for the tip, Scarecrow
Check out the ReadMe which I think has a link to his site. If not just Google Nerd3d - look up the product. He's got some cool tips and tricks there - often extra content to go with the packs as well.
Nerd3d stuff is unique and wonderful! ;)
If you have Unshaven Beard for Genesis it takes a reeeeeeaaaaaal long time to load and you may even think that Carrara has hung up..
It will eventually load... so when it does just drag and drop it into your object folder for future use.. you will find it loads rather quickly that way.
Terradome 2
inject all the morphs in Poser and save as a pz3 scene
it will then work in Carrara if you import with all the options checked
use the texture maps in Carrara terrain layer textures ie grass, rocks, snow the displacement in bump channels
make the skydome transparent using the texture map and add diffuse map to glow channel too
So last night I tried the Nerd 3d rain tool and waves on the beach. The Rain tool works without any problems. Just follow the tutorial on the nerd3d website and you'll have animated rain in a few minutes. I didn't try the splat or drip tools, but I figure they work just as well as the rain tool.
I didn't have any luck with waves on the beach though. The tutorial talks about how the studio and poser versions are incompatible because the way the programs handle magnets (deformers) are very different. The poser version assigns the magnets to the water disc automatically, just name a plane water and add the wave tool to it. the studio version the magnets must be assigned manually, click deform tab, add nodes... This is what I couldn't figure out how to do, seems like maybe it needs a Carrara version that shows up in the modifiers list. Or maybe there's a way that I just didn't find.
However waves on the beach comes with a water disc that is loaded with ripple morphs that can be animated, just like the thunder river set for the waterfall tool, and that works just fine.
There wasn't a tutorial on the nerd 3d website for the footsteps tool, but I'm guessing that since it uses magnets also, it"ll probably have the same problem.
The smoke and flames tool or rather the textures that come with it are very useful. The fire animations are just a folder full of the frames, one for color and one for trans. I just loaded the frames into virtual dub, create an avi, then map that avi onto a plane or splat an you have very realistic animated fire.
The fog Deluxe III tool loads up and seems to work, but will need some tweaking to get the desired effect, which I didn't really dive into yet.
And I was using the poser versions of these tools, if I remember correctly I tried the studio versions a while back and they don't even load into Carrara.
Thanks for that update/workflow - esp the variation on the firetool. Once vdub-d, this sounds much simpler to use...
question: do you have a way to vdub the images and alphas together in a single avi (like a series of pngs w/ alpha, or firetool images/alphas)? I've experimented a little bit with that, but didn't get enough success to pursue, and met the deadline with greenscreen post instead. I'd rather bundle such data together. Reallusion/Iclone has a new image/alpha format, but it sounds proprietary and new-enough to be a lock-in for now. My luck with the lagarith RGBA AVI was pretty much nill, tho' the lagarith avi works well otherwise.
How 'bout you? (or anyone?)
No I just made one for each.
Feathered Wings for ALL - except Carrara users
heads up - this latest 3DU product doesn't work in Carrara