New arrival: The FireGem Hair for G2F and G3F (Commercial)

Hi all!
This has just landed:
A long hair style with braided top parts and matching jewelry. Texturewise you will have nothing to be desired for. We have added hundreds (literally) of options for full and partial options.
And the hair in "full" action:
Havy a nice (and positively hairy) day!
Arki & Shox-Design

1000 x 1300 - 397K

1000 x 1300 - 536K

1000 x 1300 - 308K

1500 x 844 - 579K
Post edited by Arki on
This looks great; just what I need, without the gems and the like; I just want a really long hair. :)
The gems can be removed :)
I've noticed.:)
I should have said the braids too; could really use a very long 'real-looking' hair.
This is a beautiful looking hair. Love the gems and the braids on top.
Why did I not realize this hair is already in the shop? Expecially since the link is right there in the first post...