Carrara Challenge #25: Light and Shadow - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

Welcome to the Entry Thread for the 25th Carrara Challenge "Light and Shadow"
The WIP Thread is located at
When posting your entry please include at least the following information:
- Entry #
- Title
- Artist Name
- List of any Products Used (I encourage you to include links to them, but it is not necessary)
- Links to any releveant posts you made in the WIP thread about the creation of your entry
- Both rendered versions of your scene
- Optional: Any other notes or comments you want to add
The Rules
- Each participant may submit up to 2 entries into the Challenge.
- Images must be new (previously unpublished).
- Images must be primarily set up in Carrara.
- Images must be rendered in Carrara or in an external renderer for which there is a Carrara plug-in (e.g. LuxRenderer, Octane).
- At least one WIP (work in progress) image must be posted to the WIP thread.
- At least one item should be created, retextured or modified in one of Carrara's modelers (vertex, spline, metaball, plant, terrain, particle, etc.).
- NEW FOR THIS CHALLENGE: Each entry must consist of two images, both of the same scene but lit in dramatically different fashion.
Sponsor(s) and Prizes
Once again, DAZ is generously sponsoring the monthly challenge. In addition, PhilW has very kindly agreed to sponsor this month's challenge! Please check out his store at
1st Place: $100.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s) plus one item from PhilW's DAZ store
2nd Place: $ 50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s) plus one item from PhilW's DAZ store
3rd Place: $ 25.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s) plus one item from PhilW's DAZ store
Honorable Mention (4th place): $10.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s) plus one item from PhilW's DAZ store
The first place winner also gets to choose the theme for the next challenge, and generally acts as the host for the next challenge (but you can turn down the hosting duties if you do not have time or are just not feeling up to it).
I am going to try something new this time in an effort to avoid the ties that always come up. Instead of just voting for your top three or four, please vote for a 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place and honorable mention. Only total votes will be counted for purposes or the final rankings, but the specific places will be used to break ties. For example, if entry #30 and entry #75 are tied for 1st place, the one with the most 1st place votes would win. If they both had the same number of 1st place votes then the number of 2nd place votes each received would break the tie and so on down the line.
Please list your votes using the following format (or something similar that includes the same information):
- First Place - Entry # - Artist - Title
- Second Place - Entry # - Artist - Title
- Third Place - Entry # - Artist - Title
- Honorable Mention - Entry # - Artist - Title
Anonymous voting is allowed if you feel you have a good reason (e.g. forum moderators who don't want to give an impression of favoritism). Please PM me your votes if that is the case.
Dates to Remember
Entry Thread Opens: Saturday, 11 June 2016
Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: Saturday, 18 June 2016 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6) Sunday, 19 June 2016 08:00 CST (GMT-6)
Voting Ends: Saturday, 25 June 2016 23:59:59 CST (GMT-6) Sunday, 26 June 2016 08:00 CST (GMT-6)
entry #1.
title: mad nurse.
shlomi laszlo
used: [but the glows' options didn't work].
the WIP is:
the carrara object is a volumetic fog
and i used GI indirect light for the setup.
Entry #2
Title: Georgetown Visitor A and B
Artist: Diomede
Requirements: Two lighting arrangements.
Items used: Everything custom modeled in Carrara
Back story: Intriguing house! I should grab my leather physician's bag and visit.
WIP link -
Entry #3
Entry: # 4
Title: Desolate
Artist: wgdjohn
Two renders first uses ith only Sunlight next shows only Moonlight.
Terrain, landscape, created in Carrara's Terrain Editor.
Products Used:
Carrara 8.5 Pro and the 757 jet which is included with Carrara.
The dead trees are from Through the Woods by Stonemason.
StarBright from Digital Carvers Guild.
Back Story:
What happens when the water is not enough to feed the plant life.
An early Idea, not used.
Below show Terrain settings an early render and finally my last render before changing the Moonlight position.
Entry #5
Title - DD and JJ
Artist Stezza
List of any Products Used
Genesis 2M
Genesis 2F
Urban Sprawl 2
SMay Super Suit
Espionage Gloves
LJ Boots
AV Jacket
Radiant Jaguar Hair
Newport Outfit
VK Belt
VK Boots
Daz horns
Items made and or adjusted
DareDevils walking cane and pouch
Texture for SMay's body suit
Holes in Jessica Jone's jeans
added and ajusted Carrara cloud
Adjusted lighting colours and ambience
Links to WIP
Optional: After rendering both images under different lighting I then composited them both together.
Both rendered versions of my scene
Image 1
Image 2
Composited image of one & two
Entry nr 6
Title:"Artificial" vs "Natural".
Author: DUDU
The story:
She heard a strange noise outside...
She took the big stick that was behind the left curtain and began to look throught the window...
External items used:
- Victoria 3
- The house (modified) (from ???)
- The table
Home made items:
- The clothe for V3
- The curtains
- The lamp
All the scenes and renders are done in Carrara, no postwork.
Special thanks to Thomas Edison !
Entry: 8
Title: "Girl In Window"
Artist: TangoAlpha
List of Products used: Medieval Hall & Garden (prerelease), V6, Milennium Cat
Everything modelled in Carrara except V6 and mil cat
Comments: Setup had previously been rendered in Iray (from a different camera angle), but this is the first time in Carrara. Would like to have spent more time exploring different light cone techniques. I slightly intensified the light cone in the final "day" image.
Entry: 9
Title: "Smoke and Mirrors"
Artist: headwax
List of Products used: predatron low res lorenzo business man
modelled sphere cube and plane
post work ;none bar signature
Comments: one light in each scene, most light from caustics
Entry 10
Artist: Diomede
Title: Pumpkin Eaglerider A and B
Required two lighting rigs. - one realistic sky sunlight and one realistic sky moonlight - each has supplemental lighting for highlighting the eaglerider an castle
Backstory: Pumpkin Jack soars on the giant eagle to warn the castle of the impending emergency.
Items used include
Daz Character Jack Pumpkin,
Daz Animal Eagle,
Fantasy Castle,
and Country Cottage.
Customized items include the terrain and its shader, the trees and leaves, and the river.
Anyone with a DAZ3D account can vote!
I am going to try something new this time in an effort to avoid the ties that always come up. Instead of just voting for your top three or four, please vote for a 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place and honorable mention. Only total votes will be counted for purposes or the final rankings, but the specific places will be used to break ties. For example, if entry #30 and entry #75 are tied for 1st place, the one with the most 1st place votes would win. If they both had the same number of 1st place votes then the number of 2nd place votes each received would break the tie and so on down the line.
Please list your votes using the following format (or something similar that includes the same information):
Anonymous voting is allowed if you feel you have a good reason (e.g. forum moderators who don't want to give an impression of favoritism). Please PM me your votes if that is the case.
Please note that I fell asleep watching a YouTube plalist of every episode of QI ever and consequently opened the voting late, so I have moved the voting close date back by the same amount to allow a full week for voting.
The revised timeline for voting is as follows:
Voting Begins: Sunday, 19 June 2016 08:00 CST (GMT-6)
Voting Ends: Sunday, 25 June 2016 08:00 CST (GMT-6)
There is some amazing work here. I sort of hope to see another challenge like this one, because the ideas here are brilliant! MDO2010, thank you for choosing such a perfect theme and hosting this challenge!
I had a really hard time arranging my choices in the voting order...
oh and I really like the first render for
entry #1.
title: mad nurse.
shlomi laszlo
1st: #2 "Georgetown Visitor A and B" by Diomede
* Simply because I like the modeling and the concept/lighting used.
2nd: #8 "Girl In Window" by TangoAlpha
* Excellent modeling and concept... the light cone ruined it for me.
3rd: #6 "Artificial" vs "Natural". by DUDU
* Great work on the curtains etc... V3 should have grabbed the baseball bat instead.
HM: #9 "Smoke and Mirrors" by headwax
* Great concept and lighting.. like the use of reflection and caustics.
The objects created are basic shapes they needed more/diff modeling.
!!-Personal Mention: #7 "Noose" by PhilW
* Very nice indeed... kept looking at the 1st image to see where the noose was then realized lighting wouldn't show it...
Yet I do wonder why the Character has a look of happy if there is impending doom... perhaps she is a bit daffy.
In my book all above are equal. Please excuse my critique on each... couldn't help myself. I'm not a fan of this method of voting and will vote anonymously next time... It's too hard to pick one over the other.
Everyone has very good entries... nice work to All.
First Place Entry #2
Title: Georgetown Visitor A and B
Artist: Diomede
Second Place Entry #7
Title "Noose"
Artist Name PhilW
Third Place Entry #6
Title:"Artificial" vs "Natural".
Author: DUDU
First Place #6
"Artificial" vs "Natural" by DUDU
Second Place #8
"Girl In Window" by TangoAlpha
Third Place #2
"Georgetown Visitor A and B"
Honourable Mention #9
"Smoke and Mirrors" by Headwax
Difficult as ever to choose as they are such a diverse and creative set of images!
1. #9 Smoke and Mirrors by Headwax
2. #6 Artificial vs Natural by DUDU
3. #2 Georgetown Visitor A & B by Diomede
HM. #7 Noose by PhilW
Touch choices. Ask me again in 10 minutes and I'll come back with a different list!
As a filmmaker, I love to see when a work on lighting reveals an unexpected situation or can suggest two different scenarios.
Here, it is still images but with two identical scenes, it is a little as with the cinema.
1- Entry 7
Title “Noose”
Artist Name PhilW
(and it is not because he voted for me, but I believe that we have the same tastes!)
2- Entry #2
Title: Georgetown Visitor A and B
Artist: Diomede
Two different lightings, two different stories… Beautiful atmosphere!
3-Entry: 8
Title: “Girl In Window”
Artist: TangoAlpha
In the first one, I feel contemplation, in the second one, curiosity.
HM: Entry: 9
Title: “Smoke and Mirrors”
Artist: headwax
… for the remarkable work on lighting.
I like also Stezza's work but with the others, the second images are to dark I think.
1st place - Entry 2
Title: "Georgetown Visitor A and B"
Artist: Diomede
2nd place - Entry 8
Title: “Girl In Window”
Artist: TangoAlpha
3rd place - Entry 6
Title: "Artificial" vs "Natural"
Artist: DUDU
HM - Entry 9
Title: "Smoke and Mirrors"
Artist: head wax
Once again not easy to narrow it down to 4 entries.
1st place:
Entry nr 6
Title:"Artificial" vs "Natural".
Author: DUDU
2nd place:
Entry #5
Title - DD and JJ
Artist Stezza
3rd place:
entry #1.
title: mad nurse.
shlomi laszlo
1. #9 Smoke and Mirrors by Headwax
2. #6 Artificial vs Natural by DUDU
3. #3 Lunar South Pole by Pnewhook
HM. #1 Mad Nurse by Shlomi Laszlo
Well done, everyone. Very hard to choose.
Just a little less than 24 hours left to vote if you haven't yet!
Entry #2 Title: Georgetown Visitor A and B Artist: Diomede
-vast mood difference
Entry nr 6 Title:"Artificial" vs "Natural". Author: DUDU
-i'm reading a story in it, 1st is romantic anticipation, 2nd she was stood up by her beau
Entry: 9 Title: "Smoke and Mirrors" Artist: headwax
I will total up the votes and hopefully announce the winners later today.
Congratulations to all!
I will be contacting the winners shortly about claiming your prizes.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the WIP thread and to all who entered and thank you once again to DAZ3D for continuing to sponsor these challenges. Special thanks to PhilW for being our PA sponsor for this challenge; please go check out his store and buy some things from him! I have most of his products and they are all awesome.
Sorry you missed it evilproducer - I would have loved to have seen your entry, seems like the theme would have been right up your alley! Feel free to make something for fun and post it anyway.
I missed it all as well. Life comes up .
Oops! I didn't expect to be selected and even less to be the candidate who can organize the next challenge !
I put an entry for the pleasure of taking part and I must thank Mark D.Olsen for his consequent work. I have just read in his PM all that it is necessary to do to organize the next one and I would be really happy to pass the hand to Diomède, if he accepts naturally.
Indeed, there are several reasons: I'm not too good with words in English and I will not have enough time to devote to do this job (too much external work ).
I still thank Mark for his management for this challenge, but also DAZ3D and Phil Wilkes as generous sponsors.
Also a BIG BRAVO to all the participants for their marvellous entries !