Scion for Genesis 3 Male (Commercial) Released!

Yes, he's not *quite* there yet, but here's a sneak peek of the new guy-Scion.
Update: He's been submitted and hopefully he'll go through quick-like. :)

Scion 2.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 364K

liquid latex mu with eyes and hair.png
1000 x 1300 - 2M
Post edited by DarwinsMishap on
I like him. Sounds promising.
Thank you.
Another render, with a photobomber (Toruun) when I was testing out ideas for promos.
A couple of promo renders as teasers.
He's just waiting for a release date- another promo to share.
Another excellent addition.
Why, thank you so very much. :)
The tats are some of the most realistic I've seen. Good work on those. the eyebrows are a bit narrow and arched for my tastes.
Thank you, SN. There is a No Brow option as well for those who want to use their own resources rather than the two brow options I've given him. ;)
This is Excellent! Thanks, I'm looking forward to his arrival on the market
Thank you! He's just waiting for a release date now. Here are some make up options. ;)
Thank you!!!!!
Apparently, most of my Gen 3 males are going to be yours lol....
Niren (the male tween I'm working on) will have a no brows option too. ;)
No brows are always a great option to have!
Thank you, everyone! :). I'm so glad he's liked so well.
Released today!
Already mine.... lol. He looks awesome!
I wasn't sure if I liked him, but I think he grew on me. :) He's in the cart, anyway, and will be checked out very soon. Looking forward to seeing what I can do with him.
In cart. Will be mine before the week ends :)
WOOHOO! Congrats DM, hope he does well!!!
Thanks so much, everyone! I do appreciate it a great deal! :)
He's pretty hot, Darwin. Nice job :)
Thank you! That's a honor coming from you, Sai. ;)
Love the tats and the makeup, but I must admit what finally sold me on him was this promo pic for your L.I.E tattoos.
I didn't realize how versatile he was until I saw him without the makeup on. Great job!
Thank you! I particularly liked that promo. It was a happy accident when I was fiddling with the lighting and camera angles. Those inserts are all M7, btw. ;)
Most of what I do in Daz is a happy accident right now! LOL. Learning the hard way!
lol- that's how I learned. I'd figure something or other out to find out it wasn't supposed to work that way-happy accidents!
Where are those heart boxers?
Those are from Sloshwerks for G2M.