Move my layout and scripts to the Beta

I know this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find it.
How do I transplant my layout and Custom Actions from the General Release to the Beta? Seems like my issue with the SQL connect error is never going to be resolved, and I am just tired of it.
... \AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4
copy this folder to beta:
... \AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4 Public Build
You can also copy the registery entries too.
That is a little more risky, if you've never messed with the registry. Making a mistake in the registry can render the OS unusable.
1. enter regedit in the run/search (depending on os version).
2. Under HKEY_CURRENT_USER search for Daz > Studio4
3. Click on Studio4. Just to be sure it's the correct one.
4. Now right click on it, and select Export.
5. I'd save the file to the desktop; but save where you wish. Call it something that makes sense to you. IMPORTANT, make sure you're only exporting the Current Branch.
6. Repeat for Studio4PublicBuild if it exists, which it should; if not install first.
7. See image.
8. Before amending the Beta registry file you exported, I'd copy it so you have a backup incase something goes wrong.
9. In a text editor, copy the lines of text 'ContentDir0, 1, 2...' from the studio 4 to the beta. Make sure you don't move anything else or alter how it looks. I wouldn't risk altering anything else in the registry unless you know what they do.
9.1. I'd use something like Notepad++ for this, it is easier to use than the default text editor.
10. Once completed you can double click on the amended beta registry file on the desktop (or wherever). This will ammend the beta settings in the registry.
(I do this to create backups to easily recover various settings.)
Thank You!
A safer/less scary alternative than fiddling in the registry would be to take Rob's sample script
Thanks Richard, I didn't do any registry hacking; but this was the last piece to make things comfortable.
Rob has added scripts to transfer the UI settings too:
Thank, Richard and Rob. This helps a lot.
What all does this copy? Because I used this last night and was followed by a bug from the official release install to the beta install. I'm not faulting the script, just looking for a way to keeping working.
I have an issue with geocrafts. This happened a year ago, but mysteriously went away. The geoshell stops including geocrafts in its surfaces. This problem cropped up for me on Tuesday, after being fine on Monday.
I switched to the beta...everything was fine. So I used this second script here to copy all my custom settings to the beta... and I'm broken again. So the problem is somewhere in the things that were copied from the regular channel to the beta channel.
So, changing the layout and restoring it back to my custom layout fixed the issue. Makes zero sense, but its a good idea to always save your custom layout and save it frequently.