HMS Endeavour

HMS Endeavour - also known as HM Bark Endeavour, was a British Royal Navy research vessel that Lieutenant James Cook commanded on his first voyage of discovery, to Australia and New Zealand, from 1769 to 1771
Does anyone know where one can get one?
or any modellers out there want to build one?
I've looked around but can only find one at you know where!! ... costs lots of squids!
lowpoly but you do get the trip through Google Earth
why dont you kit bash a Faveral model - ie steal the rigging sails etc, then all you would have to do is model the bark, barque, hull thingy
evil wouldn't have any trouble in the spline room
all you need is a blue print of the hull
ava look at this one
@sad - thanks but not what I was after...
@headwax, yes, I had thought of that and spent an hour the other day wondering if I should or shouldn't buy one of Faverals models.. they are great.. was even thinking about asking him to make one ;-)
I found blue prints for it and that's why I asked.... look at those sails!!! arrrr
I'll be friggin in the riging for years cause there's *&^%all else to do
hang on.. that's the good ship venus...
just had another look in the shop and saw the Victory on sale... just picked it up for $1.33
it's a start
I'm not suprised they want to charge mucho squids - took me a couple years to do this - clipper, not a barque. You can have it as a freebie if you like:)
hey Stezza, where did you score the blueprints?
Roygee, nice work - as usual, I see you have more hair today ;)
I mean I found them online.. but I didn't save them, I think they where model kit prints.. but I did save FJ Holden somewhere... there is also some good ideas on youtube
looks good Roygee
Building a ship modle with all the rigging can be quite intimating in the beginning, especially if you have never built one before. Are you using the model for video or a still image ?
I have been looking for the ship lines which I used to build the endeavour..They were on my old G5 Mac and in the frenzy to make more space on the HD for other projects, they may have been deleted - I will look some more. I built the model using Infini D for use in a video for the web..thus not high resolution. I will include some screen grabs of the video....only 640x360.
The first one shows the Resolution leaving Plymouth in August of 1768.
The second shows the Endeavour aground on the Great Barrier reef. They ran afoul of the reef in the previous night and are in the process of lightening ship and carrying out anchors for the next high tide.
The third are the Admiralty original ship lines of the Endeavour. I don't have the sectionals...Still looking
HMS Victory could it be reworked? (It seems to have an extra deck or two, but it is a three masted ship.)
The Licorne seems closer in height. (But the front may be off.)
Interesting thread. I need a "modern" brig as part of a story I'm working on (very long-term project!) -- something like the Stavros S. Niarchos (cos that's what the ship in the story was more-or-less based on)
I did "cut the keel" so to speak, some months ago, but man, all that rigging fills me with a sense of dread (even with "just" 2 masts instead of 3)! Anyhow, I shall follow with interest.
Hi Stezza sorry I forgot about this - used it a long time ago it's free
also you could use this as a start
it's from static model kits :) I won't link to it because I keep having my stuff deleted
Seems like a fun project. :)
great renders.. I only want to render still images .. I bought Victory and have been chopping and changing it a bit.. not happy but will persist.. Hope you find them ;-)
Looked at the licorne but thought nuh... bought Victory on sale so have been working on it.. not very succesfully I might add :-(
Thanks Headwax, I have started on a hull and using this template as a guide... friggin hard though!
It sure is.... makes time fly..
Here is how far I got yesterday... as you can see a long journey ahead before the Victory looks remotely like the HMS Endeavour.
oh Faveral where are you
gee that's a twin for captain cook :)
if I was doing it (and I am not) I'd have a look at all those weird tools in the modelling room
dunno if this is relevant
this second link is for hex, but it looks simialr to the carrara ones (?)
or etc
you could trace those cross sections then skin them with one of the above tools - as long as you figure which order te crossections go in :)
err I am a thickhead just found these ;)
They are the ones I found and didn't save.. then couldn't find them again lol
to the winch wench!
I wonder if the one on Turbosquid is the result of that modelling ......wait for it .... Endeavour !! !!!!
Enclosed is an image and reference to the ship lines of the Endeavour. The sectionals are the important part. I can't find the fiile I used originally, but enclosed is the link to the ship lines at Greenwich Maritime Museum. As I said I built the Endeavour using Infini D, a grandparent to Carrara. Carrara has a marvelous lofting tool, so that all you have to do is put in some of the sectionals to get a fair hull. For example pick 7 or 8 of the sectionals from the original draught- you don't need all of them, however the ends are the important part. Being new to Carrara I followed Phil's lesson on lofting a Bi-plane fusalage ...It is the same process for a ship....If you have his lessons , it is 0401 -0403. I realize t hat you have been using Carrara far longer than I excuse me if I am explaining the obvious.
I created my first ship model in Carrara this year for a Carrara challenge ..I will include an image of the hull and how it was composed onto the water. The ship model was done in about two weeks the wake took longer. - much tweaking.. These videos are to be used in an I-book of Captain Cook that I am presently writing .....I will also include a blow up of the small video..when I loaded it up yesterday it was too dark.
I realize that this may not be helping you if you are pressed with time or want a simpler solution. In that case , your present approach may be the best. I like what you have done, it is excellent composition and has the essential components..The ship, the sea and the man. Well done. I would suggest some tweaking, first the ship is too high in the water....also the rig is too low. I wonder if the hull could be compresssed vertically ? This may cure the short rig impression. If not try stretching the rig vertically or a combo of the two. I like the water you created in Carrara. This would make a powerful book cover image. Best of luck.
nice work msteaka !
stezza I had a play last night using this (same as msteaka's) pic to make cross sections with the polyline tool
then used ruled surfaces to join them up - looks like that will work
I assumed the cross sections on the left of the pic were the back sections and the ones on the right were the foreward sections but dont know, maybe someone (msteaka?) could explain - it's hard to read the notations
Thanks msteaka & headwax,
spent a bit of time today using the templates... deleting and making again... deleting and doing again..... arrrrrr...
anyways after missing home and away I have finished for the day and ended up with this.. not quite right but the best for today
that's a great start! sorry about home and away tho ...
I know... poor Alf!! lol
Excellent start.
First let me congratulate you..You have begun a voyage that will, if given a chance, enchant you the rest of your lives. A sailing vessel is not inanimate - it lives. A powerboat in contrast is inanimate - like an airplane.. It can turn go up or down, left right, etc...For example, if you take a dead seagull spread its wings and freeze it solid then add a power source such as a propeller on its beak, some control could get it to fly as an airplane ....but it would be a dead rigid thing ..not the live bird soaring with bending nuanced wing, feeling the air and reacting to it..doing the ballet of flight which captivates us ground bound beings with envy. Sailing is the nearest so far to bird flight that man has experienced...The vessel and therefore you, feel the wind and responds, You shape the sails as bird wings and negotiate with nature to get where you want to go. It is no accident of language that from earliest times, sailing ships were called she. If you build the Endeavour I suspect that you will go on to build others..and develop the eye for appraising the sweet lines of a well designed hull and rig and how well it will harmonize with wind and water. Enough said. Except, that I was out racing my sailboat last night in a spanking wind..spray flying... so today I am waxing a little poetic.... I'll get over it.
The hull you have is a fine first step. I would'nt worry about the rig just yet..first get the hull and its texture map right. Once you get the hull right the rest will follow quicker than you suspect. It is hard to tell much about your hull shape except that stern sections are too full. I would strongly reccomend using the sections from the Endeavour draught. I went back to my Infini-D model and made some screen grabs.. Infini D does not have the skinning or lofting abilities of Carrara so there had to be a lot of work arounds such as booleans, whereas Carrara lets you skin up the whole stern but I think you can get the idea. This was an early model which was WIP..for example the window badge is incorrect. not try to get too much out of the hull loft. Cap rails etc. should be made separate. I like to make the keel/rudder as a simple extrusion and use the same texture as the hull, this way they blend together.
Headwax..your right the sectionals are shown half from midsection aft and the other half from mid section forward...They need a little photoshop to use as templates.
Happy lofting..
thanks for the headsup msteaka , nice ship model too
Hi Stezza. I just wanted to wish you good luck with your ship model. It's really hard work. I always tell myself when I finish one, that it's the last one, but I can't resist making more. They look so cool!
Fantastic! Looking great!
msteaka, very cool!
Roygee, that's very cool Cutty!!!
Faveral, I'm certainly glad that you went through the trauma for me!!! Thanks! ;) Your store is A#1 in my honest opinion - always one of my first stops! :)
Thanks again msteaka, I've done another hull and a few more other things as well like friggin in the riggin... bouy o bouy! ... using the original plans of course for the hull.. but can't get it looking as good as yours.
@Faveral thanks for popping in and the encouragement that it is hard... it sure is really hard work and I can't wait till you do the Endeavour ( hint hint ) I'll buy it straight away :-)
I was actually thinking f doing the Hermione. The ship that brought Lafayette from France to Boston to help fend off the english
but, but, the Hermione's history is not as great as the Endeavour...
a bit of history from WikiPedia...
HMS Endeavour, also known as HM Bark Endeavour, was a British Royal Navy research vessel that Lieutenant James Cook commanded on his first voyage of discovery, to Australia and New Zealand, from 1769 to 1771.
She was launched in 1764 as the collier Earl of Pembroke, and the navy purchased her in 1768 for a scientific mission to the Pacific Ocean and to explore the seas for the surmised Terra Australis Incognita or "unknown southern land". The navy renamed and commissioned her as His Majesty's Bark the Endeavour. She departed Plymouth in August 1768, rounded Cape Horn, and reached Tahiti in time to observe the 1769 transit of Venus across the Sun. She then set sail into the largely uncharted ocean to the south, stopping at the Pacific islands of Huahine, Bora Bora, and Raiatea to allow Cook to claim them for Great Britain. In September 1769, she anchored off New Zealand, the first European vessel to reach the islands since Abel Tasman's Heemskerck 127 years earlier.
In April 1770, Endeavour became the first ship to reach the east coast of Australia, when Cook went ashore at what is now known as Botany Bay. Endeavour then sailed north along the Australian coast. She narrowly avoided disaster after running aground on the Great Barrier Reef, and Cook had to throw her guns overboard to lighten her. He then beached her on the mainland for seven weeks to permit rudimentary repairs to her hull.
Final resting place
The surrender of Burgoyne's army at Saratoga, brought France into the war, and in the summer of 1778 a pincer plan was agreed to recapture Newport: the Continental Army would approach overland, and a French Fleet would sail into the harbour. To prevent the latter the British commander, Captain John Brisbane, determined to blockade the bay by sinking surplus vessels at its mouth. Between 3 and 6 August a fleet of Royal Navy and hired craft, including Lord Sandwich 2, were scuttled at various locations in the Bay.Lord Sandwich 2, previously Endeavour, previously Earl of Pembroke, was sunk on 4 August 1778.
Redone the hull... but still having trouble that it's not looking right even though it follows the template design of the original plans...