Midnight Martian Female HD

hello!! I just need an alienfemale, so I buy midnight martian female... it's on genesis 2 female base, so it's (I think) no problems in C8,5 pro... But that doesn't install, even with thedaz installer... what would be the way to install manually? is it an item which doesn't work in Carrara??? thank you for help, I really need to use a sort of grey alien like that!!! (there are some, in the "old" generations V4 M4 ???
HD figures don't work in Carrara as far as I know.
You could try this one if you have the required product. It Should Work.
thank you Chickenman...but, which one I could try??? I don't understand!...
My general experience has been that figures with HD morphs will load, but without any effect from the HD morphs. I don't own the Midnight Martian Female referenced, The description says that it is "full HD morph." Does Genesis 2 load in general?
There are some other grey alien type figures available from various sources.
G2F has a creature creator bundle (again, I don't own it) with both HD and standard resolution versions. The standard resolution should work. http://www.daz3d.com/creature-creator-for-genesis-2-female-s
I have a grey alien that came with my edition (older) of Poser. The figure is available separately. Can't link to that store.
can't say about g2f creature creator, as i don't have it.
but it seems to have textures too.
i can say about older female morphs:
v4 has: http://www.daz3d.com/victoria-4-2-creature-creator-morphs
which has head morphs for grey alien.
you need a texture, don't use the: http://www.daz3d.com/creature-maps
they are for zombies.
genesis has:
1. an ugly green male "starman" with a morph, that i think maybe it came from: http://www.daz3d.com/supersuit-scifi-pack
i'm not sure form where i got it, and i don't think the suit works.
the creature morphs are in two products:
the bundle is; http://www.daz3d.com/genesis-creature-creator-bundle
ways to use them:
2. the head morphs has 2 morphs for grey; http://www.daz3d.com/genesis-creature-creator-heads
but you need a texture.
3. i don't have it, (it uses the body morphs; http://www.daz3d.com/genesis-creature-creator-bodies)
and seems to have a texture, it's: http://www.daz3d.com/grey-alien-genesis
some textures don't load in carrara.
shlomi laszlo