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I dunno, it's gotta metal codpiece. I think that could attract some of the community.
Mind you, a metal codpiece has got to be uncomfortable. So we can add another subset there.
So that's Andy under there?
lol... probably right Wendy..
I dumped Andy and rigged it to Genesis with flanno to see if it worked... kinda sorta..
Thanks wgdjohn. I didn't really do anything...I just tried a bunch of combinations of Subdividing and Tesselate with lots of trial and error using both a converted Icosahedron and a Polyhedron. I watched a few tutorials about creating a soccer ball, but they were for other softwares and there didn't seem to be any direct translation in Carrara. Just a happy accident it worked like it did.
To go with my Ned's Armour I need a home for him.. so I am going to venture out to the high countryof Victoria and give a go at modelling a cabin with landscape...
Along the lines of this photo....
At the speed that you model you should have it done tonight.
BTW: I live in STL, MO, USA... smack dab in middle of the heartland and have known who Ned Kelly was for quite some time due to seeing a movie about him.
I have no idea what an STL, MO is I'm sorry... USA I have an idea of
Just go about 300 miles south from Chicago and look for the big arch (like half a McDonald's sign). You can't miss it.
I did that drive many times in the past.
Hah... ha... Saint Louis, Missouri in the United States... beginning to wonder what the latter is myself these days.
A McDonlads sign is shaped like an arch but is miniture and coloured brightly yellow+red compared to the Saint Louis Arch which I can see from 10+ miles away. :)
St Louis Missouri
I had to Google it
Wendy, The New York Rockettes originated in Saint Louis Missouri in 1925 known then by the "Missouri Rockets", before my time, before moving to New York in 1932... before that they had. Go Goole that.
OK... I google earthed it... must be flat country if you can see it from 10 miles away..
but I was more intrigued by this bridge to nowhere on the other side of the river!
aspiring female astronauts maybe?
Long legged beautiful astronauts from Venus who inhabitated Earth long ago. :)
Maybe it's a nature-friendly parking lot?
a wicked skate ramp?
Tim, I'm understanding everything not highlighted well... I believe.
I understand that sides should be up thanks to your help. What I keep wondering about is the top face and the bottom face. Does orientation for those make a difference? I'm of course speaking seperate islands and not T Cross method. Perhaps I'll take a peak at one of your products... I think I'm only missing one... which is in wishlist.
Thanks... again for your very helpful explainations... As well as the new Carrara content... Kewl!
I don't think so. The important thing is that they face in the direction that you think they do.
Thanks... I'm such a bother... need to quit procatinating and just do it. :)
Started on my Ned Cabin
hey that's great, mate
My last go at my letter Z... I fixed the error I'd made when adding thickness before. It's time on moved onto another letter... hmmm... which one shall I do??? there are a lot to go yet. Let's see I already have a C and A all I need is to put a leg on my P and I'll have all the letters needed to spell Carrara!
BTW: If I didn't mention it before, likely that I did, the large letters are scaled to 300%... the smaller ones ar 100%. Just glanced at the pic... reminds me I need to design some shaders for new walls and floor.
Modeling Clothes Question:
Does Add Thickness ever need to be used for clothing? The videos I've seen don't use it.
Most clothing is done single sided, and it would add a lot of geometry that you can't see to have everything with thickness. That said, for thicker cloth, boots etc you may want to have the illusion of thickness at the edges. For that I have used Add Thickness, then with the inner surface still selected, use Shrink Selection once or twice (until you can't see any selected polys) and then delete - so just enough to add some thickness at the edges without adding too much unneeded geometry. If you are using dynamic cloth, use the single sided model for the simulation and then add the thickness afterwards - the sim is preserved, as are UVs.
Thanks Phil... that makes a lot of sense.
Can you bake displacement maps to a mesh? If so, how?
What I want to do is come up with a displacement map for a figure, bake it to the figure in a low poly mode to get some of the effect, then add the displacement on top for added detail.
displace in 3D view and export an obj
but be warned it ends up very high poly and rather messy
and of course would need to be rerigged
Any way to preserve/revert to the original mesh, just... moved?
If I understand what you are trying to do, export the mesh as Wendy suggests above (at base resolution of the mesh) and then load it as a morph onto your original figure, that way you can preserve the rigging. Depending on the figure that you are using, it may be better to do that in Daz Studio. Once the morph has been created, it should be available to you in Carrara as well.
Frustratingly, I cannot get the morph loader in Daz to accept the displaced geometry. Keeps talking about mismatch.
Back to the drawing board.
That is probably due to a mismatch of the resolution you are using - ensure that everything is set to Base Resolution - and of course don't do any edits to the mesh that changes the number or arrangement of vertices, other than moving them around.