Suburban Sprawl

Something like the Urban Sprawl series, but leading into it. Suburbs! Family homes! A neighborhood convenience store!


  • Myerz80Myerz80 Posts: 27

    Yes please. :)

    Would be nice if it was a pack with 4 or 5 houses with interiors, and a convenience store with an interior.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    Myerz80 said:

    Yes please. :)

    Would be nice if it was a pack with 4 or 5 houses with interiors, and a convenience store with an interior.

    I'm building a scene now like that using existing props, and it uses up a lot of resources. I was thinking more the way that the Urban Sprawl series is made, as a complete 3d background without interiors or opening doors and such, to spare my poor little processors!

    I just want something my characters can travel through.

  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    Surprised this still hasn't been delivered on. 

    What we need is basically a Hollywood style movie set. Anyone who has been on the backlot tour at Paramount studios in L.A. should know what I'm talking about. They don't have to be accurate scales or tolerances, just good enough to look real as a backdrop - and lightweight. Facades. 

    I've been considering this as a project - maybe a cul-de-sac. 

    And the things that do exist all have a very East Coast vibe... It seems like what we're missing is Southern Californian Master Planned HOA community suburbs. Some stucco and comp or spanish tile roofs. 


  • escrandallescrandall Posts: 491

    I'm hoping Dreamland models eventually comes out with Iray friendly sets.  Some of his suburban blocks on Rendo are great- at least for 50s and early 60s scenes.

  • Blind OwlBlind Owl Posts: 504

    And the things that do exist all have a very East Coast vibe... It seems like what we're missing is Southern Californian Master Planned HOA community suburbs. Some stucco and comp or spanish tile roofs. 

    Strongly agree: when it comes to content, NY seems to get more love than it deserves. Maybe SoCal could use more, but I'd like to see the Pacific Northwest (what we in Canada call the Pacific Southwest wink) get a little more lovin'. There are beautiful neighborhoods in and around e.g. Seattle WA, Vancouver B.C., and elsewhere in the region that I'd like to see represented—West Coast architectural styles and materials, foliage etc.—in the sketchy bare-bones manner Petercat suggests. No particular need for interiors—they can be cribbed or cobbled up—but the feel of a suburban or semi-urban neighborhood.

    Anyway I second Petercat's request, though the pictures in our heads are bound to be somewhat different.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    Blind Owl said:
    Anyway I second Petercat's request, though the pictures in our heads are bound to be somewhat different.

    Yeah, isn't it great that we can start with the same scene and kitbash until they match our different visions?
    Thanks, DAZ and PAs for that!

  • TooncesToonces Posts: 919

    FirstBastion has a good suburban sprawl product:

  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    @Toonces - that one is good, and is going on the wishlist. 

    Still has a Middle America feel... Feels like a suburb of Chicago or Cleveland... 

    @Blind Owl I'd be happy with the Pacific Northwest too. Even Northern California. Just something with a touch more of a West Coast vibe to it. 

  • Blind OwlBlind Owl Posts: 504
    edited May 2017
    Toonces said:

    FirstBastion has a good suburban sprawl product:

    I've been eyeballing that one too, and it's likewise going on my wish list. With a little this & a little that, it wouldn't look out of place in some parts of Vancouver B.C., my former hometown. More trees & shrubs, mostly.

    Of course, certain other parts of Vancouver could be used as prototypes for a 'Dystopian Post-Apocalyptic' neighborhood, but then the same is true of most North American cities.wink


    Post edited by Blind Owl on
  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,837
    edited June 2017

    Thought I'd share this suburban scene made up of houses from two products. The background houses are Single Homes Bundle using the Make a Street presets and the foreground houses and streets are from 1stBastions Neighbours: Front Drive. I talk about both sets more on my Creating Big City Scenes thread.


    Post edited by RGcincy on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,274
    RGcincy said:

    Thought I'd share this suburban scene made up of houses from two products. The background houses are Single Homes Bundle using the Make a Street presets and the foreground houses and streets are from 1stBastions Neighbours: Front Drive. I talk about both sets more on my Creating Big City Scenes thread.


    Looks good. Did you use Ultrascatter or something?

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