any luck with g2 6 HD Add-Ons?

i bought this for some reason


can't figure out which way to go to try and get it to work?

is it subdivision, or displacement?


sounds like a project and a half, eh

any ideas or suggestions?


thanks! cheers!

oh my, working up a thirst 


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,885

    You need to dial in the Gianni 6 HD morph and set Gianni 6 Mesh Resolution (in Parameters pane) to Render SubDivision 2 or higher. I think 3 is recommended. Leave the viewport Subdivision at 1.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    thanks.  parameters pane in carrara?

    ise goin blind  >.<

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,885

    Oh, sorry. I didn't see that this was in the Carrara forum. I can't help with that.

  • BrianP21361BrianP21361 Posts: 813

    HD isn't supported in Carrara.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,634
    edited June 2016

    there is a painfull iffy way you can do it'

    • pose your HD figure in DS with the mouth open using the bones, tongue posed  inbetween
    • up the subdivision as suggested and export a tPosed obj
    • import the obj and on the original figure select the rigging tool and rightclick bake rotations
    • use transfer utility pick your figure in the morphs dropdown for the source use near vertices as near as you can get far left, select morphs and on right add all and replace source with figure
    • run it and pray it does not crash
    • repose mouth shut and bake rotations again
    • save as support asset under new name again pray it does not crash
    • this is best done in DS4.8 or earlier btw too

    do not expect any clothes to fit, you could add a posed geograft to the obj though at that step with a few morph positions and use the weight brush after rigging to add it to pelvis and render him nude 

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    would want to put some celtic jewelry on him, no clothes to cover up the hd details smiley

    well, 4 cores not enough rendering power.

    deko cores!

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