Hey Silene... Check this out! Back-Friendly Computing!

When we were discussing computing solutions that would be easier, if not just less harmful, on our backs, I had an idea of a modular system which monted each component individually on a wall, each with height variability.
I like this a LOT! Sort of along the same lines: Introducing - VARIDESK
Post edited by Dartanbeck on
Hi Dart, I was just popping by to look at your recent terrain discussion, and Eddy's batch converter again, and saw your post. That is so cool!
I am going to send this to someone who cannot sit anymore, he has to stand as his back is worse than mine. I think he will be hoping to source it here.
Sorry I've not been around. RL has been awful. My brother died suddenly in late April over in Florida, and there's been a lot of other stuff happening as well here.
Thanks for posting this... such a simple concept!
My pleasure! I hope it helps others as well. I'm still planning on going with my concept, but will certainly be keeping these things in mind... price seems pretty nice for what they do!
So sorry to hear that. My condolences, - Rosie and I are sending hugs
RL has been kicking on me pretty hard too. I try to post when I can, but I'm still not as present as I'd like to be ;)
So sad to hear this, I haven't been around much lately either. not to post, as I too lost a brother (at the beginning of March), That one was expected to a certain extent, but was just getting over that one when I lost my long term partner, Himself, Him indoors, suddenly at the end of April.
Sending good vibrations and sincere condolences in your direction.
Oh, how terrible for you... I am so sorry for your very sad news.

Sending my deepest condolences. My heart aches for you at two such terrible losses, Chohole.
My brother went in for a hastily organised quad bypass + aorta valve replacement on the 11th, but after was put in a drug-induced coma and on a dozen machines,but it was not working so they let him go. Even though he was not in good health, they operated anyways.So that was a shock.
PM me if you ever get down to Bristol. Maybe the Carrara Brit contingent could have a meet up sometime if we could coordinate it. It would be good to meet some of the talented people here someday.
Take care,
Silene, Chohole - my sincere condolences to you both. I've had a rough month too, my mum died and the funeral was on Friday, but she had a good life, she was almost 88 and it was her time. To lose a partner or a brother suddenly and unexpectedly is awful. My thoughts are with you. X
My condolaces to all.
Wow... Oh, Sweetie, I'm so sorry.
Very sorry, Silene, Cho, and Phil. Thoughts and prayers.
Phil, I am so sorry to hear of your mum. No matter their age or health, losing a parent is so hard. xx
Silene, Chohole and Phil, you have my full sympathy and I hope some understanding of your loss. I think death is the most unreal of life's experiences..The people we love may be gone but somehow, they still live in our minds - forever. I have lost a brother and a sister the last couple of years and my remaining brother(prostate cancer and triple bi-pass) is barley hanging in there. I have just come back from an emmergency flight to LA where my brother was hospitalized with double Pneumonia..not expected to make it -but now, somehow he is hanging in there. My sincere condolences.
Aye. I have lost Parents, Child, Sibling, and now my other half. As you say I remember each of them. I would have said that losing a son was the worst to cope with until now, when I am having to come to terms with losing the most important person in my life, and so suddenly. There are 2 sides to a sudden death. You are pleased that they didn't hang on and suffer, and yet you grieve that you didn't get the chance to say goodbye properly.
Phil my condolences for the loss of your Mum. Mums are special. (and I am not saying that just cos I am a Mum myself.)