Tutorial for placing objects in scene?

I just recently purchased Carrara yesterday. The interface is fairly easy to navigate. Although working with Bryce and learning Carrara, I need to learn placing of objects, selecting etc. I also noticed when I import certain 3DS models with their texture maps, Carrara will freeze up and shut down. I bought this so I could use more of a character base in my landscape scenes. Any help on directing me to tutorails would be greatly appreciated.
Dartanbeck and Cripeman both have some very good tutorials on YouTube - just search on their names and lots of good stuff will pop up.
For pay tutorials, Phil W's series done through Infinite Skills are hard to beat, and they're 60% off right now - http://www.daz3d.com/infinite-skills-inc
MMoir also has a smaller video tutorial, again 60% off and very good - http://www.daz3d.com/carrara-modeling-tutorials
Both these sets come with project files and resources, so you can work along with them.
MMoirs Walk Cycle one is also good and on sale.
Both MMoir and PhilW frequent the forum so any questions about the tutorials can be answered by them or any of us who have watched them and are familiar with Carrara.
Try looking at Dartenbacks Carrara Information Manual
there is also a Genisis Post for tricks of working with Genisis and G2 in carrara.
In Carrara,. you can use Multiple views to see your scen from different perspectives,. (top, left, front, cam1,) ect.. you can have split view, tri or quad view's,. or a single view.
Use the Directors Camera, to move around your scene.
Select an object or a group of objects and press 0 (zero) ,.. your camera will move and track to fit the selected objects in the view.
In Carrara,. any selected object, becomes your centre of rotation for the camera,
if you don't have anything selected,. the default rotation point is the scene centre.
You can use ALT,. plus Left / Right / middle mouse buttons or scroll wheel, and drag in the view , to move / pan / track the camera.
You can Save multiple camera positions, using the camera menu, which can be applied to any camera, and you can also create multiple cameras.
You can create "target helper objects" which can be used with modifiers such as Track, or Point At, to keep the camera focused on a specific area, or object in your scene.
Carrara allows you to move selected objects and rigged figures using the XYZ arrows in the view,.
You can also drag objects around your scene, by clicking directly on them and dragging to where you need them.
Hope it helps
Lenny, I'm not familiar with 3DS... does it have it's own format for saving an entire scene file whith models, figures etc? I would think that the figures would need to be loaded 1 at a time. Sounds like you may be trying to load too much at one time Now I'm curious.
Another good place to ask is in Official Release of Carrara 8.5 **Update -** there may be a trick to loading 3DS files that I don't know since I've not tried one.
I've had occasional issues importing very high-poly objects into Carrara (I mean VERY high poly - it handles a few hundred thousand polys with no problems) so it may be the specific model. I've also had issues with .3DS and .lwo files I've found on the net - sometimes the free ones have strange issues that give Carrra fits (probably more of a Carrara issue than a file issue). If the model you are having issues with is something you got somewhere then maybe try taking it through another program like Blender (import to Blender, then just export it right out again (possibly in a different format like .OBJ which Carrara seems to like better), then try importing in Carrara) - that has sometimes fixed it for me. If it is something you made yourself and saved in .3DS, try saving it in another format like .OBJ and then importing into Carrara.
3DS is an Autodesk model format. and was widely used before autodesk bought FBX ,. 3DS is like OBJ,. static mesh no animation. 3DS is still used for models although there are better alternatives,.
Use OBJ format ,. Most "content" for Poser Daz Studio is supplied in OBJ
Hope it helps :)