White Knight

So, I saw this in today's offereings.  I won't be buying it for long time, as it's not a type of armor I use and I've got enough swords and shields.

But the gloves on it look fantastic!  If they were sold alone with the listed morphs, I'd spend $5, maybe $7


  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    That's the thing; that absurd Battle Queen outfit from a week or so ago is another case in point. Utterly stupid jungle queen outfit -- with pauldrons on bare shoulders! BUT it comes with a great pair of flat heeled boots (or maybe that should be knee-high moccasins) and a lovely pair of leather gauntlets. For the boots AND the gauntlets it was about worth the price (particularly since it was half off). But *really*.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    Guess you guys have never played the popular MMORPG TERA. White Knight reminds me of something you would see in that universe as nearly every female figure has heels on, I love non practical warrior outfits, you can always add undergarments, LOL.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    the white knight is talking backwards  tee hee

  • nelsonsmithnelsonsmith Posts: 1,337

    Yeah, the gloves look terrific, but I can't get over the stupidity of high heel cos-play styled armor so I will probably never own them unless the set is offered as a freebie sometime down the line.

  • JazzyBearJazzyBear Posts: 805

    Once I learned about material zones and opacity, I have been kit bashing virtually every outfit I buy. Also, using utilities that help with layering make for amazing combo outfits. http://www.daz3d.com/fit-control-for-genesis-3-female-s

    While happy with pinup and boudoir outfits, I don't mix skimpywear with my other scenes.

  • ANGELREAPER1972ANGELREAPER1972 Posts: 4,518
    edited July 2016

    Guess you guys have never played the popular MMORPG TERA. White Knight reminds me of something you would see in that universe as nearly every female figure has heels on, I love non practical warrior outfits, you can always add undergarments, LOL.

    there's a lot that do in art, comics, games, movies, tv and should see some cosplayers that create their own characters. There was a movie had this villianess that decapitated people with her high heels and Bond heels get it with knives in their shoes. Oh and then there is Bayonetta her high heels are guns too and she's very acrobatic nimble. Oh not heels but death by carrot that's a favourite of mine in the movie Shoot Em Up. Well can't blame guys being the ones for creating products like this as this and many other products that get dumped on are made by a lot of talented ladies here and are proud of their creations as they should be ok not sure if this creator is female or male but there are a lot of talented ladies here oh and I have a lot of female friends that love this stuff and prefer this style than the so called more realistic should be style of look including my mother she like many others for example much prefer for example the more well known Wonder Woman look as in the Lynda Carter type 

    Post edited by ANGELREAPER1972 on
  • True, heels will incur a slight movement hit, but then again your character is never caught flat footed, which is tantamount to cheating it's so useful.

  • ZKuroZKuro Posts: 716

    So, I'm the designer and actually a woman, student from a traditional sculpting school and this was in fact a work I developed for one school project. The subject was "Character creation" and "Are video games art?" So to answer this questions I've worked on a lot of sketches with my mind on games like: Lineage2, Tera, Final Fantasy... etc

    Are these boots logical or practical to fight? Well of course no, and you wont have me, going to fight in thong thaaaat's a sure thing. This is fantasy! And it's okay I think. As a designer and artist I like and respect a lot of styles, each one have it's utilities and uses. I like some being flat and some not, it depends on how realistic you may want your works to look like.

    But I love and value all your opinions guys, and I will keep this on my mind for future works so I can add a flat version of footwear when I design an outfit!

  • ZippyGuitarZippyGuitar Posts: 849
    edited July 2016

    I finally talked myself into getting this outfit this morning. I'll admit, I was a little on the fence yesterday because of the high heels and thong but those things are easily hidden/dealt with. It's such a trivial, minor thing. I'll just add a skirt or something. This outfit looks so amazing though. Very high quality and I love the 'regal flare' to the entire wardrobe. I wanted it the minute I saw the product images. It was too similar to a character design I had done.

    Post edited by ZippyGuitar on
  • nelsonsmithnelsonsmith Posts: 1,337

    Gotta' love that leather longcoat and hat for the G3 female though !   laugh

  • gbrittongbritton Posts: 46

    Great work zkuro - bought it as soon as I saw it.   It will be good to use as a complete outfit and as separate pieces to be integrated into other outfits.  Thank you !

  • BendinggrassBendinggrass Posts: 1,373

    Just got it.

    I love it.

  • watchdog79watchdog79 Posts: 1,026
    edited October 2020
    ZKuro said:

    So, I'm the designer and actually a woman, student from a traditional sculpting school and this was in fact a work I developed for one school project. The subject was "Character creation" and "Are video games art?" So to answer this questions I've worked on a lot of sketches with my mind on games like: Lineage2, Tera, Final Fantasy... etc

    Are these boots logical or practical to fight? Well of course no, and you wont have me, going to fight in thong thaaaat's a sure thing. This is fantasy! And it's okay I think. As a designer and artist I like and respect a lot of styles, each one have it's utilities and uses. I like some being flat and some not, it depends on how realistic you may want your works to look like.

    But I love and value all your opinions guys, and I will keep this on my mind for future works so I can add a flat version of footwear when I design an outfit!

    Yes, yes, yes, thank you, thank you, thank you. Choice never hurts here.

    I often love certain outfits, but I need non-high heeled footwear for most of my scenes. Some outfits allow nice kitbashing (that is another important criteria of any outfit, or any product in general!), so I can substitute the non-fitting shoes/boots with something more appropriate, but some outfits have such a specific design, that it is not possible to do that. I own several of your wonderful products and some I bought just with kitbashing in mind.

    By the way, there is a whole thread on high heels in the Product Suggestion section that you may find interesting: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/415826/stop-putting-heels-on-everything/p1

    Post edited by watchdog79 on
  • doubledeviantdoubledeviant Posts: 1,189
    edited October 2020
    Wow, those *are* nice gloves... and boots... and a nice shield... and sword... So yeah, just checked out again, this time with a $2 cart. Second time this week a forum thread caused me to take another look at a PFAD item that I'd passed over and then buy that item.
    Post edited by doubledeviant on
  • SnowSultanSnowSultan Posts: 3,646

    Thanks for the heads-up, I'll get this too for possible kitbashing. 

  • MoreTNMoreTN Posts: 303

    Wow, just had a look at zkuro's store 'cos of this thread. She makes great stuff. Several bits added to Wishlist.

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