Newbie with a couple of problems

Hi all,
I've been Using Daz3D for a couple of years and I have just started looking through Carrara 8.5 Pro.
My initial problems are these: This version was downloaded using DIM from the Daz website. Attempting to open a preset results in a warning that wizards have not been found and that they need to be installed from the CD. Likewise with the objects library.
Clicking on any of the web drop down menu options, i.e. tutotials and support, results in a page 404 error.
As you can see, it's a bit difficult to get started when half the application appears to be missing.
All help gratefully received,
Thanks in advance,
Post edited by geoff6 on
I have not installed it for long time but isn't it two installations ? the software and the content package ? I don't have it here so cannot check at the moment, it sound like you are missing that part.
Edit: No I was wrong, just checked the product library and it's just one .exe file so should be ok, but it does sound like some part is missing for some reason.
Mikael was correct with the first guess,.
Carrara has two parts,.. the Main program,. and an installer for the Carrara Native Content (this part includes all the samples,.. models, shaders, scenes, and the scene wizards.
It should be called "Carrara 8 native content" (in DIM)
"Carrara render node" is only needed if you're running a small network of render slaves
Hope it helps ,. and Welcome :)
Thanks guys, you're right, I was missing the native content files and DIM doesn't want to help as it's a zip file... So my next question is; where should I install the native content so that Carrara sees it?
Thanks again,
From what I remember it's a two stage process using DIM.
First install the Carrara app (and ONLY the Carrara app)
Next go back into DIM and click the cog wheel (top right). Select the Applications tab, and add an entry for Carrara 8.5 (64 bit) -- or 32 bit if that's what you installed -- Set the path to where you installed it: ( /Applications/Daz 3D/Carrara 8.5 64-bit on my Mac) Hit Accept.
Now you can install the remaining content and DIM will put it in the right place.
(as long as you don't delete downloads after install, you can simply uninstall and have another go if you muck it up)
Aha! And so it begins!
Thanks all,
After you get up and running you may want to look at the previous Carrara challenges as the WIP posts will show you how people go about doing different things in Carrara to achieve different objectives.
If you feel up to it you can try your hat (if you have one) in the current Carrara Challenge.
There is criteria for new comers to ensure that they can participate.
It is using Caustics or Nautical Works.
We are all here to feed your addiction to Carrara
Damn you Chickenman!
Its all good we feed the addiction every month to force you to learn more.
As chicenman suggests... check out the Carrara Callenges each month and have a peek at the old ones also... I've only, this year, started entering. Each contest I learn new tools/effects/etc... they are great for helping to learn Carrara.
Thanks all,
I'm up for that but I'm also knee deep in Daz3D projects at the moment so I might not throw in on the first couple of challenges besides, I don't even know what caustics are, or how 'fit to' works or how the shaders work and, and, and.....
No problem and no pressure the intent is just to try to learn from each other.
You post your WIP images and others can comment on it and how to improve the image such as what to change in the shaders or framing of the shot for more impact. It is also a good place to ask topic related questions.
Caustics aren't hard but are intresting to try to utilize.
to quote wiki In optics, a caustic or caustic network [1] is the envelope of light rays reflected or refracted by a curved surface or object, or the projection of that envelope of rays on another surface.[2] The caustic is a curve or surface to which each of the light rays is tangent, defining a boundary of an envelope of rays as a curve of concentrated light.[2] Therefore, in the image to the right, the caustics can be the patches of light or their bright edges.
Got it.
Thanks again,