Dynamic cloth + related Carrara plugins - Best Practices, Tips and Renders



  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited January 2017

    other use for the VWD plugin. Mesh draped over m4 and v4 and rendered with a glass shader and caustics


    1990 x 1479 - 3M
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  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    mindsong said:
    head wax said:

    sorry, shouldnt have bought that up!!

    all is not lost as long as we have independent plugin developers who have their heart in the right place - Like Philemo and Gerard (from VWD) and Fenric and Eric and Mark and Sparrowhawke and Dart and Tim and PhilW.... etc.

    'tis what it 'tis, and I like what we've got enough to last 6 lifetimes, so I daren't complain! I'm also grateful for those who keep this magic alive!

    Beautiful render, by the way - the color is great, the grass is perfect, and it looks like an old masters painting in the best way.



    ...and that damned War Elephant! Bravo, man!!!

    Yeah, that was actually part of Eovia's selling point to Daz3d - take it so (someone else) doesn't beat you to it.

    While it's not trying to win any developmental races, Carrara certainly has received some nice upgrades since owned by Daz3d. It's still my favorite software ever!

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    In contrast, I'm Jack-of-all-trades, good-at-none with my tool-chain right now, but getting some good results from some experiments this week (yay, and yes, i'll show them someday!). I think I wish I had started and mastered Carrara from the start. Getting there little-by-little, and am not gonna let any lack of upgrades stop that effort, so long as I can keep it and the plugins working on a machine of any kind! Working in Bryce a lot as well. I don't know why I like that silly program so much, but I do.

    head wax, that last draping render is wonderfully gruesome (sp?)  with the textures you chose. striking.


  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited January 2017

    Just a quick one to try out a new casual outfit that I made in MD and then textured and draped in Carrara using VWD, then rendered with Octane Render for Carrara. The room and furnishings are from the old Dream House collection.  My first posted image for 2017!

    1920 x 1440 - 478K
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  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    thank you Mindsong and Dart.

    PhilW amazingly lifelike

    would be good to see some before and afters as far as the clothing drape goes

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited January 2017

    Head Wax - here is a screen shot of the outfit having been textured but not yet draped. I usually model for V4, as I have a V4 morph for G2F so I started with that and then set the character, body shape and pose that I want at 1 sec, and let the sim tun to 2 secs (not usually needed) to allow for the drape to settle. The clothing here is two separate pieces, hence there is a little poke through between them, and also with the figure, but these are resolved when draping (if not too much). I did two separate drapes, first for the trousers (you can call them pants or jeans as you prefer!) colliding against the figure, and then the sweatshirt colliding against the figure and the trousers. I hope this helps.

    Screenshot 2017-01-07 23.16.14.png
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  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    thanks PhilW, for the explanation,

    really pleased how it takes away poke through -

    still I'm hoping Philemo gives us his no pokethrough plugin ;)


  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited January 2017

    Another image using cloth draping via the plugin.  No prizes for guessing the inspiration for the image!

    1600 x 2400 - 540K
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  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    Such an authentic girl!

  • DaremoK3DaremoK3 Posts: 798

    Great image, PhilW.  I think it is only lacking her belt pouch, which for the love of everything, I am still scratching my head wondering why she was wearing it, or what was inside.


    I was impressed by the first season with all the winding roads, and the ending...  The center, my friend.  Can't wait for season two.


    Did I win?


    Please give my prize to charity (or her sister).


    head wax:


    That is an incredible usage of VWD for an image.  Top shelf...

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    head wax: That is an incredible usage of VWD for an image.  Top shelf...


    Thank you DaremoK3

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited January 2017

    Yes I will have to add a belt pouch. It is clearly for her to keep her money in, have to pay for the groceries somehow!

    Post edited by PhilW on
  • BagboyBagboy Posts: 173
    edited January 2017

    I assume VWD works with self-created items, as opposed to DAZ models?

    I have VWD plus the Carrara plugin, and it opens fine in Carrara.  But, I can't figure out how to load my figure and clothing in it. frown

    Are there prep requirements for the Carrara created objects that need to be fulfilled for this to work?  My objects are vertex creations.

    Thanks in advance for any guidance!


    Post edited by Bagboy on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    VWD works with both Daz models and self-created models. Once you open VWD from Carrara, you should see a list of objects in your scene at the top, you can refresh the list with the Hot List button. Then select your collision object (or repeat for multiple objects) and finally the object that you want to "clothify". If you have not seen the tutorials by Philemo and by VirtualWorldDynamics himself, I recommend them. Start here:

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Hi bagboy, looking forward to what you come up with

    one other hint (courtesy PhilW) is to keep the names of your objects simple eg K4 instead of K4_M-12 etc.

    a fellow called biscuits has some free tutotrials somewhere on the net as well to download

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    Look for the rendo vendor named Biscuits and grab her free video tutorials. Helps big time!

  • BagboyBagboy Posts: 173

    Thanks for all the help! laugh

    I found the Biscuits tutorials. I'm getting stuck almost from the beginning. After VWD launches, I hit the "Host List" button (where Biscuit's video shows "Poser List").  I get an error message (in French: "index de liste hors limites" or, by way of Bing: 'list out of range index"), I hit Okay, and then I get an eternal spinning ring indicator of some working process.

    That's it.  Can't get past this. I don't know if I've got something installed incorrectly or what, although, except for the French language of the error notice, the installation went as expected.

    Can't wait to see what this thing can do!

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Hi what version of VWD are you using?

    I had that problem with latest one initially, then reinstalled it and (I think) it now works fine?



  • BagboyBagboy Posts: 173

    Hello head wax!

    This should be V1.0.408.2976_193109, according to the download file name.

    I'll try reinstalling and see what that does.



  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    pleasure fingers crossed

  • BagboyBagboy Posts: 173

    No joy. sad

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    hmm, sorry, I've sent a message to a few people who may be able to help, hopefully they will have ideas.

    we have to be careful what  we say and link to  here as three threads  on the subject have already been pulled

  • BagboyBagboy Posts: 173

    Thanks again!

    Yeah, I just realized I was straying into restricted territory! wink

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Let's see...


    steps to try

    1) installing the demo first

    2) make sure its in the C drive

    3)then adding the new vwd exe file into that same folder


    might help, or maybe I am dreaming :)


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    It might help if we knew what you were trying to load into it.

    If it's causing an error message, there might be an issue there. Have you tried something simple just to try out the software and get a grasp of it?

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Originally, I had a problem because I had an oudated python script.  My problem was solved by straightening that out. 

  • @Bagboy

    Just sent you a PM

  • BagboyBagboy Posts: 173
    Philemo said:


    Just sent you a PM

    Thanks Phillemo!  This is embarrassing, but, where do I go to view a PM? blush

  • BagboyBagboy Posts: 173

    Thanks to all who've replied with advice and ideas.  I'll try them all out and see if I can get to the next step. laugh

  • BagboyBagboy Posts: 173

    It might help if we knew what you were trying to load into it.

    If it's causing an error message, there might be an issue there. Have you tried something simple just to try out the software and get a grasp of it?

    Hi Dart!

    Took your advice and tried something simple.  In this case a cylinder primitive and a vertex plane. Guess what? I got to first base! VWD loaded, the scene import was populated by the two objects, and are ready to be used.

    I'm ready for the next step, namely, draping the plane over the cylinder.  I have no idea if the plane (sub-divided several times) is properly built to drape correctly, but I will find out.

    After that, I can try to figure out why it didn't work with my previous scene. But at least I know it can and will load like it's supposed to.

    Thanks again, Dart!


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