Released - mcjDecimateEX simplify smoothen loopify reverse animations

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
edited July 2016 in Freebies


mcjDecimateEX is Ready !!!


it started as an expansion of my old mcjDecimate script

but i added so many features, i'll post it on its own page

it lets you reduce the number of keyframes on one or many properties

this has the effect of smoothing the animations, and is notably useful when dealing with mocap ( BVH ) animations

i also added 2 ways to convert non-looping animations into lopping/cyclical animations

i developped/tested it on DS4 but i still have some work to do to make it compatible with Daz Studio 1.8, 2.3 and 3.x

if you want to see the dozens of animations and stills of my tests, they are here

and if you want to try the ( 2 days old ) BETA version of the script it's here



1920 x 863 - 259K
Post edited by mCasual on


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