Really stupid question

How do I close the program? I know stupied question, since I tried everything.
right click and hit 'close'
hit the 'X' button
everything and nothing seems to get it to close down. I don't want to restart my computer everytime.
any suggestions here?
Is there a dialog asking if you want to save something? Normally they appear on top of everything else, but maybe they didn't for some reason.
Nope the screen is blank, it asked me if I wanted to save anything and I said no and nothing happened. Its still open right now and I can't get it to close down.
If it's Windows, there's always Task Manager to blow it away (or Activity Monitor on a Mac)
OMG that worked, thank you soooo much.
I just answered your question also see for other details and options.
Okay its not showing me anything except your profile info. Am I missing something?
From the top bar menu, does the file/exit option work for you ?