Carrara Challenge #27: “Carrara 9, Give us a Sign” Entry Thread: Winners Announced!

HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
edited September 2016 in Carrara Discussion

Carrara Challenge #27: “Carrara 9, Give us a Sign” Entry Thread


Wow, what a challenge!

35 Entries!

So many amazing works!

Thank you to everyone who participated the challenge. Challenges like this help us learn to make the best of this amazing software.


Now, for the hard stuff!  Let the voting begin.....


Feel free to vote for upto three entries and an Honourable Mention for the best 'newcomer' . (the voter determines in their own mind who should be termed 'newcomer'.)

Voting Ends at : 12.00 Midnight Saturday 17th September


The First Prize winner will be decided by the combined scores of their three images. (Please note: an entrant can also win with one or two images if they have enough votes!)

2nd and Third and HM would be as per usual - ie based on votes for one image.



Link to WIP thread.

Kindly Sponsored by Fenric and Daz



Once again Daz will generously sponsor the monthly challenge with the following prizes:

1st Place: $100.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
2nd Place: $ 50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
3rd Place: $ 25.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Honorable Mention (4th place): $10.00 towards DAZ 3D owned items for the best new comers.

I am excited to announce that the amazing Fenric has confirmed his sponsorship: details to be announced.

Fenric's Daz page is here

He also has  a Fox Den which is currently closed but you never know what the future brings.....



Post edited by Headwax on


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited September 2016

    Entry #1

    Artist: Antara

    Title: "Dream High"

    WIP :


    Antara is away so I lifted a quote fro the WIP thread.

    "About clouds: I am rendering out a test, so I cannot post screen caps. But the method is very simple: I have my text created using the Text tool and I am using the surface replicator applied to the front faces shading domain only. The replicator uses a single small volumetric cloud (much smaller than the default size something along the lines of 0.003 mi). The cloud itself does not interact with any lights, does not cast or receive shadows. I am avoiding sky light (slow) by using fake GI rig instead (a low intencity light blue colored long distance spot replicated on a large dome). I'll try to remember to post the cloud settings. I pretty much shuffled both the cloud shape and the replicator instances until I got the shape I liked. There are about 3000+ clouds there. And although it did slow the rendering down a bit, the final render time was under or about 20 minutes with all the transparent bubbles and all."


    Please click image for Big


    Post edited by Headwax on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited September 2016



    space reserved :)

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,629
    edited September 2016

    Entry #3

    Artist ToeJam (note latest username change)

    Title; " The Good ole boy of 3D"


    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,629
    edited September 2016
    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited September 2016

    Entry #5

    Artist: PhilW

    Title:   Looking for Carrara 9


    "Someone told me that Carrara 9 was around here, but I can't see it anywhere".  Little did she know that Carrara 9 is so huge, she was looking at the wrong scale!

    Since my lasy WIP, I rendered a depth pass and used this to add the haze, which added greatly to the sense of scale. I added some distant trees and I also put in some birds with Ron's Birds brushes.


    1920 x 1080 - 297K
    Post edited by PhilW on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited September 2016

    Entry #6

    Artist: PhilW

    Title:   "I have a Carrara 9 shaped hole in my life"


    Everyone was posting WIPs with solid text, and I thought it would be different to have a hole rather than a solid! The image just developed from there. Since my last WIP, I added some wood shavings - I modelled one, then duplicated a number of times and used Bullet physics to drop them on a plane, which gave me the kind of randon heap that I was after. I exported the group as an OBJ and re-imported so that I could edit the position of a few to fit the scene better. 

    1600 x 1200 - 3M
    Post edited by PhilW on
  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148
    edited September 2016

    Entry #7

    Artist: PhilW

    Title:   "Carrara 9 on final approach"


    "This is Shuttle-9 to Carrara Mothership - on final approach and request permission to dock and come aboard".

    This started life in the Spline room by importing an Illustrator format file traced by Photoshop. I then used the Surface Replicator to place thousands of panels over the text to make the mothership. The body of the shuttle was made from a "9".

    1920 x 1080 - 346K
    Post edited by PhilW on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited September 2016

    Entry #8

    Artist: Diomede

    Title: Daz Dolls Add-on Pack: Elvgren Edition


    With the Carrara 9 Elvgren add on pack, once again fully integrate your content purchases from the Daz store in your pinup art with figures using any generation of Daz's riggng and posing technology.  Store credits at WIP link.  Image, key here was using a bi-gradient in the scene background with a shadow catcher to simulate the seamless transition of a pinup work from the furniture top to the background.  The illusion of furniture was preserved by matching the shader of the vertex curtain used as the side of the furniture to the middle colors of the bi-gradient, and then I inserted a plane with a carpet texture.


    Elvgren Entry A.jpg
    1600 x 2080 - 250K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,254
    edited September 2016

    Entry #9
    Artist - Stezza
    Title - The Imposssibles
    Links to Wip -

    ImageThe Impossi-Mobile created with modifiers in Carrara and the Impossibles were created from LoRez Superhero all with modified textures and added bits like the M & shield for Multi-Man and the springs for Coil Man  .. Fluid Man's water is from JoLabs splashes.
    Text was using Carrara's text.

    Post edited by Stezza on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,254
    edited September 2016

    Entry #10
    Artist - Stezza
    Title - Hiding in the Phantom Zone
    Links to Wip -

    Image: as the latest G3 super hero suit isn't suitable for Carrara I used LoRez masked hero with new textures and face trans maps, a varity of plants, starry sky, Daz Horse 2 and the old Daz Wolf with adjusted textures.. a remapped pirate flag and skulz.

    Used Cararra's text tool for 9 converted it to a vertex model and used Carrara's shaders for it. Used 3 basic lights for lighting and the fog tool.

    Post edited by Stezza on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,254
    edited September 2016

    Entry #11
    Artist - Stezza
    Title - Carrara9 DeepSpace Explorer
    Links to Wip -

    Image: Bought the construction set from Mr Sparky.

    Used bits and pieces from the set and also bits and pieces from DZFire's sets, M3 is out there somewhere floating around with Dart's starry sky.. everything else I made in the modelling room including basic structure of the 330metre space ship and the shuttle craft, creating shading domains and used Carrara's shaders with one distant light and two clouds and fog tool.

    Post edited by Stezza on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited September 2016

    Entry #12

    Artist: Antara

    Title:   "Lab Results"



    Antara is away so here is a quote from the WIP thread:

    What I did in post is duplicate the volumentric layers a bunch of times, because in the original render the steam volumetrics were almost impossible to see other than in the reflection on the bottles. But the volumetric layers definitely had all the necessary info, and as soon as I duplicated them a couple of times, the steam became very clearly visible in the image.

    The glass panes have Normal Map bump - I love the effect it created.
    Glass shaders: some are my own, some are edited versions from the wonderful set by Dimension Theory. (The setting with the room and the panels is also originally his - he created the set for a shading/lighting challenge a very long time ago)
    The metal slab was modeled. I created the spline model from the vector and then converted it to vertex modeler and used it to cut out the text from the simple cube. I then smoothed the cubes corners and created different shading domains and UV-mappped them for maximum convenience. I used Anything Goos for the melted edges of the text.
    For the steam volumetrics I used a modified mist cloud from one of HowieFarkes sets.


    Please clicken image for big :)


    Post edited by Headwax on
  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800
    edited September 2016

    Entry #13
    Artist - DustRider
    Title - The Secret Plans for Carrara 9
    Links to Wip

    Comments: The image was set up in Carrara, and rendered using the Octane plugin. The scene setting is the Bot Shop, the character is my own Genesis 2 creation (modified merchant resource textures and my own morphs modified from a V6 base), her outfit is Soul Hunter from Rendo, and the hair is Chrome Hair for Genesis 2 from Aeon Soul (no longer available sad). As sometimes happens, all of textures for the outfit were blank when loaded into Carrara, and of course most of the bump/normal maps went missing too. Not a big deal, since I tweak all of the shaders for Octane anyway, but I just thought I should mention it for new users. The text on the plans case and the faint DAZ 3D in the background were created using the 3D text generator in Carrara. The scene lighting is two mesh lights focused on the figure, and a low intensity HDRI to give a low light to the entire scene.

    I wanted to finally participate in another Carrara challenge, but I was having real troubles coming up with a good idea for the challenge. A post be MistyMist about Steam Punk in another thread helped this idea pop into my head ..... so Thanks Misty!!

    Oh .... please click on the image and zoom to full resolution to see all the great texture details smiley

    Post edited by DustRider on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,728
    edited September 2016
    • Entry #14
    • Artist - Dartanbeck
    • Title - Exciting New Features of Carrara 9
    • Link to my W.I.P
    • I used some various render engines within Carrara (PR w/Ambient Occlusion pass, Draft, Wireframe) to create several renders to be used as layers for using filmmaker compositing techniques to come up with what I think might look like an interactive GPU-enhanced workflow idea - where we can select how individual scene elements get rendered in working view. The text and Carrara 9 logo are all rendered in Carrara as well, as can be seen in my W.I.P.

    ​click imaga for full resolution image in new window

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634
    edited September 2016

    Entry: # 15

    Title: The Future Is Upon Us

    Artist: wgdjohn

    Products Used:
    Carrara 8.5 Pro from DAZ
    Enhance: C from Digital Carvers Guild
    Advance Pack   by inagoni for Primoval Fog

    Objects Created:
    Cubes for the letters, a star, star twinkles and the Terrain.
    Fonts redesigned with TypeTool 3 from Fontlab and imported as Text objects
    The "9", same font, was later converted to a vertex object for further modification

    Back Story:
    In a land not yet discovered by anyone Carrara 9 awaits. "Hey wait a minute, It looks so clean". Well that is due to the inhabitants of this land who keep it polished up... awaiting those they worship to return. "Say, who do they worship?" Long ago visitors from the stars visited their land and left these blocks along with this curvy looking thing with the hole and a few stars to signify from where they came. The visitors seemed to have magical powers and taught the folks of this land artistry, creativity and how to create and use many things the folks had not known nor imagined before. The inhabitants pray and await for the visitors to return.

    WIPs Hints and ?Tips?: These show different design and shading. Better yet check out the WIP thread for this challenge to see others work as it progressed... very informative. Tip: Causitics and high reflective values used to change rather simple shaders for side faces of cubes giving them a whole new look. Never hesitate to experiment.
    early cube design and shading
    2nd generation cube design and test scenes and test setup
    2nd generation font design and test render of all cubes/fonts with "9"
    scene render and and setup on my terrain - nearly finished - original entry before small changes

    Postwork: (none) signature is now a font. 1 for letters another for "date" added with Carrara's Text editor then grouped.

    1024 x 768 - 1M
    Post edited by wgdjohn on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,728
    • Entry #16
    • Artist's Name - Dartanbeck
    • Title - All in One, and One in All!
    • Main W.I.P. link
    • Going for a classic fantasy book cover style thing, I had a lot of fun with this one, using a lot of Carrara features.
    • Some of Ringo's DP Shaders ("CARRARA" and parts of the Silmafea Outfit)
    • An example from Eric's DCG Enhance C shaders plugin ('Sun Spots' used on the "9")
    • Using two surface replicators on the same areas of the same terrain to create a really dense forest (even though most of it is hidden by fire! LOL)
    • A particles emitter for the dragon fire, using the size over time graph editor to fit large fire particles inside the dragon's mouth
    • DUF - Dragon 3 (Love this thing!!!) and Ysabeau 6 sporting Aery Soul's Silmafea Outfit and Milady's Blade G2F Longsword by Feral Fey
    • Carrara's Text Modeler, Plant Modeler, Terrain Modeler, Volumetric Clouds, Realistic Sky Editor, Spherical Camera and Mapping, Particles Physics
    • Building is part of Shanty Village by TheAntFarm, Hair is several layers of Angelina Hair by Goldtassel
    • Heavy use of Light Linking
    • Post work done in Project Dogwaffle Pro - Howler 10

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800
    edited September 2016

    Entry #17
    Artist - DustRider
    Title - We Want Carrara 9
    Links to WIP

    Comments: All the figures are Genesis 2. Set up in Carrara and rendered using the Octane Render 3 plugin for Carrara.The scene only used 4.7Gb of GPU memory to render, but it took almost 24Gb of system RAM while rendering surprise

    Please zoom to full resolution (2400 x 1400) laugh

    Post edited by DustRider on
  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited September 2016

    Entry #18
    Artist Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)
    Title "Urban Fantasy - Carrara Nine is Nigh"

    Links to WIP


    • Alley, boxes, drums and garbage cans modeled in Carrara and painted in Texture Painter.
    • The magic around the hands is replicated spheres with a mix of Sparrowhawke's Edge Falloff Shader and Inagoni's Veloutte shader in the glow channel.
    • The magic particles near the ground are a particle system of tiny glowing spheres.
    • Character hair is Carrara Dynamic Hair.

    Products Used

    Rendered in Carrara, post-work in Photoshop

    Urban Fantasy Final With Postwork

    1175 x 1191 - 289K
    Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on
  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited September 2016

    Entry #19
    Artist Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)
    Title "Translucency"

    Links to WIP


    • Everything was made in Carrara.  
    • The lighting effects are all created with bulb lights, either inside the cubes or behind the letters, shining through material zones with a color in the translucency channel. 
    • The "Carrara 9" was created using Carrara's Text tool, then converted to facets and edited in the Vertex Modeler to remove the back, unify the material zones and UV map the fronts so I could apply a bump evenly.

    Products Used

    Rendered in Carrara, post-work in Photoshop.

    1600 x 1000 - 172K
    Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on
  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited September 2016

    Entry #20
    Artist Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)
    Title "Stepping Stones"

    Links to WIP


    • The "Carrara" was made using the Text Tool and then converted to facets and edited in the Vertex Editor to rough it up a little bit more, unify the material zones and UV map.  It was then exported as .OBJ and painted in Texture Painter.
    • The "9" was also made using the Text Tool, converted to facets and then a bunch of detail was added in the Vertex Modeler to make it look more "scifi."  It was then exported as .OBJ and painted in Substance Painter.
    • The nearby ground is a vertex plane deformed using soft select and the water is a plane with a couple wave and ripple textures in the bump channel.
    • There is a mid-ground terrain with one type of tree replicated on it and a further terrain with a couple different trees replicated on it.

    Products Used

    Rendered in Carrara, post-work in Photoshop.

    Pond With Carrara Stepping Sontes

    1400 x 890 - 395K
    Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on
  • AlbertoAlberto Posts: 1,442
    edited September 2016

    Entry # 21
    Artist - Alvin Bémar (Alberto)
    Title - The Carrara Stone
    Links to WIP

    Image: The Carrara Stone, that was used to translate attirian alphabet to latin one, and attirian numerals to arabic ones (an octal number system). 

    The Stone and the attirian alphabet was modeled in Carrara. The other are products of Daz store. It was used multipass rendering in Carrara 8.5. Blender was used as a plugin to fluid and cloth simulation. The Gimp was used in the postwork, incluiding the depth of field blur.

    1920 x 1080 - 3M
    Post edited by Alberto on
  • Jay VersluisJay Versluis Posts: 254
    edited September 2016

    Entry # 22
    Artist - Jay Versluis
    Title - Carrara Reef, South Pacific

    Link to WIP

    Built from Carrara stock items (fish, dolphins, shark, pink violet) with plants and grass borrowed from one of HowieFarkes' scenes. Special thanks to @Antara for the Carrara Logo. The fish schools are built with the standard replicator, while the grass and flower poopulation was built using distribution shaders on the surfcae replicator. 

    Although I've been using Carrara on and off for several years, I've only discovered the wonderul terrain generator and replicators last month - and instantly fell in love with them. It feels like every time I open Carrara, there's something new to discover. I'm inspired by the tutorials of Phil Wilkes, Mark Bremmer, Jack Whitney and many of the fine renders here on the forum (which I've only just started frequenting). This is my first ever render challenge!

    3840 x 2160 - 2M
    Post edited by Jay Versluis on
  • FifthElementFifthElement Posts: 569
    edited September 2016

    Entry # 23

    Artist: FifthElement

    Title: Carrara R.I.P.

    Everything in the scene modeled by me... (gravestone displacement painted in Cararra)

    Textured in Carrara and Substance Painter.

    Rendered in Carrara 8.5 and post work done in Fusion smiley

    P.S. Link to WIP post(s):

    (Click on the thumbnail below to see image in full resolution)

    1555 x 768 - 838K
    Post edited by FifthElement on
  • FifthElementFifthElement Posts: 569
    edited September 2016

    Entry # 24

    Artist: FifthElement

    Title: Carrara MEME

    Models by DAZ.

    Textured with YAToon shaders and rendered in Carrara 8.5

    All the post work done in Fusion smiley

    P.S. Link to WIP post(s):

    (click on the thumbnail below to see image in full resolution)

    728 x 1220 - 440K
    Post edited by FifthElement on
  • Jay VersluisJay Versluis Posts: 254
    edited September 2016

    Entry # 24
    Artist - Jay Versluis
    Title - Project Cancelled

    Link to WIP

    I had this idea for a pile of Carrara 9 boxes being dumped somewhere in the desert, much like the Atari ET Game in the eighties that was buried in a landfill for 30 years. Something was missing though - and inspired by @FifthElement and his comic rendition, I added Freak 5. 

    So in this scene, the Carrara 9 project had been worked on for several years in complete secrecy. Something sinister has happened, and management have decided to cancel the project and hire Freak 5 to bury the evidence in the desert. He's just calling his boss to confirm it's been handled.

    I modelled the package based on the current 8.5 boxart. Freak is wearing 3D Universe's Jason's outfit and Prince Hair. Grassy ptches on the terrain by HowieFarkes, using a surface replicator. Rendered in Carrara, and the speech bubble was added in Comic LIfe. 

    3387 x 1884 - 1M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Entry # 25 
    Artist - Misty
    Title - Carrara 9 the Broadway Musical
      wip wip

    Starring Lela For Victoria 4 and Genesis 2 Female 
    co Starring Humpback Whale , Carrara Skies , 
    Just Wet for Genesis 2 Male


    "this glorious feeling ... "

    challenge carrara9-2.png
    1800 x 940 - 2M
  • RealtimeRealtime Posts: 95
    edited September 2016

    Entry #26
    ​Artist Steve Hinshaw (Realtime)
    ​submission 1

    The old addage, "no need to cry over spilled milk" comes to mind as we ponder the future of Carrara over a bowl of cereal. Everything in the scene is native Carrara content...with a respectful nod to spookey. The spotlight is intentionally on the center of the table to showcase just how capable Carrara is:)


    spilled milk 1.png
    900 x 675 - 552K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • VarselVarsel Posts: 574
    edited September 2016

    Entry # 27

    Artist's Name :  Varsel

    Title   :  Magical and adventures

    Link to Wip  :




    1920 x 1080 - 2M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited September 2016

    Entry: #28

    Artist:  Diomede

    Title: Thumbs Up for C9 Elvgren Daz Doll Add On Pack

    Link to WIP

    Image - everything modeled and rigged in the vertex modeler, or is a primitive.  Image on box is entry #8 above.  See there for details.  Click if you want to see higher resolution.


    Toon Sign Carrara 9 Entry.jpg
    1800 x 1350 - 169K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • stringtheory9stringtheory9 Posts: 411
    edited September 2016

    Entry: #29

    Artist:  Stringtheory9

    Title: Dreamin of 9

    Notes: Modeled the pipes myself.

    Postwork: Mild color correction and the sparkle.

    Link to WIP:

    1400 x 1050 - 1M
    Post edited by stringtheory9 on
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