Carrara Challenge #27: “Carrara 9, Give us a Sign” Entry Thread: Winners Announced!



  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800

    Entry #30
    Artist - DustRider
    Title - Vault Raider: The Legend of Carrara 9
    Links to WIP

    Comments: The figure is Genesis 2. Set up in Carrara and rendered using the Octane Render 3 plugin for Carrara  Only post work was a minor adjustment to levels and adding the sig in Gimp.

    Please zoom to full resolution (2400 x 1500) laugh

  • Entry # 31

    Artist: FifthElement

    Title: In The Year 2025

    Everything except female (DAZ character) modeled by me, fake future Windows interface done in Fusion and imported in Carrara as texture. All rendered in Carrara 8 and post done in Fusion, again ...

    Link to WIP :

    Cheers smiley

    1728 x 882 - 461K
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    • Entry # 32
    • Artist - Dartanbeck
    • Title - Onslaught of Chaos
    • Link to Wip and it continues down a few posts

    Chaos may be a coward, but that doesn't mean that he isn't Nasty and Tough! He's also got a really good handle on using his evil mind to manipulate the winds of magic into dreadful abominations of terror! An Onslaught of Chaos is never a good thing... well... unless it brings Carrara 9 along with it!!!

  • DesertDudeDesertDude Posts: 1,238
    edited September 2016

    Entry: #33
    Artist: DesertDude
    Title: A Day In Carraraland 9
    Links to a few WIP:
    Rendered in Carrara, but broke out several elements to add a bit of post work, mainly simple color adjustments. Everything was modeled, rigged and textured from scratch using Carrara. The terrain elements were created using the Terrain Editor. The clouds are Volumetric Clouds. The text was created using a Text object. The fur gave me a headache but I learned a lot. I used a light dome for most elements for fake skylight, but found it totally blew out the fur, so the fur had a single dedicated bounce light. What else?...could use some more work, especially textures...


    710 x 823 - 565K
    Post edited by DesertDude on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited September 2016

    Entry: #34

    Artist: Diomede

    Title:  Welcome to Fantasy Island, Carrara 9

    Link to WIP:

    Information:  Everything modeled and rigged in Carrara.


    Birdman entry out of time.jpg
    1800 x 1125 - 167K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited September 2016

    Entry: #35

    Artist: Headwax

    Title:  Raiders of the Lost Software

    Link to WIP


    other one


    Info: Used lots of Caustics to bounce light around. Used Carrara;s fog. I rendered out a lot of different passes so I had plenty to play with. The best isolation pass is Object pass. It enables you to do post work on particular objs - in this case the Raider and the Carrara 9 text. Used Ron's brushes in post and many Fenric plugins in the making of the car file. 


    Please click for big ;)







    2000 x 1082 - 3M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited September 2016

    Entry: #36

    Artist: Headwax

    Title: Carrara 9, The Colosus

    Link to WIP



    Info: Used lots of Caustics to bounce light around. Used Carrara;s fog also. I rendered out a lot of different passes so I had plenty to play with. I used a depth pass and inverted that to get a little atmopsheric haze. I screwed up on the ground by ticking seamless in the texture tiling - but hey, no-one's perfect :)

    Please click for big ;)



    1889 x 1500 - 1M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited September 2016

    Wow, what a challenge!

    35 Entries!

    So many amazing works!

    Thank you to everyone who participated the challenge. Challenges like this help us learn to make the best of this amazing software.


    Now, for the hard stuff!

    Let the voting begin.....


    Feel free to vote for upto three entries and an Honourable Mention for the best 'newcomer' . (the voter determines in their own mind who should be termed 'newcomer'.)


    Voting Ends at : 12.00 Midnight Saturday 17th September


    The First Prize winner will be decided by the combined scores of their three images. (Please note: an entrant can also win with one or two images if they have enough votes!)

    2nd and Third and HM would be as per usual - ie based on votes for one image.





    Post edited by Headwax on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited September 2016

    I'd just like to quickly thank Fenric for inspiring this challenge with his generous donation and support! 

    For anyone either unaware of his offerings or perhaps 'on-the-fence' about any of them, I've put together a small write-up of some of his great Carrara tools here, in the WIP thread for this challenge.

    Thanks Fenric!

    And special thanks to Head Wax for his incredibly supportive, complimentary, and inspiring talents of hosting this challenge - and for being ultimately responsible for starting these challenges in the first place! Bravo, Head Wax! And Thank You!!!

    Also a warm and special thanks to Daz3d for always supporting us in so many ways towards advancing our art - our way!

    Whether we're using Daz Studio, Poser, Carrara, Bryce, Hexagon, Project Dogwaffle, iClone, Vue, Modo, Blender (this list could easily just keep filling the page), Daz3d is always there to give us tools and content to push beyond our own limits in Art!

    But mostly, thanks for supporting our fun challenges. They really don't need to be so generous - but they continue to enjoy supporting efforts like this - and that's really special.

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Yes agreed Dart, thanks for pointing that out!

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    Makiing images is a lot easier than deciding which ones to vote for!!

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    PhilW said:

    Makiing images is a lot easier than deciding which ones to vote for!!

    too true :)



  • AntaraAntara Posts: 444
    edited September 2016

    A-a-a-a!!!!! surprise I came back today to all this!!! 35 entries!!! The mind-blowingly amazing images!!! How are we supposed to pick only 3(+1HM)????!?! The challenges are always a challenge to judge, but I can't remember another one that was this impossible.

    Thank you, Head wax, for posting mine! laugh

    Post edited by Antara on
  • Well, I've got it narrowed down to my top 10 so far.  Argh. cheeky

  • DesertDudeDesertDude Posts: 1,238

    I need some time to digest all these fantastic entries. I'm taking my room mate out for his birthday this afternoon, so maybe a few adult beverages will help. laugh

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    I see seven posts since the announcement of voting, yet no votes.  Now let there be eight (including mine).  Going to be tough to vote.

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    No-one wants to be first...

  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited September 2016

    OK - I will accept the challenge and place my votes.

    • #12 - Antara - Lab Results
    • #33 - DesertDude - A Day in Carraraland9
    • #23 - FifthElement - Carrara R.I.P.

    I'll have to come back and add my honorable mention vote - I am not sure how to define who is a newcomer.

    Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on
  • DesertDudeDesertDude Posts: 1,238
    edited September 2016

    Still looking and trying to decide on my votes...I think DAZ should call it a draw and reward the whole community by releasing Carrara 9 which has been stuffed in a drawer all these years. smiley (<== Pure optimistic speculation!!)

    Post edited by DesertDude on
  • DesertDudeDesertDude Posts: 1,238
    edited September 2016

    I wish this was secret, because I feel like a heel given all the awesome entries...

    #1 - Antara - Dream High
    #34 - Diomede - Welcome to Fantasy Island, Carrara 9
    #19 - MDO2010 - Translucency

    #21 - Alvin Bémar (Alberto)  - The Carrara Stone, as an MDO2010 above, not sure what defines a "newcomer," especially because I'm a bit of a lurker so was looking at number of posts, but that means nothing...(ugh)...but love the image and concept.

    I still feel anxiety though for having to choose...

    Post edited by DesertDude on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited September 2016

    Won't get easier by putting it off. 

    1 - #4 ToeJam -  Vigil
    2 - #21 Alberto -  The Carrara Stone
    3 - #16 Dartanbeck -   All in One, and One in All

    HM - 33 - DesertDude - A Day in Carraraland 9

    Post edited by Diomede on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Hah, these are the people I want to vote for 1 5 8 13 14 17 23 33 34 and hm to 21 24 25 26 

    t thought it would be easy but as I scroll down the page the gems just keep popping up....

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited September 2016

    Here's mine,

    In no particular order




    HM #24 


    good to see such a large number of 'newcomers'

    I must say everyone excelled them selves this time - I changed my voting list three times

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited September 2016

    LOL! Yeah, I really like entry #44! ;)




    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    ha ha yes, it's been a hard day - first an half hour run on the beach, then a two hour surf, then went and bought some shoes

    I think the shoe buying bit got me.

    I tried to buy a hat - but thay had small or xxl (I have alarge head but not that large)

    I went to the counter and asked if they had a large size -

    I was informed that their hats were 'one size fits all"......




  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    head wax said:

    ha ha yes, it's been a hard day - first an half hour run on the beach, then a two hour surf, then went and bought some shoes

    I think the shoe buying bit got me.

    I tried to buy a hat - but thay had small or xxl (I have alarge head but not that large)

    I went to the counter and asked if they had a large size -

    I was informed that their hats were 'one size fits all"......

    ROTFLMOA!!! Go figure, right? (Still rolling... Still Laughing)

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    yes, I know..... they  really love their job....

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    #6  - PhilW             I have a Carrara 9 shaped hole in my life
    #12 - Antara           Lab Results
    #17 - DustRider     We Want Carrara 9

    HM #25 - Misty      Carrara 9 the Broadway Musical

    Each was reviewed by my own carefully selected panel of judges. Below is how they came up with their findings. Sadly nobody on the panel knew who was new so they decided to vote for an Aspiring Artist for HM.

    • Composition: When viewing the entry.. where is your eye drawn to first.. does it tell a story.. does it speak to you.
    • Lighting and Camera: How both are used to present a scene.
    • 3D Content: Is a good use of this shown.. whether it was purchased or modeled by the Artist.
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    that's a good system! wgdjohn

  • AntaraAntara Posts: 444

    OK... This is no joke. After much agonizing and list making I am picking 4 out of my 10 minimum list pretty much at random :( Really really not fair! We should come up with a more flexible voting system. How do people ever judge the big contests with hundreds of entries?

    So in entry# order:

    #6   Artist: PhilW  Title:   "I have a Carrara 9 shaped hole in my life"

    #23  Artist: FifthElement    Title: Carrara R.I.P.

    #27 Artist:  Varsel   Title:  Magical and adventures

    HM: #22   Artist: Jay Versluis    Title:   Carrara Reef, South Pacific

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