N.G.S. Anagenessis II - Revolu…
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A one click NGS test on Sunny:
Testrender after installing the Update via connect.
Character SC Carly
from left to right
left : SC Carly - default skin - makeup 01 - Lips 02
middle: as before + normal N.G.S.2 + Pores medium level + Fix for makeup + LipGloss female
right: as the left + N.G.S.2 for dark skin + Pores medium level + Fix for makeup + LipGloss female
Light used: DAZ default dome (DTHDR-RuinsB-500.hdr) Dome rotation value 90
Hi! I was wondering if anyone could help me with a few issues:
First, I really want to get the best 'glossy/oily' skin effect that I can. Using the Anagenessis 2 shaders, what are the best adjustments to make for that?
Second, is there any way to get the Anagenessis 2 shaders to work with grafted props? The example I'm working on now is the New Gens for V7. It seems to work for the torso, but the other 3 material zones are messed up. Any guidance? I tried emailing the shader's author, but he hasn't responded, unfortunately.
Thanks in advance for any assistance!!
Hi Blacky13
First of all thnx very much for purchasing my product.
Second glossiness, as always from the beggining of DAZ Studio controlled by decreasing bump or top coat bump (for my shader is top coat bump) and increase top coat glossiness.
Third gens doesnt supported automatically as I dont have them in my description. Only manual or after I will give freebie script for easier way.
And the last, you didnt try to email me, because you dont have my email
Hi D-Z,
Thanks for your reply! I messaged you from here in the forums. I clicked on your name, and clicked 'Message' in the top right corner. I would suspect you have a message from me in there. No worries, though, I'm just as happy to communicate here in the forums.
Thanks for the info about the glossiness! I will put it to use!
With respect to Gens, you *did* put the following line in the [product description, which is one of the reasons I purchased the shaders:
"Also works with any Genesis creature or Any prop with any surface that it has at least one diffuse map (You may need to manually apply if it contains extra surfaces)"
I don't mind applying your shader manually, I just don't know how! A script for easier use would be nice when you get around to it, but is there any way you could reply with the basic steps? I am happy to wait for the script, but I would love to get to work with the shaders.
Thanks again, great product!
Sorry Blacky13, but I really dont have such a message yet.
As for product description line I think its very clear: "You may need to manually apply if it contains extra surfaces", means more than any Genesis Figure has (different surface name than Genesis Default Surfaces)
As for the manual apply way, it has been posted several times in this thread. If you can't search for it then give me some time to find it.
Thanks, D-Z, I'll read through the thread again and see if I can figure it out.
I'm really liking this product so far. I'm really glad I bought it! But is there a guide somewhere that could indicate where to tweak things? I only found the ReadMe file but there weren't any instructions that I could find (like in some other products). So far, I have been just messing around with it whenever I have time after work. Wanted to share an example.
Figure: Genesis Battle Orc.
I'm floored by the results so far. Thank you so much for the amazing product Dimension-Z! Can't wait to play more with it!
Hi D-Z,
bought your product at the release day and was impressed about the natural look of your skin shader. I really really like it. (Working over all my saved model-presets right now!)
Like it was said many time, i ´m waiting for your "update" for the Genitals or other props that you announced. Will it be visible in the shop? or will it come again over the DIM or Connect? And a little Readme File in it with some guidance how to use it would be very nice. :)
What do you think how long will it take? And is it in work yet?
PS. Sorry for any typos and errors, i´m not a native-english-speaker. ^^;
A quick test using the Tara half of Kayleyss' Tara & Sachra.
I took the plunge and got this on Saturday. I haven't had a lot of time to play with it yet, but so far I am very impressed!! Below is my first quick test with a character I was developing for Genesis 2. The first image is the Anagenesis II render, the second is my original Iray shader set up (the skin is a merchant resource skin from Rendo for V4 that I converted to G2F). As you can see, Anagenesis II brings out a lot more detail and life to the skin. It's interesting that some of the things that Dimension-Z did with the shader setup are what people in some of the Iray skin discussions have said not to do (which I always doubted, because that is exactly what I would do in Octane).
Bottom line, Anagenesis II was well worth the investment for me. I have passed on all the other skin shader products because I typically do my own. The renders done by Dimension-Z and others made me very curious about how the shaders were being set up to get the outstanding results. I'm glad I got it, as it is a very useful tool, and gives me the perfect base to build on. Yes, I just have to tweak almost everything, but a great product like this makes it much easier and faster to get the results I want.
N.G.S. Anagenessis II Revolution Render
Original Iray shaders render
So glad I got this the other day and finally got around to trying it out and love it!
This is an old M4 texture LK Alexander with my dial spinning, basic lights, no adjustments just click and render and I'm very, very impressed.
Now to read up and play some more.....this is the N.G.S. Anagenessis II Revolution seriously worth it;)
Everything I clicked was medium just to get an idea....off to play more
BTW Dustrider and Cybersox great renders:)
Update just seen in DIM ...
Thanks for the update, Dimension-Z.
I see, you have added scripts for dark skinned characters and that is great.
Below are two renders of Tyson for Michael 4 by reciecup. I have applied two scripts: NGS II for dark skin Genesis and gloss for lips male.
I think, he looks great after applying of your scripts, so thanks again.
Thanks for the update. Dark skin with the update still renders a couple of tones darker than the default.
Sorry - Windows.
I have twigged that I didn't actually have a diffuse image (I morphed her without adding it in) but the script has crashed when I try adding it after adding the mouth image.
I have just managed to get the surfaces applied - not yet to gens, though - and no crash!
There are icons about not having surfaces selected (eg Pores). Does this mean that whatever the pores thing does it does it to every surface?
Am I missing a manual, or is it still not ready?
It does only on specific surfaces, body surfaces.
Manual will be coming soon. Not ready yet.
Set Base Color Effect from Scatter & Transmit to Scatter only.
Dimension-Z, here is a picture to show you one of my problems, and the result I get with the "Scatter only" fix. From left to right : Before NGS, with NGS applied, and then transluency set on Scatter only on skin, sclera, iris, lips and nails (plus a few tweaks on Top coat color, base diffuse color, transluency value set at 0.30). If you look closely, even her eyes have a green tint witht he default NGS settings, I have to set Scatter only here too, to get rid of this effect.
This is what I have to do on all G2F characters using V4 skins (although the tweaks, after setting transluency on Scatter only mode are different on each textures, sometimes transluency has to go up, not down, etc).
Second picture is a G2F skin, this time the problem is different, she turns "blueish", and this one is harder to fix (the one I called the "smurfette" in my initial post :). I can change the sss color, but she turns on the red tones when doing.
Note that I didn't update my copy of NGS yet, I'll have to install it tonight.
These new scripts for dark skin works very well for my purposes.
Frankly speaking I do not care if it changes skin tone to the darker or not, because after conversion the overall look is so much better, than the original one.
Below is the iray render of The Guardian for M4 by ile-avalon
Very looking forward for that manual or some script that will automatically set the shaders on non genesis figures, it's the only reason i've not bought this shaders yet...
This is the way to go with geografts like gens or other but quicker with this step as you can select both surfaces and click twice, not once unchecking limits in each box inside the tiny gearwheels which have a question mark and is done. No need to copy/paste torso again
Which I see now is exactly what Homart said
I have the freebie script for NON-Genesis & Props ready! I need to prepair the manual!
But all my tests give me a darker gens skin as you can se here. Is it your problem too? What do you tweak to change it, Dimension-Z?
Hope this is ok with the TOS... if not please say and I remove it. The skin and gens is Amisi both from the vendor http://www.daz3d.com/amisi-for-genesis-3-female-s chevybabe25. They have both default 1clk A2R already updated
And here with Dark skin G3F applied to both figure and gens surface and body rotation to catch better light
Great and thanks!
If you need help for the manual whistle!
very psyched to hear that a manual is on the way, Dimension-Z. thanks! that's excellent news. i'm really looking forward to being able to use this tool more intelligently. :)
btw, i've had the same problem with gens shading that Jerife's describing...applying N.G.S.A. 2 to chevybabe25's draupadi.
I have the freebie script for NON-Genesis & Props ready! I need to prepair the manual for manually apply!
Hey D-Z,
Just want to say, on behalf of myself and the others you are working with in this thread:
You've made a wonderful product and your attention to the questions of your users is admirable, and I for one am very grateful for your time.