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Welcome Back Greycat,
As always excellent work. The MAV's are very cool. Would like to talk more about that past project, revisit. Contact me at once the site is back up. Looks like June 5th may be the day.
Hi all
So glad to see a dedicated Davo products thread going. I take it this will be like the past threads but covering all his stuff? I do hope so. I love the kits you can make with the FVCS and GVCS as well as many of the other model sets. It was Davo's FVCS and SFSC that really got my attention and inspired me to try to create or kit bash using Poser.
Thanks again Davo, well done.
And to all you guys that made post long ago and are returning like Greycat!! Thank you, Thank you.
Greycat, welcome back too. I remember long ago reading and seeing your work.
Be good all. Meow!!
I don’t know if there’s much that can be done with our old project. It’s been four years, and my copy of Poser 4 stop working on my computer years ago. The image is what they look like when I open them is DS; it would be nice if you could ask Dave if he could create a version for DAZ studio.
I’m not sure of the status of the archive files. At this time there seems to be a problem with the downloaded images and the images were the core of the old threads. I still have a lot of my old images; if there’s enough interest I could post them again. Hopefully, other who had posted in the past would be willing to post theirs again. Awhile back someone suggested that we collect all the images and put them in a PDF file posted somewhere for free downloaded. I think may be that would be a great idea.
Here's a few long-lost WIP's of mine that I haven't posted before.
They're WIP's that I never got around to going back and finishing.
*** Note: I've had to resize the pics down a little from their original 1024xY sizes because of DAZ's current goofy image-size posting problems in the forums.
[1 & 2] = The first two are using Davo's S.F.C.S (Sci-fi Construction Set).
This was a rather ambitious little project I started doing to create a structure for myself that I could then do various pics with both interior and exterior shots. It's all made up of S.F.C.S. parts and these WIP's were at the time then rendered in Vue so I could light it how I wanted and see how shadows would fall etc.
I can remember spending a lot of time aligning up all the parts so they actually fitted properly, and also so it would be logical (at least to me ;-)), so when a flying craft would arrive at this outpost, the passengers either arriving or departing had to follow a set course around to enter/leave the main building, bypassing the service area that had a couple of energy stations as well as assorted stuff (that hadn't been added yet).
I can also remember doing this to pass the time as I was waiting for a roast to cook that I had in the oven. ;-)
[3] = Using Davo's M.C.V. (Mobile Command Vehicle) product.
Rendered in Vue with a terrain I made for the pic. I was also enjoying posing and lighting this scene how I wanted.
This kinda looks like how a product promo shot would appear. ;-)
Just some info here:
One problem with these (FVCS & GVCS) in DS is that some of the pre assembled models use the 'taper' transform that is unavailable in DS.
I had posted the start of an Idea to replace the taper with deformers, but it wasn't a completed solution by any means.
Hi all,
So, am I right in saying the original FVCS threads no longer exist? I had the three of them bookmarked for quick access, but the links no longer work.
I'm also lovin' the idea of a "collected works" document, but unfortunately I lost ALL my completed models, WIP, everything, to a disk crash / rebuild / faulty backup nightmare a few years ago.
However its good to see the "real" DAZ ( Davo Appreciation Zone) is still alive & kicking.
There were three threads in the old forums. Most were just pictures but somewhere in the middle of things there were quite a few instructions on how to construct some of the models.
Nothing done here for a while, so I threw this together in the last couple of hours.
Larger version can be found HERE.
Powerfusion3d is back up. New look but not radically different.
The ACV-29 Archangel Dropship
Entering planitary atmosphere.
Not a new build, just turned the LCV into an support artilery craft like the AC-130 Spooky/Specter.
It's nice to see this thread back, and nice to see some of the old tutorials starting to pop up in it again.
I really wish Daz3D would either set it to show images in the old forum, or find a way to link our logins so I can browse the old threads again. I rather enjoyed looking through them for inspiration.
I also wish they'd allow inline images and youtube videos again - I hate the way this new forum works.
You and the majority of the forum users..
A quickly composed montage of some of my ships and craft I have been building. If I can ever get that faster computer I will resume building capital warships.
Hi all. Long time no see, post, or anything, lately.
I haven't been able to post in a while because my computer went belly up, and since I haven't worked in around four years, it doesn't look like I'll be getting a new one anytime soon. (I'm on my sister's computer right now).
So the old FVCS threads are gone now? That bites. :( Good to see a new Davo thread though.
I tried to post a link but can't get it to work. Anyway, everything I've posted in the three old threads can be found on photobucket. Just search for user mk31bolo and select the sub album "Vehicle Designs." (The base album isn't actually an album, but rather images I used to explain things on other forums, avatars, and so on).
Also, if I don't reply to something, I'm not ignoring you, I just can't get on the internet very often right now.
Finally (and most importantly), nice designs posted in this thread. Good work to all! :)
Awesome! Look forward to seeing more.
mk31bolo, sorry to hear about your work woes; I haven't worked since my accident in December, so I can somewhat understand. Hope things turn around for you soon.
Alright, had an idea for a story a few nights ago about an intergalactic investigator who's grizzled, cranky, and addicted to stim sticks (read= narcotic chewing gum). This is the ship I designed for him, follow the link to bigger and more images:
Wow.. Glad to see so many fans interested in keeping this classic thread alive...
Here's my latest; follow the link for a decent image (not trashed to fit this crappy excuse for a forum) and seven more linked in it's description...
Another set.. This one I've continued to work on my space backgrounds with..
Full set and details here:
Here is the start of a WIP to craft some of the interior for the Carriers. This is the Hull for the Washington Class Carrier. I'll probably do the Ships of the Fleet Aurora later.
I'm using Kibaretto's Starcarrier for the hangar decks. If you set the Starcarrier scale to 5% the "door" will fit the 5 indentations on the front half of the Washington Hull pretty closely.
If you want to fit 5 iterations of the Starcarrier on each side (as shown by Hangar decks Port 1, 3 & 5), you have to hide the side equipment at the sides of the interior hangars.
If you want to display all that equipment, leave out Hangar Decks 3 & 7 (as shown by decks 5 & 9). There is still some overlap in the corridors but no detail is lost.
These hangars can be used to launch fighters, but the intent is for them to be used for other small craft. I'm going to add iterations of the powerstar & powerstar final as launch tubes.
Nice idea.
Here's my past week's labors.. Built the ship, did the interior, then decided I needed a passenger tram and a cargo truck for this image. There's actually 6 images in all on my DA page.. In the old days of course I'd just link the previews here, but of course that was back when DAZ was about graphics....
Good view of the images start here:
Something I threw together this week.
Full view:
Thought I lost this one
I was asked to post this here. Larger version is available here
It's probably crazy (Lord knows my computer thinks so), but I've started doing deck plans for my five story Nueblid Freighter. Here's Decks 01 and 02; if you don't want to use a magnifying glass, check them out in detail at my Deviant Art Page here:
Processor isn't taking the work load well on the Nublid, so I'm doing a smaller ship first.
The Rhino Hauler. Not-crappy images can be found on DeviantArt -
more, for the interior...
Still no love? wow...
Put this one together a couple of months ago, just didn't get around to actually making the images until last week..
I made the space backgrounds in Photoshop CS2..
Decent Resolution images can be found here:
Cool. What parts and pieces did you use? Is that a plugin/action you're using to make the stars?
Great stuff, as always!
It's inspired me to get back to a couple of my designs that have been floundering a bit.
Thanks for sharing.
--Walt Sterdan