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Wow, MADMANMIKE, you've busy!!! Very nice work.
Yep, I'm still alive. :D
I almost don't want to post my stuff after yours, but here it is anyway. No discription, 'cause I'm a bit rushed right now.
Hmmm. I have more pics, but the forum won't let me post a reply with them. :(
OK, trying again...
Is there some kind of enforced delay when posting pictures?
One odd thing I noticed on the old site is that it would not upload a file if the extension was in caps.
Some great designs mk31bolo!
Thanks. :)
@ pwiecek: I never use capitalized extensions. I dunno, they just kinda annoy me for some reason. Go figure. :P
:edit: - typo
:edit - the sequel: = Gahh! More typos!
The boards do cap the number of images per post to 5..
Yeah, I know.
What was happening, was after making a post (with images), I couldn't post again for something like 15 minutes, Kept getting "unable to receive your post" or some such.
MADMANMIKE- Powerfusion3d is "out of stock" on everything as of 01 December 2014 0130- i was just over there.
Does anyone have a store where the kits can be got legally?
PS - love the work.
I wrote the store managers. They said Davo would be moving them to another store, but I haven't heard anything since.
I wrote the store managers. They said Davo would be moving them to another store, but I haven't heard anything since.
That's what I heard (I think it was you who said this earlier in the thread). From all the information I've been able to gather over the years, Davo is a bit of an odd duck, so there's no predicting what he'll do.
I do love playing with his non-adult toys though..
I have been trying to track down Davorama's Labworks props for about a year. I contacted Davorama in a private message here and some of his items were supposed to be added to but nothing new has appeared there for the past few months.
Hi Don,
Thank your for you kind words. I have recently changed ownership of my
products to another brokering company. They don't have those particular
items in their store yet, but I contacted them and the owner said you can
contact him with inquires at
Hope you find what you need, and thanks again for you compliments.
Judging from what he has on that site, my earlier suspicions seem to be confirmed; he's all but abandoned his non-adult oriented modelling for the fetish stuff. Sad.
Things of beauty - Great camera work guys!
Judging from what he has on that site, my earlier suspicions seem to be confirmed; he's all but abandoned his non-adult oriented modelling for the fetish stuff. Sad.
I have been bugging the hell out of him and I have not given up yet. :)
I think I convinced him that his non-fetish stuff has a market. I sent him a link to this thread in the hopes that he responds. :)
...and now there's a countdown on Power Fusion till they close completely (4.5 weeks).
Sounds like either Davo or the cgbytes don't think there'll be enough sales to be in a hurry.
You are probably right. I am not sure what happened but I am ready to buy the entire Labworks set as soon as I find a place to buy it legally.
I don’t know if anyone else is aware this, but this thread has been running for nearly 10 years. I don’t if any other tread has run that long. It’s amazing that after all these years there’s still interest in purchasing the products that that were used in the assemblies seen in these pages. It’s unfortunate that these products are being moved to more and more obscure sites when there is still a market for them here. I know those products belong to Davo and he has the right to do with them as he wishes, but it would be nice if he’s lost interest in them he could sell them DAZ or put them up on ShareCG.
Perhaps someday some modeler will come along and create something similar.
I completely agree here, I would buy quite a few of them if they were available here.
There still is some of his stuff for sale here
Yes, I bought all of those. :)
Thanks for pointing that out though.
The Labworks set is the one that is missing for me.
Actually, Simon-3D over at Rendo has several lines of kits and ships that could be kitbashed. They have a very different feel though
Looks like I may never get those capship sets. :(
As for the fetish stuff, I can see Davo's point from a purely business point of view (not sure his point of view is purely business, though. I've seen some of his renders.). Because, sadly, there will always be a market for that kind of thing, since a lot of people get into Poser/Studio to make, well, porn. You can make any kind of picture you want without having to convince a girl to pose/perform in front of a camera. Sad but true.
Anyway, I found this in some old files. I made this station years ago but could never render it. My old PC only had 512mb of RAM and would choke whenever I hit the render button. My current computer (actually, it's my sister's) is a different story, though. Not really innovative in design, but it's BIG. :D
Not a "finished" render, but rather more of a concept shot.
I built interior units for the rings at one point.. I guess I need to do some renders to show them..
Yes, yes you do.
I love seeing your stuff, it makes my day.
-- Walt Sterdan
Sorry it's been so long guys, got caught up in other things.
Here's a habitation ring segment; divided into five modules, the center module is a commons area for the other four. Each of the four housing modules are divided into two apartments and a hallway section; the interior apartments have a desk, two lockers, a bunk bed with over and under storage, and a full bathroom. The exterior apartments replace the bunk and lockers with a full sized bed with over and under storage and a small couch.
No time today to render the intersection blocks (module 4 interior, I believe), but hopefully soon.
Which sets are used for the main structure?
-- Walt Sterdan