Carrara Challenge #28: “Marriage” WIP Thread

Carrara Challenge #28: Marriage
Kindly Sponsored by OrestesGraphics and Daz
Please see new concept rules for voting - at end of this post
With things going on In the last winners life I have volunteered to run the challenge again.
But also in honor of what is going on in Phil's family life we have come up with the theme of Marriage.
That could be as simple as portraying a couple, but could also be putting two disparate items together that would not be usual, or any kind of "joining together"
So the rules are simple:
1) Make a render having to deal with the theme of Marriage..
It could be a design of a new shader Joining two or more basic shders wit the layer shader options.
It could be a Car crashed into a tree in an unintended Marriage of Carnage.
It could be Sci FI shotgun wedding because someone was messing around with the wrong alien
Or it could be a traditional Marriage style image in either Realistic style or non photo-realistic style.
Basic rules will be:
1. Each participant may submit up to 3 images into the Challenge.
2. Images must be new (previously unpublished).
3. Images must be primarily set up in Carrara.
4. Images must be rendered in Carrara or in an external renderer for which there is a Carrara plug-in (e.g. LuxRenderer, Octane).
5. At least one WIP (work in progress) image must be posted to the WIP thread
7. Screen shot of the scene in Carrara to be included in WIP - (sorry added this later).
Please note, there is no requirement for the winner to host the next challenge, unless they want to.
We love our wonderful sponsors
Once again Daz will generously sponsor the monthly challenge with the following prizes:
1st Place: $100.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
2nd Place: $ 50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
3rd Place: $ 25.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Honorable Mention (4th place): $10.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s) ( may be used for best new comers).
I am excited to announce that the amazing OrestesGraphics has confirmed his sponsorship:
One item each for each of the winners from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and HM.
OrestesGraphics Daz page is here
Dates to Remember:
all dates are Daz Utah Time
WIP Thread Opens: Friday 23 Sep 2016
Entry Thread Opens: Thursday 6 Oct 2016 2016
Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: 12.00 Midnight Saturday 22 Oct 2016
Voting Ends: Saturday 29 Oct 2016
The commons thread is here if you would like to share your entries!
As with the last challenge because we are having up to three images an entrant we could judge the winner by their scores combined. ie if their image 1 gets 24 votes, their image 2 gets 12 votes, and their image 3 gets 12 votes then they score 48.
2nd and third and HM would be as per usual - ie based on votes for one image.
This seemed to work quite well.
Hopefully we can get as many entries as last time.
Thanks for sponsoring, Orestes Graphics! Love your work.
And warm wishes to PhilW if he has a marriage-related event going on in his family. Cheers.
Good theme, Chickenman. Putting my thinking cap on. With 3 potential images, I will commit at least one to toon, NPR render engine, or otherwise unrealistic approach. Thinking maybe marrying chocolate and peanut butter in lush Reese's goodness but too early to say.
Lessee... how can I contrubute??... lemme think... hmmm... create 2 unrelated objects and merge them in some way... Of course! Got it!
Kewl concept chickenman.
Awesome Challenge setup, chickenman!
marriage hmmm mind leaps to CAKE. wedding cake
Starting to sketch out a concept. Have an idea to add a little drama, but will keep that to myself for now. The wall with the eastern doorway is a spline object. The potentate is Poser's Simon figure with clothing from the leaders pack (Saladin).
Great idea! I'm thinking ,
digital of course ;)
Beautiful piece. I am sensing a little V...(cannot be named, but not Voldemort either
), perhaps?
Arrrrgh! I had a fun idea for this and spent about an hour playing around with it this morning, then suddenly my screen went white, Carrara locked up and all was lost. I can't even open my last saved version anymore - it just stalls on "preparing data." So frustrating! I have never had this happen before on such a simple scene - since the last Windows 10 update everything on my computer seems to be going crazy.
Well, since I am back to start on this one I probably won't work on it any more until next weekend - I really don't feel like redoing all the shader adjusting I did to get it right. In the meantime here's a video of the song inspiration for my first entry: You're a Pink Toothbrush (give it a few seconds, the audio doesn't begin until about 6 or 7 seconds in).
Enjoy the ear worm!
MDO, Ahh... ye ole white screen. I've encount it anytime mostly on startup of an app but too often during. What happens in my case is the app is not responding on my system... so off to elsewhere I go to wait until it comes to it's senses. Never, ??, had it lock up the app for too long.
For my first idea I've chosen to have a Marrage of 2 unrelated objects set in a scene. Working on something else at the moment but will get a post up soon.
If I'm reading this correctly, a Huge Congratulations is in order to my dear friend/mentor!
It's been eighteen years for Rosie and Me - and it's by far the BEST thing I've ever done in my entire life! She's my reason for living as are our children - now grown and living on their own (I adopted them at ages 8 and 12). My life has become so much better with them in it.
Ok, I was wrong, I found time to work on my image some last night while watching TV and a little more tonight while watching the debates and somehow managed to get my first entry more or less done.
My first entry is based on the children's song "You're a Pink Toothbrush." (Link in my post above in case you want the song to be stuck in your head all day).
The toothbrushes, countertop and glass were modeled in Carrara. The candle and candlestick were also modeled in Carrara, but not specifically for this Challenge - I made them for Valentine's Day last year and am just recycling. I rendered a couple different views of the toothbrushes, edited them a bit in Photoshop then used those edited images as textures on a card made in Carrara. I added a couple flowers from Andrey Pestryakov's Nature - Forest Flowers pack and made the final render.
I am checking with the creator of the font I used whether this falls under the license or not, so consider the text part of the card as temporary (although I really love how it looks) as I may have to edit or withdraw this one as it is.
"You're a Pink Toothbrush" final version:
Attached: Toothbrush model, basic scene setup for the individual renders, scene setup for the final render, final render straight from Carrara, final with post-work.
MDO, Let me know about the font... If you can't use it perhaps I can crank out the letters you need that would be very similar.
[Edit] I would be using TypeTool 3 from Fontlab so they would be fonts and could upload as .zip file.
MDO2010 : That's realy greate. It reminds me of some of the posters I have seen at IKEA. I love it.
Here is a quick scetch from me. Quicly modelled in Carrara.
Absolutely gorgeous!
I'm really loving to see all of these examples of how excellent Carrara's Caustics work! Bravo!
my David5 and Gianni6 goin to Vegas to be married.
wouldn't be a vegas wedding chapel without Elvis.
Hound Dog Special Las Vegas Wedding Package
MDO, I really love the workflow details you've provided in your post. The scene setup, workflow, final result... brilliantly laid out! I love this stuff! This "W.I.P." threads are an excellent idea. But they become so much better when the W.I.P. evolves into a bit of a tutoorial like this... very special... very cool!
Very cool!!!
I keep seeing reminders of why I need to get stuck in and experiment with the Spline Modeler, this being a really practical example! Those darned curve-manipulation handles! What a great way to work, isn't it? At least for certain things - like this.
I remember a time when I thought that a Harem would be the way to go. I was very young at the time. Now I'm glad to belong to one ;) My Rosie... I worship everything about her. She's still my Best Friend in the whole world. My reason. My Treasure!
Used the boolean tool.
terrific idea ! and just saw that tart, now I have my mouth watering - looks seriously delicious :)
second whatever Dart said :) Will not listen to the song as have a full brain already ;)
+1 chocolate and peanutbutter. they come in a bucket size, but is only 1 in the packet/
Thanks. Click on this to see at higher render settings (caustics for the refleciton). I think the chocolate is working pretty well. Still trying to get the peanut butter right. Might need to replicate a few crumbs.
Beautiful work! :)
diomede, Looking good... How about a couple of brown wrappers in bkground... could be stacked, married, also.
Thanks for the suggestion. Definitely welcome. Will consider packaging.
I tried one of those for the first time last week (they're not generally available in this country) - yum indeed!
What is going on with the vertical lines in the peanut butter? If I were doing this I'd use a lot of Bump... perhaps make a tug here and there to give some parts a very uneven look. I buy plenty of indiviual packed peanut butter cups for the kids each Haloween and end up finishing off what's left over. I usually break them in half instead of biting into them... then eat one half a pb cup at a time. Mmmm... almost that time of year.
I been living in USA for more then 20 years and I still do not like peanut butter, lol, Fact: they have the worst commercials on the TV I have ever seen
Been spared that. For a long time I thought a Twinkie was something rude . . . (still never had one)