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And the latest version.
I use the exact same method that I first described above, and parent them to the vehicle. I even make the blinkers - so they work too. Works great!
Anything Glows might be tough, unless each of your street lamps have a different name. If all you want is to light the underside of the fixture, just duplicate the lights you have, flip them upside down, lower their power and distance... bam! Lower them down to the right height... etc., Easy, fast, effective - which is essential to digital stage lighting - Get 'er Done... Now! LOL
Also... I've really been enjoying the use of Shape lights since 8.5 made them easier to use. For this I'd use the oval set to the small size it needs to be, and flip it upside down - set the brightness, distance, etc., properly.
LOL! Looks like I spoke too soon!!! :D
Workflow tutorial? ;)
EDIT: After the challenge deadline is over... you only have hours left - so work on your image!!!
Here is Carrara render, off to do some post in Fusion ...
Awww... That's SO awesome! Lovely!!!
Great job, FifthElement!
Thanks, here is a quick post in Fusion
Fifth, Nice postwork.. brings out the color and shadow
EveryOne, Cool work!
here are two more test shots
Chickenman, 2nd one, closeup better... IMO
Here are the last two test renders.
Here is the assemble room and final render
Sweet! Both of you!
terrific work those last few renders, nice job
just got home from the painting studio and was going to post my remington wedding one , but too late, apologies for that
Nothing directly to do with the challenge, but the wedding that inspired the theme of this month's challenge took place on Saturday - what a wonderful day! I'm still buzzing from it two days later. Everything was perfect, the bride looked gorgeous, there were some great speeches and we danced well into the night! It may take days for me to come back down to earth...
Great news, Phil. Wishing everyone involved all the best.
Very good. Glad it all came together for you.
So Cool! Glad all went so well - glad to see you floating around in Glee! ;)
Take your time and enjoy the bliss... Earth should (should) be here when you're done, and float back down! :)
Carrara Challenge #28 Marriage list of entries, artists and titles. Hopefully this will help those who have not voted to aid them. These are listed in entry number order. I use a text editor, Notepad will do, to start eliminating or picking my favorites. I then narrow those down until I have only have 4 entries... eventually. The file is inside the .ZIP file.
I'm still having a hard time voting for only four (HM Included).
No, really. There are several others that I wanted to vote for. Someone said they liked Chickenman's closer-up shot better... but his more distant shot was one I wanted to vote for. Same with Stezza's. Then there were swordvisions (so freaking wonderful), FifthElement and Headwax, I really like all of them - not to mention other renders by the artists I already did vote for... it's tough. It even felt wrong calling my HM vote an HM... Almost don't want to vote! LOL
Sorry to those of you I didn't vote for. Perhaps we can vote more than once? Three votes plus HM each time?
Know what you mean. Hmmm I wonder if a vote can be changed before voting is over??? If so feel free to take me off and vote someone else in... wouldn't hurt my feelings... I have others which are more that I thought could happen.
You can ammend your votes up until the deadline.
As with the last challenge because we are having up to three images an entrant we could judge the winner by their scores combined. ie if their image 1 gets 24 votes, their image 2 gets 12 votes, and their image 3 gets 12 votes then they score 48.
2nd and third and HM would be as per usual - ie based on votes for one image.
This seemed to work quite well.
chickenman, cool... I understand "amend" to be a synonym for "add"... so that would mean that I can add another 4 and later another 3 to vote for everyone. :) Joking.
I do have 2 questions... Do we need to specifify anyone for each place or is just listing 3 entries and then an HM ok? What if the HM got more actual votes than any of the other 3... would they get bumped up into a place and someone else get the HM?
Folks, For those that I did not vote for. I feel badly since your hard work, abilities and cool renders were very good indeed. It is always hard to pick one over another. The ones I'd not chosen I either did not understand, had an element or more that I thought could have been done differently or did not appeal to me in some way... perhaps they looked too simple to me or it is my strange taste. I do thing that everyone did a very kewl job... all have elements that I like very much. "Have I wriggled my way off the hook?"
I'm greatful for the help of everyone in the Challenge WIP thread for lending me a hand.
John... going going..... .... ... .. . gone [beware... he's still in the building]
All you need to do is identify the top 3 or top 3 with HM. Who ever ends up with the most votes wins first. It does not matter if it is a HM, or a first it only counts as a vote hence thy are nomally not in any particular order.
I want to vote - I'm going to vote - but every time I look at it, I can't decide which my top 3-4 are so I keep putting the decision off in the hope that it will get easier....
Phil said: I want to vote - I'm going to vote - but every time I look at it, I can't decide which my top 3-4 are so I keep putting the decision off in the hope that it will get easier....
Nope... it's like marriage. You have to take the plunge!!!
That was a lot easier - there was only ONE!
I buy or cut flowers for her ALL the time, just because I know that she likes it! people always ask: "Oh no... what have you done now?" (often with more slang involved).
My reply: "I had a daydream of her smile and I want to see a real one"
I know. I had such a hard time. And now that I've done it, I'm happy with my choices except that I want to add more to them.