Carrara Challenge 28 Marriage Voting Thread

Carrara Challenge #28: Marriage
Kindly Sponsored by OrestesGraphics and Daz
Please see new concept rules for voting - at end of this post
With things going on In the last winners life I have volunteered to run the challenge again.
But also in honor of what is going on in Phil's family life we have come up with the theme of Marriage.
That could be as simple as portraying a couple, but could also be putting two disparate items together that would not be usual, or any kind of "joining together"
So the rules are simple:
1) Make a render having to deal with the theme of Marriage..
It could be a design of a new shader Joining two or more basic shaders with the layer shader options.
It could be a Car crashed into a tree in an unintended Marriage of Carnage.
It could be Sci FI shotgun wedding because someone was messing around with the wrong alien
Or it could be a traditional Marriage style image in either Realistic style or non photo-realistic style.
Basic rules will be:
1. Each participant may submit up to 3 images into the Challenge.
2. Images must be new (previously unpublished).
3. Images must be primarily set up in Carrara.
4. Images must be rendered in Carrara or in an external renderer for which there is a Carrara plug-in (e.g. LuxRenderer, Octane).
5. At least one WIP (work in progress) image must be posted to the WIP thread
7. Screen shot of the scene in Carrara to be included in WIP - (sorry added this later).
Please note, there is no requirement for the winner to host the next challenge, unless they want to.
We love our wonderful sponsors
Once again Daz will generously sponsor the monthly challenge with the following prizes:
1st Place: $100.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
2nd Place: $ 50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
3rd Place: $ 25.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Honorable Mention (4th place): $10.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s) ( may be used for best new comers).
I am excited to announce that the amazing OrestesGraphics has confirmed his sponsorship:
One item each for each of the winners from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and HM.
OrestesGraphics Daz page is here
Dates to Remember:
all dates are Daz Utah Time
Entry Thread Opens: Thursday 6 Oct 2016 2016
Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: 12.00 Midnight Saturday 22 Oct 2016
Voting Ends: Saturday 29 Oct 2016
The commons thread is here if you would like to share your entries!
As with the last challenge because we are having up to three images an entrant we could judge the winner by their scores combined. ie if their image 1 gets 24 votes, their image 2 gets 12 votes, and their image 3 gets 12 votes then they score 48.
2nd and third and HM would be as per usual - ie based on votes for one image.
This seemed to work quite well.
Hopefully we can get as many entries as last time.
Entry: # 1
Title: Sword in Stone
Artist: wgdjohn
Products Used:
Carrara 8.5 Pro from DAZ
Carrara EnvironKit - Woodlands by Dartanbeck for the terrain with trees and more
Secret Lake Seasons by HowieFarkes for foreground objects
Maple Meadows by HowieFarkes for foreground objects
Slicer by Val3dart "for the sword only"
Objects Created:
2 boulders used in 4 places in the foreground... one is a bit hard to find
Signature was created using Carrara'a Font Editor. Font designed in TypeTool3 from Fontlab
Back Story: And explanation.
After waking very early I scramble to get outside. Wandering away from my humble abode and into the great outdoors I've found myself in a part of the woods never seen before by myself. On my stroll I notice how all things are joined together by Mother Nature... trees, grass, flowers, leaves, rocks and more to the ground or to each other. Everything is conected in one way or another. Noticing a shaft of light in the distance I decide to investigate. It's a bit chilly and perhaps some light will warm me up, should have dressed warmer. Oh wow! How did a sword get stuck in that small boulder? Hmm... how long has it been there? Darn, I left my camera at home. The sun is hitting the sword just right, sure would make a nice picture.
Look around you... look at yourself... are not all things married in some way? You and the bed in which you sleep... to your clothing, the floor, your keyboard. Your computer to the monitor. A picture to the wall. All is conected in one way or another.
Texturing the sword with Carrara'a Shaders
Almost there testing Carrara FX to add
Entire scene before the final render without the FX
Scene with the FX rendered - My Original entry, had an error. Thanks to Dartanbeck I improved the entry also fine tuned the FX.
This shows the improved version - below - in wireframe - also shows my light setup also for the FX
No Postwork: Entire scene rendered in Carrara using it's native render.
Entry: # 2
Title: Pink Petals
Artist: Diomede
Products Used:
G2F, Forbidden Whispers Merchant Resource Skin Shader Resources for G2F, G2M, Edwardian Evening Suit for David 3, Princess Gown, Sidepart Hair for Poser 6 James, That Great French Site for Carrara Formulas, Swept Away Carrara Hair for V4. Lisa Botanicals.
Objects Created:
Ring is a formula torus. Replicated flowers and petals are formula objects, veil and headband are vertex objects.
Back Story: And explanation.
Separate renders for the background and the figures. Created a rectangular vertex holder for the replicated flowers. Used formula feature to create three flowers. Used shading domains to limit the flowers to the outer edges. Set progressively brighter colors on holder as get closer to center. Applied blur effect to holder. Rendered and saved. Started new scene. Loaded saved flower ring as backdrop. Used Studio clone and transfer utility to convert David 3 EdwardianEvening Suit for G2M and saved as wearable preset. Loaded saved replicated flower ring and placed slightly in front of figures so it looks like wedding party is surrounded by flowers. A few corrections in photoshop eements.
Postwork: Corrections in photoshop elements
Entry: # 3
Title: Halloween wedding
Artist: Philemo
Products Used:
Carrara 8.5 Pro from DAZ
Creature creator body and heads
morphing fantasy dress for genesis
Bride hat is from Demon Soul
Groom clothes are from Mean streets
Flower girls dress are from JSkirt
Stonewall background is a freebie from HDRI_HUB
VWD plugin used to drape all clothes
Objects Created:
All shaders are custom
Back Story:
Hallowen has revived some old memories (the bride looks like a girl I once dated) and I started to imagine what wedding it could have been
A short one althrough I could add more if anybody ask
Postwork: Entire scene rendered in Carrara using it's native render. Just a white balance in Gimp
Click thmbnail below image for full size
Entry 4
Title: Marrying Chocolate and Peanut Butter
Artist: Diomede
Everything created in carrara's spline, metaball, and vertex modelers.
Entry #5
Puppy Matrimony - After their sister got married, Sam and Sadie decided to have a wedding of the own. The got one of their mother's lace table cloths for the bride and used Sam's hat and tie from the wedding.
Products used
The render was done in Carrara's default renderer at pretty high settings (an overnight render)
Edited - After I posted my render, I noticed I was missing Sam's eyebrows - fixed and uploaded corrected render
Entry #6
'Alien Wedding"
Artist: headwax
used m4 v4 abd Stonemason's forest. I used the VWD cloth plugin to drape the cloth on V4, M4. Gave the cloth a glass shader and rendered with Caustics on.
Please click for big .
Entry #7
Title : SuperHero Wedding
Artist Varsel
WIP's :
This Genesis 2 (Male and female) dressed in
The suit had to be converted/fitted to the male in Studio, and then saved as a new asset for later use. It is a very good product that converted very well.
The bodysuit texture are homemade, in Corel Photopaint.
The birds are Emperor Kens Songbird Remix, no longer available at DAZ.
The trees, stand and frame are all Carrara. And after some romantic misunderstanding, I went for the Mahogany wood.
Entry #8
Artist Stezza
Title : Cheesey Marriage
See WIP's for details :
Entry: #9
Title: Love Bugs
Artist: FifthElement
WIP link:
Modeled in Silo 2, textured in Substance Painter 2, Rendered in Carrara 8.5 and post done in Fusion.
Me and my wife gave one of these to each other more then 20 years ago (one on the left is mine), and the rest was history ...
Entry: #10
Title: Light and Dark #1
Artist: Chickenman
WIP link:
Items Used: Urban Sprawl 3:
Historic Police Box:
Micheal 6
Victoria 6
Toon Chicken:
Genesis female 2 Morphing Fantasy Dress
Grantham Hall Suit:
Entry: #11
Title: Light and Dark #2
Artist: Chickenman
WIP link:
Items Used: Urban Sprawl 3:
Historic Police Box:
Micheal 6
Victoria 6
Toon Chicken:
Genesis female 2 Morphing Fantasy Dress
Grantham Hall Suit:
Entry 12:
Title: Weekend Getaway
Artist: Diomede
Items customized: Terrain based on custom heightmaps made in Photoshop, Sign is spline and text models, snow on roof of building is vertex object.
Content Used
Gosha and Mavka figures by Smay
Sleigh and reindeer by MAB and (Daz original)
WIP Links
Entries now closed let the voting begin.
In no particular order
Entry: # 3
Title: Halloween wedding
Artist: Philemo
Entry #6
'Alien Wedding"
Artist: headwax
Entry #5
Puppy Matrimony
Artist Swordvisions
Honorable mention
Entry #8
Artist Stezza
Title : Cheesey Marriage
In numerical order:
#8 Stezza Cheesey Marriage
#9 Fifth Element Love Bugs
#12 Diomede Weekend Getaway
#3 Plilemo Halloween Wedding
in no order:
#4 Title: Marrying Chocolate and Peanut Butter
luv pb&c
#8 Title : Cheesey Marriage
#10 Title: Light and Dark #1
Tardis sighting
#9 Title: Love Bugs
excellent z-depth
I'd like to order a pizza, thin-crust, large, everything but jalapenos, extra banana peppers and a double order of spicy bone-in wings ;)
#1 - Sword in Stone
Love the effects and scene composition. The sword stands out brilliantly... Love it!
#3 - Halloween Marriage
Love those shaders! Burlap and Leather looks fantastic! Also the hair on Mrs... yikes does that ever look cool! Very unique image!
#4 - Marrying Chocolate and Peanut Butter
Beautiful modeling, shading and lighting - Love this image! Smooth and creamy... Yum!
Honorable Mention:
#7 - SuperHero Wedding
Expressions say it all! Well... and it's just a very nice render! Bravo!
What? That's all I get... three and an HM? I want to keep going! Like, I really love.... (edited for brevity)
Entry #8 - Cheesey Marriage
Artist Stezza
Entry: # 1 Sword in Stone
Artist: wgdjohn
Entry: #12 - Weekend Getaway
Artist: Diomede
Great work everyone. Awesome job!
#1 Sword in the Stone
#5 Puppy Matrimony
#6 Alien Wedding
#10 Light & Dark 1
Listed in order as above cause its the only way I can match up the names and the numbers right lol.
Entry #7
Title : SuperHero Wedding
Artist Varsel
Entry #6
'Alien Wedding"
Artist: headwax
Entry: #9
Title: Love Bugs
Artist: FifthElement
Entry: # 1
Title: Sword in Stone
Artist: wgdjohn
I love a challenge, it's even a a challenge with voting these days.
Well,.... umm
in no order
Entry 4
Title: Marrying Chocolate and Peanut Butter
Artist: Diomede
really like the simplicity of this, but its very real as well - I gained 2oo gram s typing this..
Entry: # 3
Title: Halloween wedding
Artist: Philemo
for me it sums up many families where I work - except the children have eight different fathers and the mothers smoke...
Entry: #9
Title: Love Bugs
Artist: FifthElement
once again FifthElement presents an annoyingly professional work :)
And for the HM tadahh
Entry: # 1
Title: Sword in Stone
Artist: wgdjohn
very impressed by how wgdjohn has come across in leaps and bounds
Of course I thought Stezza's was a crack UP :) swordvisions is a really emotive image, Varsels' is beautifully tongue in cheek, and chickenman suceeded in evoking a wonderful mood with his haze and perfect lighting
well done :)
in page order
Entry #3 Halloween wedding
by Philemo
Entry #5 Puppy Matrimony
by Swordvisions
Entry #8 Cheesey Marriage
by Stezza
HM: Entry #7 SuperHero Wedding
by Artist: Varsel
Oh... nooooo wait .. I wanted to vote for everyone
The three are in no particular order. Loved all the entries and stories... our 24th wedding anniversary was on the 14-16th (we had two ceremonies) so they struck a special note with me!
Entry: #1 Sword in Stone - Artist: wgdjohn
Entry: #3 Halloween wedding - Artist: Philemo
Entry: #7 Super Hero Wedding - Artist: Varsel
HM: Entry #8 Cheesey Marriage - Artist: Stezza
OK, I have agonised over this and I'm going to put something down before I change my mind again. I have put in 4 votes, so one would be an honourable mention but I can't even decide that. And in my mind, EVERYONE who entered is a winner! But in the end, my votes cast are (in numerical order):
Entry #3 Artist: Philemo Title: Halloween wedding
Entry #7 Artist: Varsel Title: SuperHero Wedding
Entry #8 Artist: Stezza Title: Cheesey Marriage
Entry #9 Artist: FifthElement Title: Love Bugs
Very creative!
My votes :
Entry 4 Title: Marrying Chocolate and Peanut Butter Artist: Diomede
Entry 12: Title: Weekend Getaway Artist: Diomede
Entry: #9 Title: Love Bugs Artist: FifthElement
Entry #5 Puppy Matrimony
Entry: # 1 Sword in Stone
Artist: wgdjohn
Classical, but well done
Entry #6 'Alien Wedding"
Artist: headwax
As I wrote in the WIP thread, It's impressively creative
Entry: #9 Love Bugs
Artist: FifthElement
Very well done and I like the story behind :-)
Entry: #12 - Weekend Getaway
Artist: Diomede
Entry #7 Title : SuperHero Wedding /Artist Varsel
Entry #3 Title: Halloween wedding /Artist: Philemo
Entry #2 Title: Pink Petals /Artist: Diomede
Entry #1 Title: Sword in Stone / Artist: wgdjohn
Before I forget it,. I am at work, in my car with the tablet.
# 5
Here are my votes guys:
Entry #4 Title: Marrying Chocolate and Peanut Butter Artist: Diomede
Entry #7 Title: SuperHero Wedding Artist: Varsel
Entry #8 Title: Cheesey Marriage Artist: Stezza
Good work everybody.
Have the votes been tallied?
I think I either won first place due to the summation rule of 9 votes (excluding honorable mention), or I won nothing because none of my individual images got at least 6 votes - if my count is correct.