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wdgJohn : sword in stone
Philemo : Haloween wedding
Stezza : Cheezy marriage
Swordvisions Puppy matrimony
Too many really nice images here,.
I had a very busy weekend and am just getting to tallying up the votes.
I ended up roofing the garage before the snow comes so that took the time i was planning on using here.
I will tally it u now and pass on the results.
I kept my votes back to use a tie breaker if required so if the numbers seem off in the end by one that would be why.
Here are the tabulated results.
Very well done by all. I will PM the winners with the requirements as per normal.
Congrats - Diomede, Stezza and FifthElement
Happy Halloween... Everyone are winners to me.
Woohoo. My wishlist thanks y'all. I really do appreciate everyone who found something in one of my entries to vote for, but I can't help feeling like the results were a fluke of the voting system. Quantity prevailed. I was all prepared with a snarky link, which I will post anyway.
Congratulations, Stezza, FifthElement, and Wgdjohn. Well deserved. The other entries were amazing as well.
Forgetful... that's me. Thanks Folks for the votes to give me an HM placement.
Kewl... I must add that I've Dartanbeck to thank for this with his ecellent advice and Carrara EnvironKit - Woodlands. Oh... and Howie Farkes plants and sapplings. All I did was throw in a few rocks of my own and put it all together. I'm elated! Took 9 months and an HM was born. :)
well done everyone, especially Diomede et wgdjohn!!!!
Diomede, I think the new system is fair because it t akes in both talent and effort. Without one there is not the other!
You thoroughly deserve to win
Congratulations everyone. I'm so sorry I managed to miss the voting! Everyone had great images!
well done @diomede well deserved...
congrats to all the place getters in the challenge and thanks for those that voted for my image ..
I wonder what diomede will be serving up for us now..
Metaballs! Just kidding. I have an idea or two. Feel free to offer suggestions. Some of my current ideas revolve around some of the other challenges. For example, maybe show how Carrara can use and customize external content by requiring some minimum number of freebies from around the web? Or, maybe require people to dig deep in their file drawers by using some random picks from content currently owned? Or maybe require some use of the hair modeler but doesn't have to be as hair (a waiver or alternative for people with only C5 or earlier)? Or maybe require use of a particle system?
A completely absurd idea is that I might make a custom object, nicknamed "Waldo" and ask everyone to incorporate the object in the entry. Morphing and other customization would be permitted. Or, the "Waldo" might be a freebie I find somewhere.
Feel free to offer your own suggestions in this thread. Otherwise, you might have to deal with "where's Waldo?"
"Where's Waldo" is called "Where's Wally" in the UK. Congrats to all the winners - well deserved!!
I never understood why the US had to rename Wally.
I was thinking maybe make the next challenge until After Christmas as everyone will be busy at this time of year.
Maybey even a christmas theme.
Keeping it simple to try to entice new people to participate.
My dad's name was Wally (Damn, there go all my passwords! -- NOT REALLY!!! --
) Oh what fun we had giving him 'Where's Wally?' tee shirts, Wally socks and stuff (plus Wallace & Gromit of course).
He hated it!
Chrismas sounds like a good idea for a theme. Would induce me to get some seasonal renders going too, even If I don't manage to enter (still ixnay on the clones, and nobody has sprayed me with work-reducing riches yet either!)
BTW, where the hell did 2016 go????
I have received less than 5,362 private messages urging me to share a zip file with a metaball Wally/Waldo that must be included in each entry. Therefore, that will not be the next challenge. I will consider the finishing date issue because of the holiday season and then post something by the end of the week. Still time to offer ideas.
yep, got it... just going through your emails.... who is Hillary?
FifthElement and WGDJohn check your PM's
diomede, "Frost and Ice" and/or "Christmas". Frost and Ice could actually be any winter themed render. Christmas could be anything particular to the holiday... anywhere from putting up lights/decorations to sitting around a Christmas dinner or anywhere in between... not leaving out other ways folks selebrate the season in any coutry or any Religion.
but it's not winter!... it's spring
I realized that and incuded other countries as well as Religions. This would of course include you and others I'd thought of after painting my MidWest image. :)
Satan on the beach? (for dyslexic Aussies . . .)
First man up Everest, obviously!
LOL! As a non-US person, I am just watching open mouthed as this disaster (and that's on both sides!) that is the election takes place.
ha... ha... wonder if I can get a passport in time to get away from such a mess. ... hmm ought to leave for either 4 or 8 years. :)
Congrats All!!! Yet another tough challenge!
The next challenge (29) WIP thread is posted.
WGDJohn You need to respond to my PM so we can get the prizes sorted out.
I apologize to all the winners and chickenman for being the holdup.
Is there another holdup?
seems to be taking a while for this one to go through...
My cart pricing has increased putting me over limit. Will that be a problem?