Skin Builder 3 Merchant Resource for Genesis 3 Female (Commercial)



  • TooncesToonces Posts: 919

    Glad to hear about the thorough testing. It'll lead to a higher quality product. Can't wait to purchase this one; it sounds awesome!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Going to be worth every second of the wait I am sure.

  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318

    Even the previews sound like something to get excited about! It's always nice to have something to look forward to :)

  • We will wait patiently, and then we will purchase impatiently as soon as it is available.

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    Wait...what happened to Draagonstorm?

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    Zev0 said:

    Hi guys. I will have previews and product info soon. We just busy finalizing the settings etc. We making sure that the added script features work well on other skin sets besides the base sets that come with SkinBuilder3. So there is a of a lot of testing going on. Everytime we think something is fine something else breaks lol. Basically the scripts have to work under different shader setups, in iray and 3dl, for the products skins and any others. But we sorted out the main gremlins. I've spent nearly 6 months on this thing now...It's starting to cost me money lol. It needs to get out. As far as a release date, it will go into testing this month, but I doubt it will make March Madness:( But this version has some cool new features, and soon I will share them with you. I thank you all for your patience.

    Happy to help test. cheeky

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Wait...what happened to Draagonstorm?

    Very sadly, she died a couple of months ago.

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,143

    Is this only going to be for female characters?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...ahh well, was hoping for an MM release ,but better to have everything thoroughly tested and working right.  Looking forward to the promo shots.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited March 2017

    I updated the first post with some sneak peaks of the new SkinBuilder interface. Everything is now in tabs instead of seperate scripts. I will go into more detail when I finish up the promo's. Feel free to ask any questions.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318

    That looks great, Zev0. I like the idea of the preview window - waiting for the skin to build in the older version wouldn't have been so bad if I'd had some idea what I'd done and what I was waiting for :) Looking at the sneak previews, I think your long wait to get this product to market looks like it will pay off for you too :)

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited March 2017

    Thank you. Yeah at the time we didn't know how to make a preview window for the older version lol. I was never happy about that fact. But for this version we added some new tricks we learned along the way:)

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Looking good.

  • TooncesToonces Posts: 919

    Looks amazing! I assume it builds the diffuse maps for iray?

    Now if you tell me it also creates the normal, specular, etc maps, I'll probably fall out of my chair!

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited March 2017

    It builds everythig except for normal maps. That I didn't bother with because it is difficult to stack overlay details in normal maps. But all other maps are there. EG if you apply acne to the skin, it will add the colour detail to the diffuse, and add the greyscale detail for spec and bump map. It will also copy certain details over to the trancelucency map. So basically it isn't just building diffuse. It adds detail to other maps where required in order for the effect to look properly depending on the overlay chosen. So when it is processing it is doing quite a bit of work, adding details to multiple map channels.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • TooncesToonces Posts: 919


    Photoshop has a quicky normal map creator now, but I imagine the bump map will be good enough 99% of the time (or I sometimes use NGS which tosses the other maps out anyway).

    I imagine this product will make uv swap more valuable, since SB3 is just for G3F, but uv swap will let us use it for G3M too.


  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited March 2017

    You can apply it on G3M if you don't mind female nipples and anatomy details on the skin lol.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • TooncesToonces Posts: 919

    Haha, true. G3M in most of my scenes wear clothes, but I imagine I'd need to look elsewhere if I wanted a beard. ;)

  • deleted userdeleted user Posts: 1,204

    It would be nice if you can add, or make avilible in the future, UV plugins, like Bethany 7, Aiko 7, TJ7 ect... Just an idea.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited March 2017

    Not worth it to be honest. Most skin addon packs makeup or lie sets are designed for base uv because everybody has it and can be used on more skins based on the base uv. So it isn't worth converting all the maps for a uv set that has no real added support and is also dependant on the user if they have that character in the first place. Everybody has the base and base uv, so it makes sense that is the one to maximize on.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • deleted userdeleted user Posts: 1,204

    Yeah I guess that makes sense... I'm glad your making this though. It will help a lot with people like myself who struggle to make our own skin mats.

  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    PLEASE,  instructions for use.

    Thank you.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    Already there:)

    697 x 894 - 223K
  • TooncesToonces Posts: 919

    In that screen shot, there are two 'Use Iray Settings' checkboxes. Is there a difference? Btw, I'm kinda hoping it magically remembers my choice as I always use IRAY.

    Also, are you to the point yet where you never want to see another skin map again so long as you live? :)

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited March 2017

    One is a picture showing you the actual button. So you only have one.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    It would be nice if you can add, or make avilible in the future, UV plugins, like Bethany 7, Aiko 7, TJ7 ect... Just an idea.

    You can convert them to default UVs; I've never had an issue on those I done, although there might be a couple that would have issues.

  • deleted userdeleted user Posts: 1,204
    nicstt said:

    It would be nice if you can add, or make avilible in the future, UV plugins, like Bethany 7, Aiko 7, TJ7 ect... Just an idea.

    You can convert them to default UVs; I've never had an issue on those I done, although there might be a couple that would have issues.

    How exactly are you doing that?

  • nicstt said:

    It would be nice if you can add, or make avilible in the future, UV plugins, like Bethany 7, Aiko 7, TJ7 ect... Just an idea.

    You can convert them to default UVs; I've never had an issue on those I done, although there might be a couple that would have issues.

    How exactly are you doing that?

    Usually, it's just a matter of applying a different material preset with a different UV map, like using the Growing Up skins on Victoria 7, for example.

  • deleted userdeleted user Posts: 1,204
    nicstt said:

    It would be nice if you can add, or make avilible in the future, UV plugins, like Bethany 7, Aiko 7, TJ7 ect... Just an idea.

    You can convert them to default UVs; I've never had an issue on those I done, although there might be a couple that would have issues.

    How exactly are you doing that?

    Usually, it's just a matter of applying a different material preset with a different UV map, like using the Growing Up skins on Victoria 7, for example.

    I'm so confused.. lol... what? xD

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited March 2017

    You can actually convert the UV's to a different one via daz's map transfer tool, EG V7 UV to Base UV, but you might get slight seam issues on certain areas, nothing major.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
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