You can apply it on G3M if you don't mind female nipples and anatomy details on the skin lol.
I thought we were gonna have a male version this time? I swear I remember you promising!
SkinBuilder 3 took around 6 months to create, a lot longer than expected. If I do a male version which will take around another +-3 months that is nearly a year gone on only two product releases. It is not financially viable to do a male version at this stage which will bring in much less revenue anyways. If I spend more time on this, that means my morph packages will never come out, and that is my primary business. Unfortunately I do not have a huge team at my disposal. That costs a hell of a lot of money. If I did have a team, and revenue streams catered for that maintenance then a male version would be a possibility. Unfortunately that is not the case. There is a lot of things I would like to do, but time and money dictates what is viable in order to survive.
Realistically, if you have the G3 UV swap add-on, the skins made for G3F should work fine on G3M, so what's really needed is just 1.) a overlay set to add more mascuiline body hair, which we already have in several forms such as RedStudio's G3M body hair add on at Rendo and the various Brow products now available, and 2.) support for the gens if required... and for that, there are the TAB and similar add-ons sold at that other Rendo site. It's a bit of a sideways way of going at it, but I think it makes this new skinbuilder more than capable of creating male bases, especially for teens and kids.
I just this morning bought that G3M Body Hair you mention as it is on sale. Very impressive as are the RedzStudio head hair products. I don't use the G3M male gens mainly because they are only available in Pro bundles so I'm still using the Jepe/M4 prop which is still pretty good and the skin (with a SickleYield freebie to convert to Iray) can be tweaked to a pretty close match (especially if there is hair to hide the join).
Yeah, one of the main reasons I stayed in Renderosity's version of the PC+, Prime, is that they keep serving as a launch point for amazing vendors like RedzStudio, Cayman Studios and this guy named Zevsomething. As far as the Gens go, the probundle deal at DAZ is a royal pain, though the last couple of male bundles I've bought have been so cheap that it would have been worth it to buy them just for the gens if I didn't already have them. Worst case scenario, Erogenesis' TAB system over at Renderotica is also a solid alternative, pun not intended, and works with both G3M and G3F out of the box, pun also not intended and I just realized that anything else I say on the subject is going to come out equally awkward so... byes!
"I do really like that you've added a softer edges option with the tanline generator and that your new promos highlight the fact that you can make multiple passes, which is a trick I wised up to pretty quickly with the original SB"
Softer edges was added because of your suggestion lol. Regarding CB knees and elbows I didn't make a map for that because the CB feature was added very late to the product so I only added options that showcase what it can do. I do plan on expanding on the options. But you can easily make one and add it in and the script will recognise it. The directions of how to do so will be in the tutorial. It's just a black and white map where white will show the color blend details.
Awesome and double awesome! I've been spending way too much time studying people's skin pigmentation lately and being able to add a bit of rosiness to areas where blood might have pooled witll be a fantastic option.
This version works differently. When you start Skin Builder 3 you assign a temp folder. Then when you apply anything to the skin it will initially use lie to apply but bake the maps into your set folder. So there are no LIE files. Then when you want to save your skins it will take all your temp files, rename it and save to a folder of your choice along with chosen material presets. So basically, this version has the ability to package files for you. Nothing will be left in LIE state. And regarding load times it is way faster:) We worked hard on that. So it does lie first, takes that info and merges onto temp textures which are then flattened. So basically when you load up a skin it is just loading jpg files based on whatever details you loaded, no lie files. So it will load up as fast as any other character skin. We wanted to lose the dependancy of LIE because it takes too long to load and apply, so we changed the entire system.
It would be nice if there was an option to use .png and to save .png; meaning your product was availble with .png (for those with more space) and without.
Yeah, one of the main reasons I stayed in Renderosity's version of the PC+, Prime, is that they keep serving as a launch point for amazing vendors like RedzStudio, Cayman Studios and this guy named Zevsomething.
I'd not spotted RedzStudio before. Can't help noticing that the style and typography of their promo pictures is very similar to Zev0's. I wonder if there could be a reason for that...
You can apply it on G3M if you don't mind female nipples and anatomy details on the skin lol.
I thought we were gonna have a male version this time? I swear I remember you promising!
SkinBuilder 3 took around 6 months to create, a lot longer than expected. If I do a male version which will take around another +-3 months that is nearly a year gone on only two product releases. It is not financially viable to do a male version at this stage which will bring in much less revenue anyways. If I spend more time on this, that means my morph packages will never come out, and that is my primary business. Unfortunately I do not have a huge team at my disposal. That costs a hell of a lot of money. If I did have a team, and revenue streams catered for that maintenance then a male version would be a possibility. Unfortunately that is not the case. There is a lot of things I would like to do, but time and money dictates what is viable in order to survive.
Forgive the apparent stridentness of my reply, which should have been more tinged with humor than rage.
I am disappointed, but certainly understand. Besides, I have the wonderful resources you already released to work with,
Wow, just looked at the promos. This is an incredible resource. This is really an amazing thing that you and Draagonstorm and whomever the person who worked on this to help finish it have done. Truly a remarkable tool.
Wow. I think it's even starting to out-awesome it's own self. I didn't think it could get much better. Having seen all the promos has cut down the estimated amount of time it will take from seeing it in the store to getting it into my cart by a few minutes. I think I'll have that down to about half a zilisecond now :)
I was already sold, but seeing the toon promo just hastened the process. By the way, will the script recognize options added to the folder? I mean, if I edit the veins, for instance, and add the modified files to their folders, will it show up as an additional option? I would be nice to be able to add minor variations, but I guess there's always plain old GIMP.
I was already sold, but seeing the toon promo just hastened the process. By the way, will the script recognize options added to the folder? I mean, if I edit the veins, for instance, and add the modified files to their folders, will it show up as an additional option? I would be nice to be able to add minor variations, but I guess there's always plain old GIMP.
Yes it will show as an additional option as long as the new option you created follows the order of icon name and assigned texture names. The tutorial explains how to add in more options if you wish to do so. The script is fully automated in that regard. It was designed this way so If I ever needed to include more options, there is no script work required.
Thank you. It is more of an underleying vein detail sort of thing. SInce I already did Vascularity HD morphs which add actual height, these are more for visual appearance under the skin, eg subdermal.
Thank you. It is more of an underleying vein detail sort of thing. SInce I already did Vascularity HD morphs which add actual height, these are more for visual appearance under the skin, eg subdermal.
I was already sold, but seeing the toon promo just hastened the process. By the way, will the script recognize options added to the folder? I mean, if I edit the veins, for instance, and add the modified files to their folders, will it show up as an additional option? I would be nice to be able to add minor variations, but I guess there's always plain old GIMP.
Yes it will show as an additional option as long as the new option you created follows the order of icon name and assigned texture names. The tutorial explains how to add in more options if you wish to do so. The script is fully automated in that regard. It was designed this way so If I ever needed to include more options, there is no script work required.
I think that bit of info alone needs another 'Wow!'. Not to to mention another 'Can't wait! Can't wait!' :)
I was already sold, but seeing the toon promo just hastened the process. By the way, will the script recognize options added to the folder? I mean, if I edit the veins, for instance, and add the modified files to their folders, will it show up as an additional option? I would be nice to be able to add minor variations, but I guess there's always plain old GIMP.
Yes it will show as an additional option as long as the new option you created follows the order of icon name and assigned texture names. The tutorial explains how to add in more options if you wish to do so. The script is fully automated in that regard. It was designed this way so If I ever needed to include more options, there is no script work required.
This is awesome. You are awesome.
Speaking of the Vascularity morphs, do the veins align with the morphs? Cause I'm picturing a psion with the mother of all migraines.
I was already sold, but seeing the toon promo just hastened the process. By the way, will the script recognize options added to the folder? I mean, if I edit the veins, for instance, and add the modified files to their folders, will it show up as an additional option? I would be nice to be able to add minor variations, but I guess there's always plain old GIMP.
Yes it will show as an additional option as long as the new option you created follows the order of icon name and assigned texture names. The tutorial explains how to add in more options if you wish to do so. The script is fully automated in that regard. It was designed this way so If I ever needed to include more options, there is no script work required.
I think that bit of info alone needs another 'Wow!'. Not to to mention another 'Can't wait! Can't wait!' :)
I was already sold, but seeing the toon promo just hastened the process. By the way, will the script recognize options added to the folder? I mean, if I edit the veins, for instance, and add the modified files to their folders, will it show up as an additional option? I would be nice to be able to add minor variations, but I guess there's always plain old GIMP.
Yes it will show as an additional option as long as the new option you created follows the order of icon name and assigned texture names. The tutorial explains how to add in more options if you wish to do so. The script is fully automated in that regard. It was designed this way so If I ever needed to include more options, there is no script work required.
This is awesome. You are awesome.
Speaking of the Vascularity morphs, do the veins align with the morphs? Cause I'm picturing a psion with the mother of all migraines.
Not really. The details of these are slightly different. The Vascularity morph layout is designed to be more universal since they work on any UV. There might be some areas where they match, but in some areas they won't. They independant products really. What I found is that some details look great as a morph but not as a texture detail, and vice versa.
Ah well, I'll just experimemt and see what I come up with. I mean, I will be tinkering with this non-stop as soon as I get it, may as well start making a list
I don't think you have enough promo images. There's only twenty-seven... It will take me at least an entire minute to look at them all before I can click the "add to cart" button!
I don't think you have enough promo images. There's only twenty-seven... It will take me at least an entire minute to look at them all before I can click the "add to cart" button!
Problem is, I still can't find the damn 'add-to-cart-button'
I don't think you have enough promo images. There's only twenty-seven... It will take me at least an entire minute to look at them all before I can click the "add to cart" button!
Problem is, I still can't find the damn 'add-to-cart-button'
Pretty sure that ball is in Daz' court...but here's hoping it's tomorrow!! ^_^
@Zev0 you've done amazing work *again.* Can't wait to enjoy this product and add it to my Zev0 collection. :D Thanks for seeing it through to completion!
Excellent. Thank you.
Yeah, one of the main reasons I stayed in Renderosity's version of the PC+, Prime, is that they keep serving as a launch point for amazing vendors like RedzStudio, Cayman Studios and this guy named Zevsomething. As far as the Gens go, the probundle deal at DAZ is a royal pain, though the last couple of male bundles I've bought have been so cheap that it would have been worth it to buy them just for the gens if I didn't already have them. Worst case scenario, Erogenesis' TAB system over at Renderotica is also a solid alternative, pun not intended, and works with both G3M and G3F out of the box, pun also not intended and I just realized that anything else I say on the subject is going to come out equally awkward so... byes!
Awesome and double awesome! I've been spending way too much time studying people's skin pigmentation lately and being able to add a bit of rosiness to areas where blood might have pooled witll be a fantastic option.
It would be nice if there was an option to use .png and to save .png; meaning your product was availble with .png (for those with more space) and without.
I'd not spotted RedzStudio before. Can't help noticing that the style and typography of their promo pictures is very similar to Zev0's. I wonder if there could be a reason for that...
Just design preference I guess. The font is different.
Forgive the apparent stridentness of my reply, which should have been more tinged with humor than rage.
I am disappointed, but certainly understand. Besides, I have the wonderful resources you already released to work with,
Any news regarding the release date?
Not yet. I will let you guys know when I do.
What about now? Is it ready now?
Hi guys. Final product promos are listed in first post of thread. Will wait to hear on release date. Thank you all for your patience.
So excited!
Wow, just looked at the promos. This is an incredible resource. This is really an amazing thing that you and Draagonstorm and whomever the person who worked on this to help finish it have done. Truly a remarkable tool.
Are the freckles, veins, moles, etc. random?
Wow. I think it's even starting to out-awesome it's own self. I didn't think it could get much better. Having seen all the promos has cut down the estimated amount of time it will take from seeing it in the store to getting it into my cart by a few minutes. I think I'll have that down to about half a zilisecond now :)
Looking at the promos I don't think so but it does look like you can rotate and/or flip those maps to create a huge amount of diversity.
Wow, the promos look amazing! Love the veins!
I was already sold, but seeing the toon promo just hastened the process. By the way, will the script recognize options added to the folder? I mean, if I edit the veins, for instance, and add the modified files to their folders, will it show up as an additional option? I would be nice to be able to add minor variations, but I guess there's always plain old GIMP.
Yes it will show as an additional option as long as the new option you created follows the order of icon name and assigned texture names. The tutorial explains how to add in more options if you wish to do so. The script is fully automated in that regard. It was designed this way so If I ever needed to include more options, there is no script work required.
Thank you. It is more of an underleying vein detail sort of thing. SInce I already did Vascularity HD morphs which add actual height, these are more for visual appearance under the skin, eg subdermal.
I love how you can make them subtle, so lifelike.
I think that bit of info alone needs another 'Wow!'. Not to to mention another 'Can't wait! Can't wait!' :)
This is awesome. You are awesome.
Speaking of the Vascularity morphs, do the veins align with the morphs? Cause I'm picturing a psion with the mother of all migraines.
This, definitely this.
Not really. The details of these are slightly different. The Vascularity morph layout is designed to be more universal since they work on any UV. There might be some areas where they match, but in some areas they won't. They independant products really. What I found is that some details look great as a morph but not as a texture detail, and vice versa.
Ah well, I'll just experimemt and see what I come up with. I mean, I will be tinkering with this non-stop as soon as I get it, may as well start making a list
I don't think you have enough promo images. There's only twenty-seven...
It will take me at least an entire minute to look at them all before I can click the "add to cart" button!
Problem is, I still can't find the damn 'add-to-cart-button'
Pretty sure that ball is in Daz' court...but here's hoping it's tomorrow!! ^_^
@Zev0 you've done amazing work *again.* Can't wait to enjoy this product and add it to my Zev0 collection. :D Thanks for seeing it through to completion!
And thanks to DraagonStorm and DiscoBob!!
Yes! This project wouldn't exist without these scripting guru's lol.