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just seen small bugly on front page - though when you click on anything and goes to the login page it's all OK.
I saw this tonight when I signed in, first for me. Either someone's working hard at DAZ or the Magento system has been drinking again.
Thanks for the update!
Thank you! Updates and information - woohooo! :-)
Fun with wish lists!!
So I login this morning after clearing the cache etc, and my wishlist has 973 items in it, which is pretty odd as i'm sure it only had 12 last night :-)
Clicking on the wishlist of course takes me to my own!
Who has 973 items in a wishlist, wow!!
*raises hand sheepishly*
2,160 at the moment.
oops! ;-)
216 is my count.
You only have 0 more than me.
Kind of.
So to say.
Today I saw someone with 3,000 items on wishlist. o_O
Well - the count of my wishlist in the forums is ... zero.
It's interesting to see how much there can be in a wishlist.
Is that a way to make it explode?
And how many items are there in the Daz3d store?
Is there somebody who tried to put ALL of them in his/her wishlist?
Questions over questions ...
Noooo don't make the wishlist explode, it may have a ricochet effect.
It appears there are currentl 11714 items in the store.
Can't answer qusetion 3
Noooo don't make the wishlist explode, it may have a ricochet effect.
It appears there are currentl 11714 items in the store.
Can't answer qusetion 3
Answer to Question 3: it is somebody who is still working on it and will be working on it for a loooooooong time.
Ok, this is a store issue, and I posted a thread asking about it. I think we figured out that the price is wrong for the PC members
The new DM item
is priced at $13.97 for PC members and should be $12.48
ps - also, I see a new thread here
This is very appreciated!
Oh, and apparently the login stuff isn't quite right as my wishlist total said 222 till I logged in again, rather than the -omg- almost 900 that are there right now.
I seriously need to go through and weed it down.
I can't even fathom having that much in my wishlist. I get hyper if I have 10 in there.
lol !
38 Items in my wishlist here, and 1,319 on my R'osity wishlist. I have a very bad habit of "oooh shiny, let me wishlist it".
Read a few pages back after several clicks to get there...not going through the whole thread for a minor issue.
The issue is it taking several clicks to get to page 26 in the forum. Other areas, you can go directly by adding the page number to the URL, but the forum page label is the number of the last post on the previous page. With 15 posts per page, those are freaky numbers that I can't count by. If it was 20's, I could get it, but as it is, page 31 will be labeled 450, the last post on this page and page 30 (which seems like it should be the nice round number) is the odd 29 x 15, or 435.
Can we has a page go-to box, pleeze?
While we're at it, the ability to use the older smiley set would be pretty awesome. The new ones are...odd. *nod* That's the polite way to put it. (Why does sticking one's tongue out require wearing glasses and why is that the only one WITH regular glasses!?) Anybody have a list of all the files at ? We can still use them, I think, we just have to embed...or not. I tried, I previewed, I got nowhere.
Now I'm sad but I don't have a proper smiley to convey that because I don't feel "down" or "long." Perhaps I've said too much on that last one, read what you will... See, I don't even have a proper smiley to convey that I'm being crass.
:coolgrin: and :coolsmirk: just look wrong. They also do not look "cool." More like a terribly rude blind man.
I couldn't agree more on both points.
The old forum did have a "Go" box that was supposed to take you to the desired page, but it didn't work.
And the smileys here are unsatisfactory. As you've noticed, key ones are missing.
See my post (
I hope that these items will be put on the list for resolution. (Assuming there is a list.)
If you are sad, you are down. That's just another word for sad. And that one sure looks sad to me. As for the others, I don't know. The one with the tongue and the glasses looks like a nerd laugh to me. That's the impression I get with those glasses. There are different kinds of laughs, and the nerd type snort comes to mind when I see that one.
I understand that different people have different perceptions, so I hope you get your old smileys back, but I also hope they don't remove these new ones, because I kind of like several of them. %-P
Hooray! The forum menu bar is back! :lol:
Wonderful News! Thank you!
Oh, wow I didn't even notice. I was just complaining about that last night.
The timeout should give us more time. Please! Sheesh.
The menu bar is nice to have back, but there's no way other than your back button to return to the page of the forum you were on---you get shunted to the first page even if you're on page 2 or three.
I feel like I'm being manipulated into only reading and posting to the first page of any forum. This is nuts. And, honestly, it was an easy enough fix to put the latest posted thread on top. It's just as easy to put the thread with the latest posted to date/time on top. It's really not rocket science.
Sorry for my tone, but I've been logged out too many times today to be all smiles.
Unfortunately it isn't -- newest thread on top was a configuration issue which was able to be done by people other than the web developers. Newest post on top apparently isn't just a configuration issue.
Unfortunately it isn't -- newest thread on top was a configuration issue which was able to be done by people other than the web developers. Newest post on top apparently isn't just a configuration issue.
Ah There was no checkbox to mark or flag to set? Does that mean DAZ intends to get around to it soon or what? That's pretty basic and makes me think DAZ was ripped off.
There is very little that's basic about designing and programming forum or store software. If it was, I doubt DAZ would feel the need to pay for such a service. The old software as we knew it in the end had evidently been jury-rigged to the point we likely wouldn't even recognize the original model.
Think of the old system as a custom hot rod truck. The owner knew that beast inside and out because he built most of it. He could tell any problem by the sound and feel of it running. It carried groceries, cargo and got him lots of female attention. Well, eventually he got married, had kids and now needs a sedan. The truck just isn't doing what he needs anymore and no reasonable amount of cutting and welding is going to make it a safe family vehicle. So, out it goes. Like most people, he also doesn't have the resources to build a new family vehicle. He has no choice but to buy one. At least it smells nice and people say it's reliable. (Maybe he can put a spoiler on it or something, eventually.)
O, but a few days on the road and the new car starts making a funny rattle. It doesn't sound like anything he's ever heard and it won't do it while the car is sitting in the driveway. This new beast has a computer interface and all the service manuals are in Swedish. He also has to get some fertilizer because he didn't notice the grass at home was dying while he was helping the wife with the twins and trying to find a buyer for that unique truck of his because he just can't afford to keep both. There was a lot going on all at the same time.
So, he's got several problems to deal with, while his wife is worried that the car is going to explode and the neighbors are complaining about property values...and his in-laws are visiting in a couple days. At the hardware store, his shoelace breaks. O, and those bags of fertilizer? They don't fit in the little trunk on the car, which probably needs to go in for service, not that he has time to take it in.
While carting the kids around was a big task the man saw coming, DAZ's thread versus post sorting is like the broken shoelace. It may have been wearing thin for months and in a perfect world he would like to have noticed it, but he had and still has bigger issues to deal with. No matter how annoying that loose shoe is, it's going to have to wait...just like our thread sorting.
Nobody chooses to drive with a loose shoe and cow manure in the back seat of their noisy car, but sometimes you have to pick your battles.
(This came out much longer than I thought it would, but I hope the story at least offers some entertainment value, if not an important life lesson. Insert smirky emoticon here...)
Another minor issue to add to the list... I've been logged out of the forum automatically a few times tonight, and as annoying as it was, I was asked for my username and password. Rejected. Looked it up and typed it in manually. Rejected. Hmm. (Thought hard.) Tried e-mail and password. Success! Please do update the text for that form to request an e-mail address instead of user name.
Is a "Last edited on xx-xx-xxxx at xx:xx" in the list of bells and whistles to velcro onto the car? (Or the forum...whatever.)
Seven posts to go before I'm not a newbie anymore...a newbie from 2006...heh!
To be honest, what I can't understand is that there is any commercial forum software out there that doesn't have easy options to put the new threads at the top of the list and to move any threads with new posts to the top of the list. It just doesn't seem logical that there would be.
I don't like all the changes to Daz Studio. The old system worked perfectly fine and now they have just screwed up the whole system and it is working worse. I am so disappointed in Daz. They have still not given us our art galleries back for ArtZone. My friends enjoyed viewing my art gallery and now I have no resource on daz that is showing our art galleries. I thought ArtZone was cool and how it show cased our art galleries. I want ArtZone back. The other daz studio galleries have too many demands, sizing and qualifications if they show the art you post or not. It takes the fun out of art by putting too many restrictions on the art itself.