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I don't even know why they had to change it, I mean the new forums are and the old was so its not as if there would have been any confusion, unless of course they were thinking of new users?
Yeah, there's no conflict in the old and new addresses. I'm puzzled, too. They'd planned to leave it the same. No idea what changed about that.
Over there, one of the moderators said it had been decided to leave them at the same address, for the sake of old bookmarks.
Meanwhile Google has its search results spread over 4 addresses (ruining site search).
Three click right through, but the original addy needs to be translated.
Yh, I remember that being said also, is a question of the left hand not knowing what the right is up to I wonder? ;)
The likely reason on this one is that the store and forum software was a package deal. Kind of like a free trailer with a truck. Even if you have a trailer that you used with your old truck, when you get the new one it seems a shame not to use the shiny new trailer.
Or if you like, there's always this possible scenario...
DAZ management: "We paid for it, we're gonna use it."
Customers: "It don't work!"
Staff: "We know..."
Management: "It will work. We paid for it, so it will work. Make it work..."
Staff: "Grr..."
Customers: "Grr..."
Perhaps the management is being stubborn, perhaps the software support people are being stubborn. Most likely the true situation is an area somewhere in the middle of all the things we can imagine that would lead to what we're seeing. I have faith that DAZ will make its customers happy in the end and while we may have a few bumps in the road, those that stick with it will be rewarded in some way yet unforeseen. It will get better and I'll be surprised if some of the people jumping in the lifeboats don't wish they had stuck around for the party. Gonna cost 'em $30 extra to get back in...
THe Store and the forum are too much connected to be able to do things any other way that the way they have gone.
However they are searching for ways to tweak the forums all the time, so it will get there, believe and send good vibes, it will happen, eventually.
I get logged out of the forum so often. Sometimes it happens after i post and then go to a different thread and what? I am logged out. I try to log in, but it says I am logged in and goes to my account page. i have to log out and log back in and then after all that ordeal I have to go search for the thread I was reading last as it will not take me to that after i log back in.
Happens to me about 5 times a day.
Cho gave me a good idea, I have taken to copying long posts before I submit, in case it messes up!
I do the same.
And now the thread has probably been marked read, so it doesn't stand out, or show in new posts. :-S
Yeah, used to happen to me about 20 times per day. Then 0 per day... back to 20... and now 0 again...
I think I see where this is heading...
Being logged out, or being logged out during a post? :)
Being logged out, or being logged out during a post? :)
Both :/
Being logged out, or being logged out during a post? :)
Well, I think it's time to cringe, then. The forum just started to react really slow! It even timed out on me just now. >:-( I think I'll go read the new RDNA Chronicles that just came in.
At least it's not the weekend... 1 hour to Daz's 5 PM, tho'
Not the cringeworthy that I saw coming. But the site has been getting progressively slower all morning.
Time to give my chair a rest.
Come on, you can post this! You can do it! I believe in you Daz site!. *cough*
The likely reason on this one is that the store and forum software was a package deal. Kind of like a free trailer with a truck. Even if you have a trailer that you used with your old truck, when you get the new one it seems a shame not to use the shiny new trailer.
Perhaps the management is being stubborn, perhaps the software support people are being stubborn. Most likely the true situation is an area somewhere in the middle of all the things we can imagine that would lead to what we're seeing. I have faith that DAZ will make its customers happy in the end and while we may have a few bumps in the road, those that stick with it will be rewarded in some way yet unforeseen. It will get better and I'll be surprised if some of the people jumping in the lifeboats don't wish they had stuck around for the party. Gonna cost 'em $30 extra to get back in...
This specific issue is actually one of the defaults with this specific software. I think there must have been a misunderstanding about it somewhere. When the forum re-opened all the posts were ordered backwards and newer posts were on the last page instead of the first. That lasted about a week. Then it was fixed. We were told that the software company made the fix in the configuration. I think the misunderstanding comes in in that DAZ must have told them to not make it upside down and they didn't know they could have asked for Last Posted To on top instead because it's the other default.
Now they have to go through forum by forum through their control panel and change it. They just haven't gotten around to it yet because I can't imagine they would do this to us on purpose.
And, yes, as you said, it will all be taken care of eventually.
As a minor one: I wish we had the option to leave our sig off of selected posts. It gets too-much seeing my bulky sig repeated on a page.
(Some forums have that option in the composition screen).
As the most trivial note ever - I see the Color is spelled "grey", UK style.
I once got dinged on a spelling test, for spelling it "grey", as I'd seen it in print, occasionally. But then again, our elementary school teachers weren't always the brightest bulbs.
Actually Grey or gray, as in the colour grey are both accepted spellings, both in English and American English, although I admit grey is more common in the UK, and assorted other countries including Canada, and gray is more common in the US.
I've noticed that log in issues (and cart issues) seem to be happening in the very early hours of the morning (DAZ time - I'm in the UK so it's about 07.00 here). So maybe at this time of day there something that's causing this like back-ups or whatever else is being run in the background?
That's a good point. I know on the old site I seemed to get a slow down almost every day at the same time every day, and My son noticed the same thing. The time would have been early hours of the morning Daz3D time, so it is possible that they do do work at times when they think most people will be off line.
Since we still can't just link an image, I'll assume this post from THE FIRST PAGE OF THE THREAD was missed before...
DAZ forums used to be a part of my everyday routine.. USED to be...
Again an issue that is on the "TO DO" list, but yes at the moment you can only upload an image using the forum software, or simply link to an image on another site. Hot links don't wotk at the moment.
It's not on the "TO DO" list on the front of this thread... It is difficult to gauge how much a company cares about it's customers concerns when they toss the baby out with the bathwater...
Announcment thread, stickied at the top of each forum.
Bullet point 3 Forum Issues
See, I have no issues with the stores functionality, so I have no reason to look for solutions to my forum issues in a thread about Store issues..
No, I think Eva1 is correct. It is most likely an automated process that runs every night at the same time. Automated backups are the most likely cause. I doubt they have someone there at that hour coaxing all the little bits into their cubbyholes for the night. :lol:
...mentioned this in another thread.
Seems that in spit of the fact I have FF set to open links in a new tab, the form software is overriding that. This is very annoying as I often have closed the tab after reading/viewing what the link took me to only to realise it was the same one as the thread I was currently reading. A real pain when the thread has a lot of pages and/or is buried several pages deep in the forum's contents..
I agree! It's very annoying! I've begun to right-click and select "Open in a new tab", but sometimes I forget, and close it, then can't find my way back. I give up, and wait for another email notice.
I think that is down to FF, not the forum software.
I don't think so. The behavior of the old forums was to open links in a new window, which in FF with the open in new tabs option on, would take you to a new tab. The current behavior is to open in place, meaning no new tab. I think it is a function of the web site.