The Return of the Son of the Complaint Thread
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flying quadrupeds?
bears kind of lope. cows bob their heads when they walk.
horses gallop, trot, prance, or are trot and prance the same thing? either way they look happy when they're prancing. and then there's the hi-ho-silver :)
Has to animate an owl later on *sighsigh* What does a lope look like? Does the body look like it is following an undulating spline curve, kind of snakey for example?
Sleep well! :coolsmile:
1/2 way done adding my content directories to PPro. It's just time-consuming, but I have streaming radio on and a cup of coffee and a cranberry/walnut muffib, so I'm good to go!
Going to work on some soundscaping later on, I have one project close to completion and I want to polish it off.
Well, this blows goats. 8-/
In the past hour, I've managed to lock up PPro 3 times... every time on a render. And I do have the latest SP for PPro 2010. I'm not sure what the issue is, I suspect the hair I'm using is upsetting it. the scene is a simple Aiko 3, Faeryl character, and Celestial Hair for A3. It'll get to the point of trying to load the hair textures then *fizzle* it hangs. There's over a gig of RAM free, so that's not the issue.
For giggles, I re-installed DS4Pro 4.5 RC2 and duplicated the scene. No problem loading or rendering the scene. Meh. :gulp:
I'm going to fire up PPro and see if I can isolate the issue. I know PPrp 2012 fixed a lot of bugs, so maybe upgrading would fix things. At least it'd gie me the right to contact Smith Micro support (lol).
*edit* It appears it's this one character that's causing the issue. Since it's just for learning I switched to a different one and things are working fine in PPro again. I'm not sure WHY the JPEG texture is causing issues in PPro and not DS4, but.. there it is. Maybe I'll download the 30 day demo of PPro 2012 and see if the scene renders in that!
I cannot find the kittens. They are not in the closet. I hope Melody knows where they are, but she is not telling me. I just hope they are okay.
One of my dragon cave eggs died on me. It ran out of time. It should have hatched. I had an egg earlier that hatched with fewer views but this one died.
I found the kittens.
I need something to eat. It is almost one thirty in the afternoon and all I had to eat was a granola bar.
I was looking at Amazon and there seems to be a popular book named shades of gray or something like that. What kind of book is that?
Fifty Shades of Grey, the Adult Twilight spin off? It's kind of BDSM bad boy stuff with much less fantasy that explores things most people do not talk about in day to day life. Seems to be a best selling book for some odd reason.
/whew! DEAD FISH ON A PLATE for lunch! Then grabbed some beer, and home before the rain starts!
PPro is looking good again, I can't find another character that chokes it. Whew! Amazing how fast it renders even with SSS turned on.
Been playing with surround sound mixing. The Zoom records two matched WAVE files: one X/Y stereo and one X/Y straight stereo. By fiddling with the balance you can produce some dramatic differences! And sending each pair to different effects, well, it gets trippy pretty fast.
All in all a good day! Content organized, problems worked through, full of dead fish.. nice! :coolsmile:
I feel like a looser.
I got a wrench if you need something tightened up.
I got a wrench if you need something tightened up.
No it is just that my credit score is so terrible I cannot get a credit card or a loan. Well I can get a school loan, but that is just it. Doubt I am going back to school as I feel like an idiot for failing last semester.
I guess i should get something to eat because all I have eaten was about two granola bars. Maybe I can have left over pizza heated up in the microwave.
I understand that going to school is not an universal panacea, or something that will fix everything forever, or that it even is something that works for everyone; I am not in a place to judge it -- I can't go back to school, I have several tries on it, each for different schools and so on, and in the end all I have is the equivalent of Finnish High School diploma in my hands (which in my neck of woods means bupkis, nada; the reason why I can't go back to school is that I'm still severely traumatized by 12 years of bullying, and I can't handle it). So I fully understand if you don't want to do that.
And credit scores etc are really, really, really messed up, and actually provide a poor picture of "is this person going to pay back or not"; the methods of calculation are "trade secret", and therefore they can't be evaluated by outsiders (hah, how convenient), but what has leaked out suggests that a whole lot of variables involved are based on "we pulled this out of our butt" or "just because". Which means that they are really hosing people in every possible way.
But can you look for options to get apprenticeship or training in a vocational school or some such?
I finally got some pizza warmed up.
The school thing is partly I do not know what to take. the classes I signed up for were on the condition that I passed the class I took in the spring. I failed that class which means I cannot take those classes. I can try again to take the class i failed, but financial aid only works if I take 6 credits and that class is a 4 credit class.
Is there any other class you can take in addition to that failed one?
I guess with this thread we will find out what will happen when we get to page 101.
I just checked I have a hold on my account so I cannot register. I owe money but I have no money to give them.
Agh, that bites. :( Crap. I'm so sorry; I'm out of suggestions for now as I do not know the situation surrounding you etc, and even if I did, I don't know if I can say anything to help beyond "keep looking".
I called my school and talked with someone. I have to apply for FAFSA to see if I can get any loans/grants. if I have enough to clear my account, I may register for classes.
School and if it really helps or not is up to the person. I did six years in a Trade school for Commercial Art. I almost starved to death, Wrong skill in the wrong place. I did manage to have a good long career in retail just because I was a fast learner and willing to do what it took. I ended with twenty plus years in management and a pension that now helps support me after my disability came on full force. If I had not tried art as a life I would regret it, if I had moved to another part of the country I might have made it. If I had not tried retail and liked it it would have not worked out either. If your not willing to Do what it takes it really does not matter one way or the other if school was part of it. I managed people with much more education in retail than I ever had but I had the will to do the job. The will to go to school and Use what you learn is up to everyone. I could have went to New York and worked in art all my life, the job was offered. I did not have the will to start all over in a new place.
Rambling on from a person that has done three career's but was only trained for one.
Now Fafsa is asking if I will have any children under my support during the school year. I have no children right now. I am not pregnant because I have not done the hanky panky with any man.
And I'm pretty sure that you can't claim "four adorable kittens" as children. As sad as that is.
Speaking of which, I recommend to have your camera ready in a day or two, because there's a good chance that the lil' blue-eyes are going to open soon. And nothing is as adorable as a kitten trying to make sense of the world around it.
I think Melody hid my camera. I cannot find it at the moment. I went to check on the kittens. Melody moved Doctor Creampuff and a gray kitten behind the box. I checked the gray kitten inside the box and i think she is a girl. I could not check Doctor Creampuff's sex nor the other gray kitten.
I cannot tell the difference between the two gray kittens.
By the way, you can also position the plastic container on its side so it is more cave-like, rather than box-like, if Melody prefers it that way. Some cats prefer cave-like safe places. Assuming, of course, that it is big enough to be placed so.
poser pro 2010 has a substitute scatter called fast scatter.
SSS comes with PP12.
poser pro 2010 has a substitute scatter called fast scatter.
SSS comes with PP12.
Well, I clicked "Add subsurface scatter" and lo! The image rocked.
Whatever it's called it works well and fast. when this moves to the quadcore, it should kick ass!!!!!
Only Windows to buy, I have all the hardware for Scylla now! Then I upgrade Charybdis! :snake:
Melody still did not like the box as a cave.
I think that there are two girls and two boys. The tortoise shell and a gray kitten I assume are girls. the other gray kitten and Doctor Creampuff I assume are boys.
the tortoise shell kitten was trying to open her eyes when I just checked on them. So far only one of the kittens have a name, or at least a temporary name.
I need to take my medicine soon. I probably should wash my hands first.
Thread-head grabbing consecutive posts combined
Morning. Wow small earthquake here last night, earth moved but no damage ;)
Hop to the next tectonic plate