The Return of the Son of the Complaint Thread

It's up, it seems to be working, so let's get back to complaining! >:-(
This is going to take some getting used to...
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
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It's up, it seems to be working, so let's get back to complaining! >:-(
This is going to take some getting used to...
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Well we still don't have enough tentacles and leftover cake may go mouldy unless someone eats it.
I had nothing to do without my DAZ Forums to play in.:blank:
Bored now.
That's my complaint.
Also having a hellish hankering for spam. I mean the tinned variety, not e-mail.
Yeah, here we are, no tentacles or cake. Sigh. And I'm out of SPAM, too! :down:
I'm still working on the tentacle wedding cake, I might finish it this weekend. There's no nudity or violence, so I suspect it'll be OK to post it, even with the new TOS. Urgh.
Hello Ms Skiriki....
Apologies for referring to you as a "man" earlier :red:
I don't recall if the TOS says anything about "disturbing" :D :D :D (Maybe. Then again, there's "disturbing" and "disturbing"... Abominable in tutu is "disturbing", for example.)
Bwah! 'sokay. The user name is actually a male name, if you want to get technical about it. :D
Edit: Yeah, this looks like a mission to Spam Woman. *puts on a leotard and cape, runs to the kitchen*
Hello, just posting in to say I see the thread.
Achievement unlocked: Processed pork on top of oatbread.
I'm not going to lie. This is not good. But it is what my brain is telling me that I need. No I'm not pregnant, shaddap.
It's just that... sometimes in life, y'just need something bad and simple. Just to remind you that you're alive, I guess.
Edit: Okay, that was downright horrible. But at least the urge to eat processed pork is gonna be gone for a year or so.
i see dead people. faceless ghosts with under 10,000 post counts. lol
Just seeing what happens if I quote myself
Where is ps1borg?
Objection! My post count never exceeded 10,000! I didn't even break 1,000 before the forums closed!
And I know that the undead would not touch processed pork at any cost. FACT.
I am now a new member. I thought I was an old member.
no tinned spam, but mushy peas and potato fritters seasoned with curry and molten lava. tee hee.
miss wolf, how did you make a sig line?
i don't see how to change my name back to Misty. guess i haz to wait.
What I want to know is how Miss Bad Wolf's kittehs are doing. And if there will be grand-kittens.
My dog just made this, my post count should have remained the same >:(
Anyone feeling stressful should watch some kittehs.
I have not scheduled a visit to the vet yet, but I also need to schedule a visit to the regular doctor. I am hopefully going to get Micah neutered Friday if I can wake up in time.
I suspect the regular Complainers will roll in over time, now that the forums are up!
My post count is too low now, and I'm getting called a newbie. :coolgrin: Urgh.
I need more coffee, and I'm sick of diet Coke, and I don't know what to have for dinner. Those are todays complaints. Oh, and the dang forum is TOO DARN BRIGHT! Grr!
I need to eat something soon. I am hungry but I do not know what to make to eat.
*meh* cold dark and rainy... Ps1's probably been washed away :(.
Waaaay too much to complain about.
EDIT: congratulations Mr Loach, you appear to have joined at "0". Reminds me of a joke... "An SQL query walks up to two tables and asks 'Can I join you'? ... 'Sorry, but you can enjoy the view'. ;-)
I don't recommend SPAM, for sure. Maybe a salad?
Argh on cold, dark, and rainy. Blech! :-S
I'll send out a rescue duck for Ps1! :coolcheese:
I don't recommend SPAM, for sure. Maybe a salad?
hmmm I know I am not going to eat salmon and chicken 9Lives bites. That is for Melody and Micah.
I notice that there is a button that says "Fast Reply."
I can't upload my artwork to the forum yet. Maybe I'll post some links to my DeviantArt site soon.
Woolyloach, let me ask you something before I forget again. lol. You said that you know how to design circuits? Is that true? Do you know how to draw schematic diagrams, or do you program the microchip or small computer chipset/controller? Sorry, I don't know the correct terms. I thought you were a software engineer. Just wondering.
I'm learning basic circuit design - I can't draw schematics as of yet, and I'm probably not going to go too far down the "hardware engineer" path - I just needed to beef up my education.I can READ schematics pretty well, though!
My current job is programming microcontrollers to do things like run relays, lights, door locks, stuff like that. Hopefully someday killer robots too! Heh, I do a lot of embedded systems work - I've written software for smartphones and TVs as well.
Hmm, I have a DeviantArt site I haven't posted to in ages.. I should do something about that!
A sammich. Without spam.
I'm starting to regret about succumbing to temptation. :sick:
I do not have a Deviant art account yet. Maybe I should make one but I need to go into the kitchen and start working on something to eat.
Woot. Supersuit preview is up in Facebook.
Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully the suit will be out today or tomorrow.