The Return of the Son of the Complaint Thread
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Tentacles and Vicky - a match made in Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!
Oh! Rendered in DS4Pro 4.1, uberSurface and uberHair used, Atmospheric Camera used, V3 from Daz, wedding dress from Daz, cake from Daz, building from Daz, tentacles from RDNA.
Perverted mind by ME!!!
Okay so yeah I'm pretty sad I can't see my cute avatar, and my beloved post count is gone (Of course new forum = new post count so yeah), and the new smilies are awful. Well some of them are. I actually like a few of them, but I miss the old ones.
Not being able to re-arrange uploaded images kinda sucks, but that might get changed later.
I don't get the sales tax thing at all. Maybe it came with the new store software by default and wasn't something DAZ added themselves, but I don't see why it's necessary - Most digital stores I know of don't charge tax (3DTotal, Turbosquid, etc) which would be a true killer if they did so because of the prices they often charge.
Okay so 3DTotal doesn't have much that is expensive, most of their awesome eBooks and stuff are pretty cheap, but their Total Textures DvD's are expensive! :3
But my biggest complaint right now is my eenternet speed thingie. It's taking 3 ~ 5 minutes just to load a 3 minute video, and playing Matchmaking on Halo is murder. I can do it yes, but it's tough. I dare not enter the drivers seat of a vehicle or pick up a ballistic weapon for fear I might splat a teamate on accident (Which is much easier when it's lagging out like this)
*EDIT* I just noticed if you have a bunch of [ENTER] spaces in your post they disappear when you make it. Also it doesn't say LAST EDITED BY [DATE/TIME] when you edit your post. I see possible shenanigans in the future because of that o_O
As far as the tax question, it was my understanding that if the company had a physical presence (possibly including staff that work over the web) in California, they are required to collect the CA sales tax from CA residents. This may have changed recently, but I wouldn't be surprised if CA is trying to get the taxes.
I do not think I can have a pet mouse or hamster or gerbil. I would be afraid that Melody or Micah would think that is a snack on the run.
So... she's marrying a tentacle cake. Two good things that go well together!
hey things are always better with tentacles LOL
hey things are always better with tentacles LOL
Of course they are. :D
I tried posting something and it did not post. I need to get back to sleep. I was having strange dreams that were intertwining with each other. One dream I was watching some movie and another dream I was part of the strange movie.
My complaint is that Supersuit is making my life too awesome.
I need to go back to sleep but I am now hungry. grrrr.
...OK time for some real complaints.
#1, not getting any notification bots concerning new posts to threads. Part of it may have to do with FF as I cannot tag the new forums to receive update notification on the forums to be sent to my Daz Forums folder.
#2 came home after a totally lovely day (and a fairly large bar tab, but a couple cigars and several pints of some of the best hard cider does add up) to find my place totally flooded. spent an hour and a half bailing out and mopping up, and all this after 12:00. Lost a beautiful Oriental rug that was totally soaked as being that I live in a damp climate, mould is a major factor. You just can't take an 8 x 6 rug down to the Corner washiteria. Also went through a whole roll of paper towels and ruined a couple hand and bath towels after the mop broke.
Floor is making "squishy" sounds as I walk on it.
What happened is we had a massive thundershower go through during which the rain literally bucketed down for nearly 45 minutes. Apparently there must be a crack in the foundation which allowed the water to seep in. all, it was a bad finish to what was otherwise, a very nice day,
I want go back to sleep. I am just so tired.
Geesh, that blows!! {{{{{ kyoto kid }}}}} I hope it dries out soon. :-(
I took a nap and had some strange dreams. I dreamed I was at a hotel or something. I went into the bedroom and then went into the next room and turned out there was a buffet. I grabbed a plate of salad then wondered if it was free with room. I tried asking someone but no one knew for sure. A lady near the table I sat at offered to pay for me. Then I woke up without eating the salad.
Geesh, that blows!! {{{{{ kyoto kid }}}}} I hope it dries out soon. :-(
...yeah still having a bit of seepage today from between the floorboards but at least no standing water. Things are supposed to improve after tomorrow ('natch as it is a holiday weekend, and around here you can bet your fourth tentacle that it will rain all three days), so I may be able to dry the carpet out over the back fence. At least the temps are mild and seasonable for this time of year. Thing weighs a tonne though. Will probably have to rent a steam cleaner after it dries.
The screwy thing about all this is that even though my flat is partially below ground the house is at the crest of a hill so one would think that this sort of situation wouldn't be much of an issue as water tends to flow downhill.
Incidentally, that storm dumped more than an inch of rain in less than an hour's time (depending on where you were in the city), which set a new record. At the pub I was at, we were watching water literally streaming down the street and coming up over the curb. It was a real Midwestern "gully washer".
...on other less meteorological fronts...
Was browsing around the store and came across this little cutie, Never seen her before. Also have Morphia so on the wishlist she goes for now until things settle down in the store.
Micah just jumped on top of my bar seat to take a nap. He just had surgery yesterday so I hope he does not hurt himself. I could tell him not to be so active but he will not listen. Hopefully he will sleep for a bit which means he will be inactive for a while.
...OK, as Ben Grimm might have said (were he a member of these forums): It's Complaining Time!
OK so after a couple days of kicking the tyres and slamming the doors on the shiny new site, noticed a few small issues.
For one, in the forums you now need to leave two blank lines to separate paragraphs/thoughts. This is a bit of a bother as there is now a maximum character count for posts. Tags, blank spaces between words, punctuation, and blank lines all subtract from this total. at least it is fairly generous as this is somewhat long and I still have over 25,000 characters worth of space remaining.
The reminder emails keep going into my "Daz Orders" instead of "Daz Forum" inbox as the "sender's address" has changed. Been trying to figure out how to reroute these back to my Forums inbox without also rerouting order confirmation and Alert emails there as well. Also, clicking on the link in the email currently only takes you to the top post in the thread rather than directly to the newest post. Hopefully they will get this worked out as in long threads (like this one is already becoming) it is a real bother to have to page to find the most recent posts.
Reminder Bots are still very hit and miss. I've had the "Notify me" box ticked since we came back online but didn't receive an email even though there were new posts since my reply last night (did check my junk mail folder to make sure they weren't being routed there).
Smilies from other sites no longer work. Instead the software posts a link back to the site rather than embedding the .gif. Apparently either we can no longer embed .gifs into posts (which is why the dragon eggs no longer appear) or this is something that just hasn't been implemented yet (like the avatars issue). It would be sad if the former were the case for it would also prevent vendors from using banners in their sig.
Still getting random instances of the login page coming up when previewing or posting replies. this is particularly annoying as on several occasions when I got back to the reply I was working on, everything I entered was gone (been temporarily backing up posts in Notepad for now). Also getting page expiration notices (which kills the current post being written as well).
The default "list/view all products" in the store is no longer available.
Again, hopefully these issues will be ironed out in the days to come. It is more critical that they get the store running right first as that involves personal account information.
...on the plus side:
Special characters like: £ © ° still seem to work OK.
One feature I do like is that if you log in after you have entered the forums it keeps you on the same thread rather than returning to the homepage.
I also notice there is a spell checker. Haven't tried it yet as I rely on FF's which I have that set to the form of English that I use.
Haven't done much in the store except "window shop" until they get a things sorted out there. PC prices are working again, and the Sales and Promotions page fianlly lists all products on sale instead of just the Victoria 5 Elite Ponytail.
I do like the fact the the default viewing filter in the store is now "Release Date" instead of "Popularity" like it was before. I also like the new product preview mode as it loads much faster than the old one did.
...OK that was interesting, first double post of the new forums.
What I noticed, as far as missing notifications, is that you are automatically logged out after a certain period of time, and if you do not log in afterwards, you are not counted as having visited the thread, so you do not receive a new notification.
I forgot to take my medicine. I probably should do that soon.
I don't receive any notifications. The only emails I'm getting from daz is the newletters.
I get the notifications of new replies in threads, once I fixed the login problem, but the notifications take you to the first post of the thread, not the newest one. That, and the failure to have the most recently replied threads on the first page, are going to be the big problems going forward, especially in fast-moving threads like this one can be.
Yes that is a very irritating problem.
...hah! Think I found out why the reminder emails have been so "spotty". Instead of sending out individual emails for each thread you are watching (as in the past and on other forums), there is only a single email sent out that covers all the threads watched/responded to.
For example, I get a reminder notice for this thread, then right after that, one is sent for, say, the Avatars 14 thread, that is the only "new" reminder I see.
So if one are actively involved in multiple discussions, things can get awfully messy in a hurry as each new reminder puts the previous one in an "already read" status and it appends the new one to the same email thread (which with some email software can cause issues if the thread gets too long)
This definitely needs major fixing.
That's a problem with how your email system works, not with the board. Yes, they can end up in the same message string, but that doesn't mark them as 'read' in GMail, for instance, where I can easily find the message for each of the threads I am following in the string. It might be nice to have the notification titles thread-specific, but that is a far lesser problem (in that it only affects some users) than not going directly to the first unread post, or having the thread order fixed at the first post time, which affect ALL users.
...just spent the last several minutes dealing with the login page issue. Tried to respond to the above post but got sent to the login page without the password loaded (don't remember my original password so I always have FF automatically load it). When I backed up and clicked on the login link at the top of the forum page it routed me to my account page which indicated I was l already logged in. When I returned to the forums, I was logged out again.This is becoming a bit more than a simple annoyance.
Anyways. I have not changed any settings in Gmail, so I don't know why it is creating a single thread for all reminders rather than individual ones for each topic.
Granted, they are not actually marked as "read," but only the last one is "open" it and all prior emails in the thread begin with the same message (without the specific thread topic listed):
"Someone just posted in a thread you subscribed to at: DAZ Discussion Forum"
This will require a lot of back searching though the email thread on workdays as I am away from home for about thirteen hours and these notices tend to pile up while I'm gone.
Time to make pancakes. When my family and I used to have a boarder collie, we used to give some of the pancakes to the dog.
Drat, Melody just jumped onto the stove top. At least I was not using it at the time. Micah is resting on my foot stool which is in the kitchen. Curious as a cat, that is Melody.
...gahh this is frustrating!!!! I set up a new filter in Gmail to route all Forum email reminders to my Daz Forum inbox and they still end up in the Daz Orders one.
I read a post about Gmail and DAZ, it seems that is a Gmail only issue. For some odd reason Gmail lumps all mail from DAZ into just the one thing. I get different notices for the different stuff, I'm not on Gmail.