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More PC+ from Petipet - Space Gate
I optimized this last night and set it up with The DigiVault's cool Stardomes!
Hi Dart, glad you are still around and having fun!
Ditto, my friend! In fact, I was just thinking of you as I was watching through "Carrara TV, with host: Phil Wilkes" again!
Some of my favorite TV! :)
You need to get a life!!
I got a Room Full of Books, does that count?
Souless Empathy comes through again!!!
...and this one polishes off my BC MovieStands collection!
Thanks to TheAntFarm!!!
Syph and Bodysuit for Genesis 8 Females and Misty's Veronica Wr8th bring Alita Battle Angel to Carrara 8.5 Pro!
My version, tweaked with G8F Head and Body morphs, used a multi shader mixer to add the suit directly
Ever since David Brinnen and ForbiddenWhispers put this out, it's been waiting in my wishlist for the go-ahead from my boss to buy it.
It's mine now!!!
Abandoned Factory Floor
I had Gateway to Skull Mountain for years. Now I have the rest of them!
Predatron's Fantasy Places
Also from Predatron is this really cool 14MU Outpost, which works beautifully in Badlands!
It doesn't need it, however, since it comes complete with the full scene, skydome and all! Very cool kit!
I like this a lot more than I thought I would, and I knew I'd like it, so....
When DM's Occultum came out, I almost accidentally skipped past it. I'm glad I clicked it and explored the promo images because a single image cannot possibly hope to do this scene justice. It's got a nice, full entranceway down a set of stone steps into an entrance chamber. One passage leads to the sacrificial chamber room with cells and chains all around it. I decked it out with my avi-on-card torch fires I made, which also have small, spinning and flickering elipsoid shape lights built in. Gave the shaders a nice, foreboding moist stone look... this place looks and feels deadly inside!
Okay, I already own pretty much everything that's been in this year's PC+ Anniversary Mega Packs, whiich is fine. I got a great deal on it all. It just made this year feel a lot more sparse than normal. No big deal.
This, however, has been sitting in my wishlist awaiting the time when I'd be getting to this era of the story, which isn't even on the table yet. Still, it's amazing how many times I almost bought it just so that I could optimize it and give it a spin!
I love all of Ravnheart's stuff. 'Twas quite cool to score this and the texture pack!
Spirit of Punk Airship
Spirit of Punk Airship Aged
Odd... it's not available in my in-store product library. I hope they fix everything without finding a bunch of stuff missing!
Speaking of Ravnheart, I finally put this in my cart and ran through the checkout. I've wanted this forver, even though I'm never quite sure what I want to do with it. Well... that's not really a question anymore. This thing is so cool! The texture maps are amazing, complete with high-end normal maps and several levels of glow maps for each piece!
It's Ravnheart, so I always knew it would be cool... but this is Awesome!
GIS Biosuit for V4, Genesis and G2F
Tip: When you start looking for the textures folder... don't. Just go to the main textures folder in the Runtime folder and they're inside that - not an internal folder. You'll see. Took me a while! LOL Amazing texture maps to play with - like it was made for the Carrara Texture Room!!!
I just put this cool little scene in my wishlist because I have a need for it coming up here. Bam! PC+ Sale sends it home to me!
Thanks Daz 3d!!!
Toxic Dumping Exterior
Cool. Mega-Pack 5 brought me a box!
Sci-Fi Box
Thanks Merlin!!! These will both go great with that Labyrinth I bought from you!!!
Hypostyle Hallway
Pharoah's Ruin
So just a few posts back I show my new G8F Alita Battle Angel. Well, in buying Syph, I realized that that was the only thing beyond the basics that I had for Genesis 8 Female! I simply can't work like that. So before this whole free starter bundle came to be, I had to act fast and get some tweaks for my Battle Angel!
Must Haves for me:
G8F Body Morphs
G8F Head Morphs
G8F Expressions
...and this looked (and is!) quite useful, so I got this too
101 Expression Library with Dials for G8F
Buying Merlin's cool new scenes (that I love to own anyway!) granted me the above and then some, as well as the head, body and expressions for G8M as well.
Then Daz 3D comes along and, since the store upgrade didn't go nearly as smoothly as planned, they gave us a free starter pack or some other deal. I had to opt for the freebie:
Mika 7 Starter Bundle
This Choppy Bob Hair might also look really good on Alita!
Skull Crusher Outfit
Mischievous Fairy Outfit
FWSA Shaya for Mika 7
Striking Poses for Mika 7 and G3 Female
Thanks Daz 3D and All!!!
That's it for my highlights so far. It's also very cool that there are well over a dozen other things in between all of these that come along the way, whether I was searching for them or not.
That's why I say that PC+ is such a great thing for someone needing to build a library of content. We need things that we're not actively seeking. We need to fill out all of these various categories. It's amazing how often I load some of these miscellaneous things because I find that I actually need them. And then I'm so glad that I got them!
Cheers all!
Interesting note:
Rosie 5 was almost going to be Rosie 7, based on Mika 7. She looked great but I didn't feel I had enough G3F content to make a go of it.
Lovely work on this, my friend! I am sure you will enjoy all those sets, and hope you and Rosie are keeping healthy and happy and you are still getting to play the drums. If it's anything like here, live entertainment has all basically been cancelled - I'm really missing it.
I played a social distancing gig at Lambeau Field (Green Bay Packers Football Stadium) that was really quite interesting. The band had an area about the size of a city block all to ourselves for eating, dressing and otherwise hanging out.
Before the wedding party arrived, it felt like a post-apacolyptic scene. All that volume with no life just sucks the essence from you!
Also, the city hired my singer to create a social distancing concert stage, where we can project concerts via the internet - aka no actual live audience attendance.
Wow. Just perusing these pages again (yeah.. rendering on my real machine) I had forgotten that I got so much stuff over the past several holidays.
It's funny how many of these things I had already opened and optimized for use in Carrara, but have just been so busy since, that I forgot how many Cool freaking things I've added to my runtimes!
I was wondering what I was going to watch tonight on TV before I crash, and these pages answered that for me: Carrara TV, hosted by Phil Wilkes!
A little animation theory and technique is absolutely Perfect for the heavy lifting I'm doing in animation right now. I gotta say, Rosie 5.5 is an absolute joy to work with! Rosie 5 is too, but she has some difficulties with her that are just absent from the new one.
I also saw Phil's Luxus Kit in here. I have to fire Luxrender up again and try it out with this new pack. I had a lot of fun testing it before, and I feel so much more confident at using other render engines now.
Wow... All This Stuff!!!
I'm in a place where I need to start building up some new scenes to animate into. just using the things I've been seeing in these pages is enough to do nearly everything on my docket, including a lot of the cast that goes with them.
I just made that Legacy Fun thread, and this thread has a good amount of legacy and new.
Seeing those old TheAntFarm Movie Stands reminds me of how wonderful those things are to play with. Put anything on or in them and render. And in Carrara we have such power to make them look any way we want them to - even just using the preset shaders that come with Carrara!
Well, Rosie's running from a xxxxxxxxx (oops... almost spoiled it!) which will take most of the rest of the night to render, so since the real Rosie just fixed me up with popcorn and a soda, I'm off to watch some incredible lessons on animating in Carrara
Oh... speaking of which, my little foray into Daz Studio:
It was a mention of Filament (near real-time PBR render engine) that got me to try DS as a render studio just to see what it was all about. Well then it turned out that the beta was now a General Release, which also included some features of GraphMate, by GoFigure, so I decided to try my hand at animating in DS. I didn't like it to the point that I gave up all of it almost immediately.
An e-mail from Daz regarding the ORK (Octane Render Kit) got me to take another look. So this time I typed a few of my issues into Google (forum search is like... what forum search?) and found a Lot of answers that got me to investigate a lot deeper. The funny thing is - it was Wendy answering almost All of them! LOL Hi Wendy!
So now that I've unlocked a lot of the secrets behind animating in Daz Studio, I'll likely be writing some articles and making some videos about it. To do things in DS even close to the way I can in Carrara requires a certain workflow - but using that makes it failrly bearable - but nowhere Near as wonderful as our good friend Carrara!
If I was CEO of Daz 3D, I'd put more chips into the Carrara basket and push this bad boy forward, like it should! Funny how a neglected 'legacy' app can be so powerful in all of its realms after so many years with no developmental lovin' from its parents!
You're right that Carrara was way ahead of its time in its many capabilities. Not sure about watching my videos before bedtime though, it may give you nightmares!
Daz Studio has filled in many of the gaps that it had with Carrara over the last few years, and while they have made some improvements to the animation side of things, it's still not as slick as Carrara was over ten years ago.
Right. Not even close! For example, sometimes when I'm going to run a simulation on the animation, I'll copy the keyframes at the beginning, and paste them 5 or 10 frames ahead of that to give the simulation software time to settle on that pose. In Daz Studio, the tweeners are a nightmare for this! TCB or whatever they call it tosses the figure in impossible directions between the two poses, and then I'd set to Linear, and DS would crash entirely. Junk!
I am liking my experiments with character animation in DS - I am. But it truly has nothing on Carrara.
Carrara makes everything so much easier and faster at dealing with anything animated - anything! Everything!
...and you can't animate a Shader in Daz Studio!
Carrara spoils us, my friend! It really does!
well not easily, Casual has a few scripts I use Texanim for textures Matanim for other parameters with values
Right, but in Carrara we can do it with ease to anything, and as many things as we like!
It's a different thing, this wonderful Carrara of ours!
Well with the Gallery back, I went through and replaced all of the broken link images in this thread with the proper images - except for the ones left by quotes, which I can do nothing about.
In celebration of the Galleries, here's the last image I uploaded before it went down - the delicious Rosie 5