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So this Platinum Club + Semi-Annual Sale event has started off as a bit of a bummer for veteran PC+ members, I'm sure. It was for me at least.
Jack said to give it some time to build up, so I have been, "It's a sale that lasts a whole month"
Cool stuff galore - but it's not always clear simply by looking at the main ad.
Here's ther beginnings of what the event has done for me so far - and at the time of my writing this, only about half of what I got is listed!
PC+ Experience - Thanks Daz 3d!!! June 2021
looking for some PC+ goodness, but not seeing it in the usual way?
First try this:
Looking for specific types of things? Use the links on the top first to narrow the search. Add any other filters you like. Then:
Just take a look at my page to see how much I've grabbed from this crazy event so far!
Jack was right!!! I knew this because Jack freaking ROCKS!!! Fan Forever!!!
46 items listed so far. Let's see what the rest of the month brings!
It felt like a bit of a bummer - especially at first, with the first free Mega Bundle being an oldie that I already got, and that there haven't been any since then.
Yes, there have still been some freebies - but many of them were the "Flashback" items that were already given to PC+ members. I mean, I do think it's cool that they bring them back. It's nice to see that folks have a second chance at them. But it still feels like the veterans get the shaft by getting that many less freebies than newcomers.
A said, I'm happy with what I was able to get so far - thanks to
Rosie letting me get it! 
Being given the gift of a Daz 3d Gift Card, I got to do some valuable shopping for the film project I'm working on - and this stuff will be going right in!
...and I am a Daz 3d addict.
Up to 79 items purchased since this sale began - and I think there's actually a couple more that haven't made it to my article yet. 79 includes 3 freebies, but still.
I've been having a Lot of fun with my new goods too!
Check it out!
Here's Rosie 5.2 running scared in one of the presets from the product shown in the image above, also using SickleYield's Sky System
This PC+ Sale is really filling my library up in cool ways!
After talking with a lot of you, I feel as if I have one of the smaller libraries in this town. These last couple of months Daz 3d sales have really added some fresh new stuff for me - and some of my good ol' legacy stuff as well - some older Generation 3 and 4 (and 1 & 2) products that I've wanted for years!
Stuff I grabbed in May 2021
Stuff I've got in June 2021
My Animal Kingdom Page - much of which I grabbed in May as well
Here's the latest version of Dartanbeck 5 contemplating how to resolve this rather sticky situation. He's still not done yet as I'm still filling in some of Rosie's animation renders that needed to be finished. Getting closer though.
Aside from everything that makes up both Rosie and Dart, the above image is made up of stuff I've picked up between May and now. That Drago is quite a thing!
Clicking on the image will take you to the Gallery page, which shows all of the products used.
Very dynamic and dramatic image, Congrats!
Know what you mean about the recent sale. I picked up some cool stuff in the PC for a day sales and similar discounts.
Yes, it took a few visits, and it does add up, but the hundreds of dollars on content in there! So Cool! And it only cost me a few!
...and I finally got Serrge's Robo Spider!!!
Wow (Edit) - On Page 3 of my Daz 3d Product Library, only the bottom two items were bought in May - everything else is from this month!
Again, Thanks to Daz 3d and the wonderful artists published here, I was really able to score for the peanuts I was allowed!
Fantasy Structures
Another excellent release by Enterables, this adds nicely to my growing collection from this artist.
The name: "Enterables" fits nicely because all of the set I've bought are exterior building structures but we can walk inside them and leave the render camera on, because they're all fully detailed inside and out!
I would have Loved this when I was first getting into all of this, and I Love them now!
This is the kind of thing that works well with our own versions of what I turned into a product series: EnvironKits for Carrara.
I love things that we can just plunck into the scene and render like this!
I've decided to collect all of his 'planet' series products for the main reason of having those extra details no matter where we end up in the Galaxy... if we even stay in this galaxy!
New BadAss for my production
STF Bone Breaker Armor
Perfect for a new obstacle I've created for our heroes to try and overcome!
He's a real menace and this armor will make him even more terrifying! :)
And finally, TheAntFarm has made me a wonderful Carrara treat!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you someone how will make our bones chill and our tushes plant deeply into the seat as our white knuckles accidentally crush the cup in our hand and possibly even spill the popcorn. Either that or just munch on it heavily! LOL
All the way from the factories of TheAntFarm in the far, far North, Walker HD for Genesis will be able to use my vastly extensive library of Genesis 1 compatible things - meaning anything that I have for any generation of Daz figure, including clothing, morphs, textures, aniBlocks and animated poses (generations 1-6) - but the hair will be done using Carrara Dynamic!
Walker HD for Genesis
Wow. That guy would be a great candidate for making various hairy beasts, covered in dynamic fur/hair, don't you think?
Just to be clear, I was just looking at him - he's not optimized much. I don't remember how to use Philemo's HD plugin, so that isn't in play. Here's what I did for this quick and simple shot:
Using my generic Charcter Creation Template from my site, I:
That's it.
Let the madness continue!!!
Render is done so I have to go animate, but here's a page I started working on about my journey so far in this current PC+ Anniversary Sale
Thanks Daz 3d!!! - October 2021 PC+ Anniversary Sale
Cheers Carraraists! I miss you all!
I'll be back soon!
I've just updated my Thanks Daz 3d!!! - October 2021 PC+ Anniversary Sale page with my new finds!
Oh my!!!
I've just updated my Thanks Daz 3d!!! - October 2021 PC+ Anniversary Sale page with my new finds!
It's really cool for me to go through that whole page, start to finish.
Feels strange that I was able to get my digital hands on this much gear!
Since COVID-19 began around here, and we went into lock-down, I still had to work as an "Essential".
Work tripled... more than tripled. It's been going nearly that strong ever since, even though so many things are screwed up with ordering things.
Pay not only didn't get any better, we (small crew of five people - only two working at any one time) we never got much more than a Thank You, and even that didn't feel very thankful for what we've done to the community and the corporation.
Okay, sorry to sound bitter - just tired.
So here comes Daz 3d and their artists. They said Thank You and filled several pages of my Product Library, and kept saying Thank You, and kept filling my pages!
My one supporter who buys me gift cards doesn't come to the forum, but just in case... Thanks! I really appreciate the kindness!!!
It's just really strange.
I do enormous loads of good work for the company I work for - most noticeable to all in the community and the company is my neighborly kindness and willingness to help others, combined with a whole life worth of being the person that many companies have relied on to come up with local solutions to problems, and doing the hard work to solve them - on paper, on order, and in the field (I'm really good with sledge hammers, pick axes and drafting tables!)
They constantly lean on me to provide them the skills that far surpass the tiny pittance they pay me. I do so with a smile.
To me, Daz 3d as a company has treated me better than any company I have ever dealt with - even when I'm down and out and broke, they provide me with cool new fun to brighten what's left of the day!
This forum has become my family. It, too, was given to me by Daz 3d - or at least the ability to communicate in this medium, talk about what we're talking about, and share what we share.
I love this place!
Thanks Again Daz 3d and Family!!!
What will your employers do when you retire?
Sound right tossers to me! 
Sooooo... is that Rosie holding the boss's shrunken head... or just her new hair prop?
We appreciate you, Dart.... ever so much!
Looks like you got yourself some great stuff during the sale. The sale was good to me also (or I spent too much money). I picked a lot of items in the PC for a Day sales. Will have to post a few of my goodies so we can compare.
** Your enthusiasm is contagious, Dart. Love seeing your posts.
LOL!!! She's actually holding a copy of her own dynamic (Carrara) hair! :) I just thought it would be fun.
Wow, that is a very early first Second? Third? attempt at making a Genesis 1 Rosie! LOL
Thanks, both of you. And, yes... I'd love to see what you picked up during the sale!
I guess I'm lucky that I don't have any money - I can't blow it all on these wonderful sales!!!
I did get quite a bit more stuff for next to nothing. Will be updating the page when I can.
First I decided to update the new Rosie 567 page and also include my first test render of HH Wyvern on my Dragons page ;)
Some new renders using stuff I've been getting from PC+ Sales
I do my best to include all of the products used in the image in the section below, so if you want to know, clicking on the images should take you to the gallery page where they're posted.
Rocktober's PC+ Anniversary Sale has been quite a Trip!
I can barely believe that I got All this stuff in one month - with almost no money at all!
Here's the page link
My wife and I have been struggling really hard to get by, so it's such a refeshing bit of a thing that this huge event turns around and lets me feel a bit Human!
If you've been following along, Here's a jumper to where I left off last, and it takes us through the end of October. I can't believe how big this page has got!
I was allowed to get a BYOB today, which was quite a score all on its own! I'll likely get to putting that up in the next couple of days if all goes smoothly.
In a couple of months we'll be moving into a low-income housing facility, so I have to figure out what of all my stuff to say goodby to. Such a major bummer.
But Rosie keeps me looking on the bright side, as always.
It's our hope that this will take enough of a load off my shoulders to allow me to get back to creating and hopefully get back into being a Daz 3d PA... but who knows?
On that end I do have some cool things on the bench, but we'll have to wait and see what comes of that.
Anyway, Daz 3d... and that includes this entire community,
Thanks So Much for Everything! This place and all the people in it - my Favorite thing of All... always! Well... right behind my Rosie! ;)
Cheers All!