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shroo ooms!
meshitup and thinking of the dances with wolves scene when he's riding the horse between the armies
how is he not falling off the horse?
I am not happy with my rock giant/monster/elementals so I think I am going to redo them.
Here's the start of another one. :)
Faeries are all Loretta Lorez. I sculpted the fallen log in Blender and modeled and rigged the wings in Carrara. This one is actually pretty close to complete; just some minor fixes and a replicator to add then a final render at higher quality.
I was browsing around online and found some art for Age of Conan that inspired me, so I've started redoing my beholder scene - more on that next weekend hopefully.
I also finished the faerie war image from above(final render and final with post-work are below). I created a couple wavy vertex objects, made them invisible and replicated some glowing spheres onto them to represent the bulk of the battle going on in the distance, while we see the decisive moment up close.
Final scene setup:
Final with postwork:
Terrific work, really like the approach and the feeling of light.
Hey that's a really wonderful piece. Up there with your best. Tell me, the smoke in the distance is a splat? Looks like the real thing.
Here's mine almost finished. The little one is before p ost work. Please click for biggen for both.
Made extensive use of the VWD cloth plugin on the elephants and the capes of some of the soldiers.
little o ne is before post
Head Wax - that looks mighty impressive!
thank you PhilW that's very kind. Carrrara is a great sandbox -as you know.
Wouldn't be without it!
These poses are just superb. Everything else is first rate, but the poses sold me.
Well, I stayed home sick today, so I worked on my beholder battle image from bed and got a surprising amount done. Now the cold medicine is really kicking in though, so I'm going to stop before I start a loopy online shopping spree.
Here's a quick test render of the new setup:
New and imporoved scene setup is attached. The temple is inspired by some Age of Conan concept art I found online and the new story idea is to show a key battle in the war against evil as a handful of brave warriors assault the beholder control underground fortress. I may have played too much D&D in my life.
Love the lighting and the scattered rocks!
plus the lurking figure ;)
we hafta model something?
feel better soonest!
Really great work, Mark, Headwax and Stezza.
Here is my 3rd idea to use my landscapes. This is a slightly different terrain but it uses the same method as described above. However, I wanted a river channel with a steep bluff to put a bridge on. I have rendered out the landscape.which will be put in the scene backdrop. It is the aspect ratio for IMax screening.
For any history fans, it is meant to be one of the middle bridges during Operation Market Garden. I will model some lo-res tanks and planes - and fill the sky with replicated paratroopers.
Recommend the movie A Bridge Too Far.
ready for epic battle naos, unscrambled the uveees
excellent work. does that mean the dynamic hair will work properly on the minotaur's geografted legs?
Nice idea - but as far as I know, the bridge at Arnhem is in the middle of the town (I've been there, admittedly many many years ago). Of course there could be other bridges out in the country.
You are correct, Phil, Arnhem bridge is in the city, as were several other bridges in this campaign. And, I don't think the Germans had to explode Arnhem bridge.
My image is intended to refer to one of the middle bridges that was blown up by the Germans to try to slow down the advance of the British tanks. There were a half dozen significant water obstacles (large rivers and canals), but more smaller ones as well. Although most of the terrain was flat and marshy with a raised causeway, there were a few exceptions that needed to be taken to secure the route, such as Groesbeek Ridge, which was in the 82nd Airborne's sector. The Germans had prepped the bridges with demolition equipment. Some bridges were captured by airborn troops before they could be demolished, but not all - and I don't think the Germans felt the need to explode Arnhem bridge at that time. The tank column was slowed down in part by demolished bridges along "Hell's Highway." The army forces brought equipment to make and repair bridges, but still fell behind schedule. My image will be taking the position that the delays of the tank column caused by the German's bridge demolition was the decisive moment for the operation. This goes to Namtar's rule #3, -The scene must be in the climax of the battle, i mean, no after or before, but the mere critical point of the conflict. I don't think the rule is intended to be thought of strictly, but I do think that exploding the highway bridges was critical. Reasonable people could disagree.
I've never had the chance to tour, but I'd like to one day. Would have been considered bold and brilliant if it had worked,
Here is a preview clip for A Bridge too Far. And the movies would never change history.
I bow to your superior knowledge! My dad always said if you meet someone who fought at Arnhem, raise your hat and buy them a drink. In the days when men wore hats...
Are you serious, lol ?
I'm skipping this one, cuz I would have to model EVERYTHING, I do not have bunch of content like most of you do ...
No need to buy content, I'm just modelling some simple star ships for this one..
Carrarians V Dazonians
If I get it finished .. have intermittent internet and phone since the 16th December so depends wether I can get online to post..
it is working this half hour so far!
Welcome Sonja! I know what the stuf is but have'nt yet done much but play around with replicationg... perhaps I'll be able to figure it out... that's what is so great about these Carrara Challenges... I'm constanly learning new features of Carrara.
I am not participating for this one either due to the same issue. I don't model. I could bodel a sphere but that is cheating.
4.-Participants must model at least one object in modeling room: A gun, a bullet, an arrow, a tank, a soldier, a building, a trash can, etc.
So It was a topic which I had lots of ideas and time but am not participating because of this item.
I have used replicators before so not an issue for that item.
Have a good contest.
stuck. replicate v formation?
trying to think of my favorite ship of all time, between lex and moyra, but they living ships.
ise watching bab5 season1
snows a comin tnite
a bullet is a cylinder with a half sphere attached to one end , not really modelling, just lining up two primitives
diomede thanks for the history lesson, it's great to see the planning stages
@Stezza, not bad for someone with no net ;) good luck with the outage
@MistyMist, I can see an epic battle taking place here - the fall of an archangel perhaps?