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She is the right amount of cute to be a demon.
I like this belt and leggings much better for the Asia-inspired uniforms. The camoflage for the cylon/stormtroopers - is that a procedural or a texture map?
This is coming along really nicely. :)
One suggestion - you might want to turn off "casts shadows" and "receives shadows" on your magic effect objects. Receives shadows may not make a difference because the object's glow will cover it, but your attack ray/beam/blast is currently casting a shadow on the ground which makes it look like a solid object instead of energy.
Wow thanks everyone! Carrara is the first program I have found that is somewhat intuitive as far as modelling goes as well as a couple other things.
MDO2010 thank you I had no idea you could do that.
I was planning on adding more characters so 7 more should be doable, the scene is far too empty right now lol.
Good to know about multi pass as I do use canvasses in Studio for post work. I am far more comfortable doing postwork than anything else as I'm coming more from a 2d background. The idea of melding the 2d and 3d is what got me started in studio to begin with.
Entry Thread now open, please forgive me i couldn't open it yesterday. Thanks all challengers, amazing works you have!
This is, I guess, technically a WIP image, but I'm not sure if this will be a submission. I don't think I've left myself enough space in the composition to include another eight combatants. I might have to rethink this, but I wanted to share the image anyway.
Surface Replicator is used to create the rubblescape, and there's a volumetric cloud in the background to give it a smoky look.
@bytescapes will look awesome with 8 replicated flying craft in the background with blasters blasting.....
my internet is still playing up but I have had time to mess around with model making..
a fish and a sub
this one you have to imagine the story as the conflict starts..
Mind controlling bone fish are attacking the submarine Seaview
when their eyes glow you will be under their control
inside the Seaview which you can't see, Kowalski and the chief are trying to get the sub back in control.. being in the engine room the mind control bone fish have no power over them..
Admiral Nelson and Commander Crane have colapsed on the floor and Chip Morton is wandering around aimlessly ( not sure if that's normal for him )
the sonar beeps are heard in the background... could this be the end!
final render after postwork..
I really like this - great lead character!
Very cool work - I used to love VTTBOTS when I was lad - goodness that is a long long time ago!!
You know, it's funny that you should say that ...
Still not really happy with this, though.
Incidentally, is it permissible under contest rules to use models made previously? The flying craft were things I modeled a while ago for a different image.
OK, I like this version a little better (complete with some wire-frames to show models and replicators).
bytescapes - that's pretty superb, I like the warm colours and the composition - and those craft, you modelled those? You'll be a daz pa soon :)!
Stezza saidath
it is too late,, I have looked at them gah ................. ha ha , never knew you were such a good modeller too.
love the postworked image
Something from me. The cloth on the K4 in front is a n M2 tunic made to fit with VWD cloth plu gin - love that plugin.
All the other characters are M3's with M2 clothes.
The lighting is mainly caustic - I made the building's walls and floor highly reflective then turned off reflections in the render room so it didn't show.
Gives nice splotchy light in places.
Atmospheric haze is carrara fog plus a whole series of planes parrallel to the camera and staggered into thedistance textured with noise in the alhph channel and texture channel - to give broken up light.
This is wip, still to give scars and crooked teeth etc. The replicator replicates some of the Saxons warriors into the distance. There's 8 real ones plus k4.
Please click for big if you want it big.
Oh back story ... This one is Nial of the Nine Hostages running into a little trouble with the local Saxons who were expecting him to be taller. Little do they know Nial is waiting outside on his horse in case he is needed - and that the little fellow is one of his twelve sons.
second image is without post
@Vyusur @PhilW @Headwax
thanks for the compliments.. I think Phil it is showing our age! I also had the hardcover books.. eek
I tried to find a post I made long ago but I think it was in the previous forum or the one before that where I was after a Seaview, someone mentioned to me that I should make my own model... yeah right!
I'm pleased with my efforts, I started it at the beginning of the week it's only taken about 6 years since asking to be confident enough to tackle the project so thanks to whoever it was that suggested I make my own not perfect by any means model.
@bytescapes great machines
I think also I have saxon blood.... could explain a few things
Bytescapes, Headwax, and Stezza. These are all amazing. Bytescapes, I love the characters and it is amazing how quickly you added the airships. Great models! Headwax, your use of older content is always inspiring - really drives home how good textures and shading are just as important as shiny new content.
Stezza, 1 - fantastic. 2 - makes me remember a childhood crush (movie version)
Wow those are really very cool! Looking forward to the time I can model more than a stick and sphere and whonky carrot shaped image lol.
Stezza said
I spent ages modelling in anim8or. Seems like years, and when I found Carrara I still modelled, but gradually I came over to the dark side and started using content - what a relief that was!!! But anim8or taught me the huge value of morphs - as it didnt have IK. It's good to have the grounding though. :)
Diomede wroteth
Thank you, M3 is suprisingly versatile - as you said textures and shading can make anything look good - a neat little displacement map (or normal map) would really enhance the textures too - especially the chain mail in the pic.
I used to dream of her all the time

I always wondered how she fitted into that bottle though...
A little work on this images, added a few scars and crooked teeth etc in post
Head Wax - a terrific image!
I'm in awe of the images by @headwax and @stezza. I particularly love the texture of Head Wax's image (not the textures of the models -- although those contribute -- but the texture of the image as a whole. A very medieval feel. The close-ups are like looking at close-ups of an old master.
It reminds me a bit of a movie I saw a while back, called "Black Death" (starring Sean Bean). The movie itself isn't that great, but what I loved about it was the casting. Sean Bean's soldiers don't look like some bunch of pretty Hollywood extras dirtied up for the occasion: they look like real people of the Middle Ages -- snaggle-toothed, battered and weatherbeaten, each one with a distinctive, very 'non-modern' look. Head Wax's people, who all have their own individual clothing and headgear, are like that.
As for Stezza's modeling -- that's just stunning.
Head Wax, your pictures reminded me of Hieronymus Bosch
Very good... really good renders and modeling folks!
I'm gonna have to get real busy. Been messing with creating one model which progressed but needs a bit more work, see my Modeling Objects in Carrara - Q&A - Come One and All thread on or near the last page, today. It's not close enough to post here yet. Certainly hope I've time in the next few days and replicate it on a terrain then get the render in before entry closes.
No such thing ;)
Just piss her off once... look what happens!
Wow! Fantastic work you all!
Thanks PhilW :) dart and wgdjohn
Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with :) !
bytescapes said:
thank you bytsescapes, that's very kind, it's our job to dirty it up :) - also add a sense of solidity to the 'air' - much like Dart does in his work.
Vyusur said:
hey thanks! he;s one of my favourite artists, always great texture in his work but also something to discover